LA 1.3

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Next Day

I decided to stay in bed all day today. Not because I'm sad about the game, I still am don't get me wrong. But I got one hell of a hangover, I know I said I wasn't going to drink, but drinks mixed with dancing and music, I just kinda went under a trance. It was fun, but this headache is fucking kill me. I grabbed my phone and went on twitter to see what everyone is saying.

The first one I saw was Zo tweeting to Jennifer "@jenny since you and homeboy done, wanna hop on a track together?👀"

I laughed knowing that that will never happened. I clicked on the tweet seeing that she did reply "@ZO2 i was never with that nigga. but it's a no😘"

I laughed even more but soon stopped because of the instant pain I got in my head. I clicked the retweet button and said "@jenny just give my mans a feature😂"

I put my phone down and headed to take a shower so I could at least get over this headache. I turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. I was scrolling through twitter seeing the memes about the game. Some were funny, most were just annoying. I refreshed my feed trying to see the new ones. But then Jennifer tweeted me back "@melopdip1 make a winning buzzer beater for a chip then🥰"

I was shocked to see that. I saw the comments most of them saying 'violence' and I just turned my phone off to get in the shower. But should I really be shocked? She deadass slapped the fuck out of BI last night. So her being bold... no surprise there.

I finished my shower and stepped out turning the water off. I wrapped the towel around my waist. I grabbed my phone trying to find some music to listen to while I was getting ready. I opened my dresser pulling out some sweats. I got a phone call from Kendall. I signed and picked up the phone "Hello?" I asked

"Aw don't sound too sad about the game" she joked

I laughed a little "You will win a championship game, just not this one" she joked more

"Oh so you got jokes huh?" I laughed

She laughed too "See I knew I could get you to laugh"

I rolled my eyes "What's up?" I asked

"So Kylie and Travis are having a little party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come."

I signed "I got a hangover, and I do not wanna go out today. I just want to stay in my room and sleep"

She groaned "This is why you don't get drunk"she whined

I laughed "Maybe, next time. Till then I am staying in my bed"

"Fine" she huffed

"Aw don't be sad, you can come over tomorrow" I told her

"Deal" she said

We said bye and hanged up. A little catch up. Kendall and I been talking for like a year. She wants a relationship but throughout that year, she would ghost me going to talk to to her ex. So I don't want one because at some point she will ghost. I'm just waiting so that I can officially end things with us.

I walked downstairs to go get a glass of water and some Advil. When I got to the kitchen I opened the medicine cabinet grabbing the pill bottle. I opened it to take out two then got me a water bottle out of the fridge. I swallowed the pills and took a drink of my water. After putting thr pill bottle up Zo started to call me "Y'all gave me a hangover, I don't want to be around you" I told him

"Hey, you were the one who wanted to take shots. Don't blame us" he laughed

I rolled my eyes "Did Ingram recover from that slap?"

He laughed making me laugh "Mans still refuse to talk about it" I laughed more "30 seconds. Damn, my respect for him shot wayyyyy down" I said

"After what she did to him, I'm sure everyone's respect shot down"

We talked a few about our plans for the summer. He wanted to go to Bora Bora with some friends. I was down. "And when do we plan on doing this trip?" I asked

"In like mid June"

"I can't, remember? I got that basketball camp I'm helping out with" I reminded him

He signed "Okay we will figure something out"

"What my niece doing?" I asked

"She bored. Need a cousin or something" I laughed "Well good luck talking to Gelo about that"

"Come on man, you and I both know Kendall will fold to having your baby"

"The thing is I don't want her to have my baby" I responded

"You not understanding that part" he laughed "If you want her to play with someone then get her another sibling. You and D already do your thing. Just slip up" I joked

"Next topic" he laughed

"Anyways, I'll see what I can do about the trip, but it's most likely that I am going to be at this camp" I explained

"Well then I will see if I can move it to when you are done with the whole camp thing. Till then don't worry about it"


"Imma get off, Zoey is getting into stuff in the kitchen. Lil bad- Zoey don't chase the dog with the fork!" He yelled making me laugh

"Alright bye" he told me

"Put the fork down" I heard and then the call ended. She is so bad, you cannot tell me different. One time when I was watching her she started to tackle me, for no apparent reason. She may be small but she can do a lot. Pulled my hair and shit. Badass. If I ever have a child like that, ion want it any more.

I grabbed a quick snack and went back upstairs to lay down in my bed for the rest of the day. My favorite part of off season. First day always staying in bed the first day.

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