LA 4.3

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Mackenzie's POV
Okay so like I've been acting real bitchy to Melo. My hormones are really testing him right now. But recently I've seen him more stress and tired. He is constantly working out for the next season and doing interviews then here I am with his child asking him to do things for me every hour.

So I feel bad, I plan on getting him a few things. A PS5 for example. When we were dating we got in a real big fight one time. We went to the club and a guy was all up on me at the bar while I was trying to get our drinks and a girl was all up on him. Let's just say when we got back to his house we accused each other of stuff and I broke his old PS5 because I was mad. He hasn't gotten a new one because he always talks shit on how I owe him a new one, but with him stressed so much lately he has forgotten about it. 

Also I got the dent in his Lambo fix, then tonight while he is out training with Zo I am going to make him his favorite food he like of mine. Tacos.

So right now I was in my room and gathered all my things. I grabbed my purse and mask and headed to Melo's room. I knocked on it softly "Yeah?" he groaned

I opened the door and saw he was sleeping on his bed. I walked over to him "I'm guessing you want me to get you some of the Mexican food?" he asked looking up at me while he wrapped his arms around his pillow laying on his front side.

I shook my head no laughing a little "Kylie wants some help with the baby shower so I am going to head over there"

He raised an eyebrow "The baby shower isn't till three weeks" he told me

"Okay and? Cannot I not have shit prepared for my baby?" I asked. He laughed a little "How long are you going to be out, because I am leaving in about an hour to workout with Zo"

"I won't be long. Probably an hour or two" I lied

He stretched "Well let me give you a ride then" That's when it hit me that I didn't have a ride at the time. "No you don't have to do that" I said

He looked at me "Well I'm not finna let you drive my cars" he told me

I laughed "Melo come on, what happened to the Lambo was an accident I wasn't expecting that turn to be so wide"

He shook his head no "Either I give you a ride or she gonna have to pick you up"

I signed "Melo come on, let me drive one of yo cars" I said

"Nope, not happening" he said "You're pregnant, you shouldn't be driving those cars anyways" he scoffed

I raised an eyebrow at him. Guess Imma have to fake a hormonal breakdown "So how did this go from me getting a dent in your car to me being pregnant?" I asked trying to seem kinda pissed off

"Because what if you hit something again? You risk hurting you or the baby" he stated. Damn, I can't do this if he gonna be right.

I motioned my hands "But I don't feel that's how you implied it." Guess Imma have to do some bogus ass excuse for this

He raised an eyebrow at me "What do you think I meant?"

"That pregnant women have to drive in certain cars. How come I can't drive those types of cars? I am at the same risk of hitting something just as I am if I drive a luxury car" I stated

Now he is starting to become uneasy. "Mackenzie, I am not going to let you drive in those cars while carrying our child" he said "So what I'm just not suppose to drive at all!" I semi yelled


"What you want me to leave the house whenever you please so that the only time I can do what I want is whenever you feel like it?" Man the way he looks, I deserve a fucking Oscar

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