LA 5.1

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9 Months Pregnant (January)
It was around 12:30 in the afternoon. I was getting my stuff ready for today's game. "Melo I'm gonna fuck you up!" I heard Mackenzie yell

I laughed a little while I kept on packing "What did I do this time?" I shouted

She came in my room "Where is my blanket?" she asked

"I put it in the washer" I said

She crossed her arms "Well a warning would have been nice, I was about to take a bomb ass nap and now I gotta use some scruffy blanket" she huffed

I laughed more seeing her upset over this "Man this ain't funny, I thought I lost that blanket" she said and stomped her foot on the ground, which made me laugh even more

She started to walk out and I ran after her "Okay I'm done" I let out a few laughs.

She looked at me "Come on you know I can't take really take serious anyways"

She pointed at me "But you seem real comfortable laughing at me when I'm pregnant"

I moved her finger "I always laugh at you. Pregnant or not" She squinted her eyes at me "But you seem more comfortable laughing at me more while I'm pregnant"
I tilted my head "You done?"

She hit my arm "Seee"

I laughed "Better take me serious when I say I am having contractions or your ass gonna get pushed down the stairs" she huffed walking downstairs

"See why do you gotta be violent. All this anger you channeling gonna make my kids be little demons when they born"

Mackenzie flipped me off "Don't talk about my babies like that. I'll stab you in your throat"

I laughed walking back to my room "All that over a damn blanket" I shouted

"I hope you break your ankle at this game!" she shouted. I went downstairs and when I walked to the living room she saw me then stood up laughing "Aye chill" she said backing up

I walked over to her "Nah you wanna wish that on me" I said trying to grab her arms to throw her on the couch to tickle her but she kept hitting my hand away.

"I was kidding" she said wobbling to the other side of the table so I can't grab her.

I tilted my head a little to show her I don't believe her "Melo it's hormones, come on you know I say shit I don't mean"

I shook my head in amusement "After these babies are born you cannot use the excuse anymore" I said sitting on the couch

She walked over to me and I helped her sit down "Oh please, I got hundreds of more excuses to why I talk shit to you" she smiled.

I rolled my eyes "Don't roll your eyes at me, you talk shit to me all the time too"

"Like when I had those practice contractions. You just couldn't shut your mouth for shit"

"Yeah, but I wasn't talking shit"

She looked at me. I put my hand on her stomach "Yo momma just tryna flip it around on me" I told the babies

I felt a kick and smiled "They still kicking the hell out of you?" I asked

She nodded her head "These damn babies already getting on my nerves and they haven't even been born yet" She said

"This is your fault" she scolded

I chuckled out of amusement because she always says that. She grabbed the remote and pushed me "Go get ready for your game. I'm not trying to hear your mouth saying it was my fault you were late"

I laughed and stood up going to my room to pack.

It was 3rd quarter of the game against the Bucks. We had a lead but the Bucks were starting to catch up. After I pulled up a three making it their coach called time out. We all sat down getting our drinks of water or gatorade's. While coach was going through the next play I looked over seeing Zo here and he was on the phone. I looked back at coach and saw what we had to do.

We all got up did our break and went out by the court. I looked over seeing Zo still on the phone and soon his eyes widened. I got the ball and dribbled down the court. We did our play having Lebron doing a dunk.

Soon we heard the buzzer and saw Kyle coming in "You're out" he told me

"I'm out?" I asked confused

He nodded his head and I jogged over to coach "You gonna put Kuzma in for me? I just laid down five threes" I complained

He pointed over to Zo "You got a phone call. They said it's an emergency" He gave me a shove to that direction.

I walked over to Zo and he handed me the phone. I covered my other ear walking down the tunnel "Hello?" I asked

"Heyyyyy" I heard Mackenzie sing

"You better be in labor if you calling me during the game" I said

I heard her smack her lips "Well fuck you bitch, I am in labor but go back to your little game you little fu-" She cut herself off with a small scream.

My eyes widened "Are you serious?"

"Bitch did you not hear me just scream?" she groaned

"We are on our way to the hospital" she breathed out

"Okay I'm on my way" She hanged up

I gave the phone to Zo and ran to the locker room. I put my clothes on and grabbed all my stuff. Now all of a sudden I don't know how to pack.

Finally I got all my stuff and met Zo in the tunnel. "She just texted me saying that dad and mom are taking her to the hospital"

We both headed out to our cars. I started my car and called Mackenzie "No fuck you for answering the phone with a attitude. Fuck you and that game, I hope you lose, that's why Ginnais dunked on your lanky ass. I hope he dunk on Lebron ass too. " she huffed

"Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't actually think you were in labor."

"Bitch I'm 9 months pregnant. What did you expect? Did you expect me to call for some bullshit" I heard some laughter in the background. Knowing it was momma and dad.

"Okay stop calling me out my name" I told her

"Tell me what to do again. I'll hang up" she threatened.

Before I could say anything she let out a groan. "Fuck"

"Okay clean slate. Ion wanna argue, these contractions hurt too much to argue. Sorry"

"I'm sorry, now just breathe. I'll be there in like 20 minutes" I told her

She took a deep breath "Okay I'll see you soon"

She hung up and I started to speed up a little more.

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