LA 2.8

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Two Days Later
I woke up to some sounds coming from Mackenzie's hotel bathroom. I got up and looked at my phone seeing it was 3 in the morning. Her flight doesn't leave till noon. So I don't know why she would be up.

I walked over to the closed bathroom hearing, I'm guessing her rattle through stuff. I opened the door a little seeing her through the mirror looking through the blue bag. "Where the fuck did I put them?" She whispered

I opened the door "Put what?" I asked

She looked at me "Uh, nothing. Just looking for something to help me sleep" she said

I walked to her and grabbed the bag. I looked in it not seeing makeup but other stuff. I looked at her "This isn't the makeup bag" I said

"Plus why would you need makeup at three in the morning?"

She didn't say anything "What are you doing?" I asked putting the bag down.

"Just looking for something to help me sleep" she shrugged

"Are you lying to me?"

She shook her head no "Go back to bed, I'll be in there in a second" she said.

She couldn't be looking for the bars. I watch her throw all them away the next day after I found the other bag. So she can't really be looking for them. But she is acting weird. She has been for the past few days.

"Go back to bed Melo" she said looking through the blue bag again.

"Tell me what you are looking for" I said. She signed "I told you, something to help me sleep."

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Because I'm having nightmares" she said "Damn, I just need it to help me sleep"

"What is 'it' exactly?" I asked

She tossed the blue bag onto the counter and looked at me "Melo you're getting on my nerves. Asking too many damn questions this early"

She groaned and went back to the room and went to her bag she packed the other day for when she was coming to my place. She went and started to look through it. I turned on the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed. "Oh my god" she quietly groan

"If you would tell me what you're looking for, I can help you find it" I said

"I'm fine"

I signed "Just one, I just need one" she mumbled

I walked over to her and grabbed the bag. She tried to grab it back but I dumped everything out of the bag onto the floor. I saw a small bag filled with bars. I picked it up showing her "This?" I asked

She stayed quiet "I thought you threw all these away. I watched you" I said


"Did you get more? Or have a stash?"

"I didn't pack those with me last week. Those were still at the hotel"

"But you still got them. You told me that was all of them when you threw the others away" I said

"You lied to me?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat "Why?"

Still nothing "Hello? What you can't speak all of a sudden? You always got something to say, now you don't?"


"What? You what?" I asked

"I just had those for safe keeping to help me calm down" she said

"So you never really stop using like you told me?" I asked. She shook her head no.

I scoffed and tossed the baggie to her and grabbed my shirt and jacket "Where are you going?"

"Home" I said putting my clothes back on. I grabbed my keys and phone. I started to head out "Melo don't leave like this"

I kept walking until she grabbed my arm "Talk to me"

"I tried to talk to you" I said looking at her. I took my arm out of her grip "I tried to help you, I tried to get you to talk to me. I tried"

"But you kept lying to me"

"So what am I suppose to do? Huh? Stay and watch you destroy yourself?"

She took a deep breath "This ain't you Mackenzie. The Mackenzie I know talked to me, she would tell me how she felt, she didn't go to this"

"She tried"

"Melo I did try" she said

"I tried to talk, I tried to not turn to those. But the pain hurts so bad that I couldn't take it." I saw her eyes well up "You didn't grow up with my life. You had a family, parents who loved you, siblings who stayed alive. You didn't live in a bad neighborhood, you didn't have to hear gunshots almost every night. You didn't have to hide under your blankets every night with your brother there to try to protect you wondering if your father was going to come in your room and hit you"

She wiped her eyes "You had a family. I didn't. I lost my best friend at age of seven. I lost someone who felt like my own child just two months ago"

"You don't know this type of pain, you don't know the feeling of losing both of your siblings and being lonely"

"I tried and tried to not take a bar, but after Jordan. It just hurt so much"

"I wish you never go through this pain but you don't know the actual pain I feel when I think about her. You are not crying every night about her."

"So what do I do?"

"You don't go to drugs" I answered "Talk to someone Mackenzie. Go see a therapist, you have trauma. You are hurt and in pain. Talk to someone"

"I talk to you"

I shook my head no "No you don't, if you did then you wouldn't be using again" I said

"So you must have been holding stuff back if you were still able to use again"

"I'm serious this time Mackenzie. Stop using and see someone or I'm done"

Her eyes widen "What?"

"Stop using and get help or I'm done"

"Because I cannot watch you just throw your life away without me helping or you getting help"

She sat down on the couch. I sat down next to her "You would just leave like that?" she asked

"I love you-"

"Then you wouldn't threaten to leave"

"I don't want to watch you throw your life away" I said

She looked at me "I love you, but I cannot stand by your side if you are gonna keep doing this"

"Melo.. you know I love you"

I signed "Hell we talked about kids, marriage even" she said "You would throw all that away because of some small lies?"

"These are not small lies" I said

She wiped her cheek "You told me I was the right person last night"

That one hit me. Fuck, all of this is hitting me. "Yeah, I did"

"But my right person was the one I met in Bora. This isn't her" I said

I stood up and headed out. "Melo"

I looked back at her. She stood up "If you walk out that door. We are done. For good"

I took a deep breath to try to contain myself. "I'm not gonna standby and watch you throw your life away and not get help" I told her

I opened the door and headed out.

a/n: i'm sorryyyyy

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