Bora Bora 1.4

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Three Avengers Movies Later
"Whoop dat ass Tom!" she shouted at the tv. It was Infinity War and they were fighting Thanos on the planet. Spider-Man was jumping through portals made by Dr. Strange. I was trying to distract her from the storm because each time a thunder would happen she would jump. So I would make comments throughout the movies to keep her distracted. Granted though the storm still scares her but she is forgetting about it. So I'm taking in all the comments, jokes and roast. All to just keep her comfotable.

It made me laugh seeing her like this "Das my baby" she said to me

"I know, you said that like ten times" I rolled my eyes

She laughed "Would you ever let him see your face?"

"In a heartbeat bro. I love that man so much" she pressed her hands against her chest.

"Till then I'm stuck with cocky ass niggas" She groaned

"Did Bi see your face?" I asked

She shook her head "No, I knew that it wasn't going to be anything more than that so I didn't"

"Oh so you only show your face if you're in a serious relationship?" I asked

She nodded her head "There's this one guy who seems dope. I'm just not sure yet. I'm putting a lot at risk if I start something with him"

"I understand" I agreed

It got to the part where Peter was about to turn to dust. Jennifer covered her eyes "Melo skip it"

"Are you serious?"

"Deadass. I can't watch this part. It breaks my heart too much. I will literally cry" I laughed and skipped it "Well then the movie basically over then"

I went to click on Endgame. "Okay" she smiled

"Now I have to prepare for another heartbreak" she huffed

"You will be fine" I said and pressed play.

She laughed and watched the movie.

I woke up on the couch to find Jennifer also asleep. It was still storming outside. I grabbed my phone to see it was almost two in the morning. I got a bunch of miss calls from Kendall and texts. Most of the texts asking where Jennifer is at.

I tapped on her leg softly "Nigga if you are hard then get the fuck away from me" she groaned

I couldn't help but laugh "Call Kendall and them. They been blowing my phone up asking where you are at" I said

She groaned and sat up "I was sleeping too good"

She reached over to the table and grabbed her phone to call one of the girls. "Hello?" she asked

I got up to go get me some water. I walked back but stopped at the doorframe "I mean don't you want me to be safe?" she asked

"Okay then so it's not a big deal that I'm here with him Kylie. I walked into the wrong hut and right when I was about to leave we got the call saying we aren't allow to leave" she explained

She signed "Ain't no on trying to fuck anyone. We literally talked, watch movies, then fell asleep. Plus you know I would not do that to Kendall"

Kylie went rambling on and on about something. Jennifer flopped back on the couch and I walked in giving her a water bottle.

"Girl, I'm too tired for this. I'll talk to you when the storm clears. I'm going back to sleep" she told her

"Yeah, alright. Give Stormi a hug for me" she said and hanged up

"That sounded fun" I yawned

She rolled her eyes "Her sister doesn't like something and now she wants me to take orders from them"

She signed "Anyways if they ask, tell them I went to the gift shop when this whole thing clears, because I'm going on a walk."

She stood up "Where you going?"

"To the bedroom" She limped

"Where am I sleeping at?" I asked surprised, because tho was MY room. "On the couch" she giggled

I smacked my lips "Does it look like I want to sleep out here without my mask?" she turned around and faced me

"You can trust me with your secret" I smiled laying my chin on my hand

She rolled her eyes and continued to walk to the bedroom. "Well at least let me get a blanket and pillow" I stood up and walked to the bedroom. I grabbed a pillow and blanket "See you in the morning Elmo" she chuckled

"See you in the morning Jennifer" I laughed

She closed the door and locked it. I threw the pillow on the couch and laid down. I pulled the covers over me and closed my eyes. I heard a really loud thunder and then heard Jennifer scream "Oh hell no!" she yelled running in here the living room with a blanket and pillow

Soon the bedroom door opened and she came out and laid down her blanket on the floor. "Can I lay down out here with you?"

I signed "Fine" I said getting up. "You laid down on the couch, I'll sleep on the floor" I said grabbing my blanket and pillow. She tossed her stuff on there. "Aw look at you being a gentleman" she smiled

She turned the tv on and I saw her mask back on her face "I thought you said you can't sleep with you mask on?"

"Imma let it past for tonight. Till then Imma pray I don't die in my sleep." She got comfortable and grabbed the remote

She put a movie on and I got myself situated and went to bed. "Melo.."

"Jennifer" I said with my eyes still closed.

"Thanks for distracting me from the storm"

I had a small smile. "You're welcome. I better get a mention in your song in repayment" She laughed

"Listen, I gotchu" she laughed

We talked a little more but I could tell she was getting tired. "Goodnight Jennifer"

"Goodnight Elmo" she yawned

I smiled a little and tried to go to sleep myself.

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