LA 4.10

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We finally made it back to the house and she already finished her food. We got out and walked up to the front door. I unlocked it after Gelo already locked it. I gave him the spare the other day so that's how they were able to get in the house. "Okay but if you skipped practice would you be in that big of trouble?" she asked me

I insert the key into the lock "Yes, I will get fined" I laughed a little.

"You're rich, you can pay it off" she scoffed

I laughed "You will be okay" I said opening the door. She walked in and headed to the living room where she saw the "at home movie theater" set up. "What the hell?" she asked confused

Soon everyone jumped out of their hiding spots yelling surprise. Mackenzie jumped and laughed a little "Yooo what the hell is going on?" she asked

Everyone went over to her "It's your birthday. So we all planned on doing a movie day with you for your birthday" I explained

"Aw you guys" she said looking around. They all gave her hugs and then I look at the time seeing I need to head out. "You guys are the best"

"You guys have fun, I'll see you in a few hours" I said 

I grabbed my stuff out of my room. When I headed downstairs Mackenzie was waiting for me by the door. "So the whole time you knew they were going to surprise me?" she asked.

I nodded my head "I'll take you out for dinner tomorrow" I smiled at heK

She smiled and gave me a hug "Thank you" 

I gave her a hug back "Of course"

She pulled back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and she let me go "Okay you are gonna be late" she said

"Have fun, I'll be back hopefully soon" I told her

She opened the door and I hurried to the car, because I was actually about to be late.

After practice I was heading home when I got a text from Mackenzie "You got a message from Baby Momma"

I pressed the read button and it said "Since you and Kylie wanna continue this childish beef and not give each other your numbers. I gotta play messenger and tell yo ass to stop by her place and get my present she forgot"

I laughed at the message and called her. She answered saying "I am going to send you her number, because who finna play messenger with you two? Not I" she said

I laughed "Well do you at least know where the present is at?" I asked

She stayed quiet "Kylie where is the present?" she asked her

Kylie told her something "Okay she said it's in the guest room. She said one of her sisters are at her house to pick up an outfit. She will tell them to let you in" she explained

"For someone who doesn't want to play messenger, you are doing one hell of a job at it" I teased

"Nigga get my present" I laughed "Okay, I'm making the turn to her house now" I told her

She hanged up and I made the right turn to go to her house. I know where she lives because I use to drop Mackenzie off here a lot before she got her car. And last year when she would stay at my house she would go back to Kylie's house.

Soon enough I finally got to her house. I got out the car and ran up to the front door then knocked on it. I heard heels from inside coming closer to the door. When the door opened it was Kendall. You got to be kidding me

"Kylie said you would be stopping by" she said

I walked past her "Hi to you too" she said

"I'm just here to get a present" I said walking upstairs. When I got to the top I realize this girl got several rooms. Its gonna take me a few to find the present. God I hope it ain't a big one either. 

I started to look around in all the guest rooms and it wasn't in any of them. "Can't find it?" Kendall asked me

I looked at her "Are you playing with me right now?" I asked

"Oh he speaks" she laughed a little

I signed "Kendall, I don't got time for this. I need to go back home for this party" I told her

She didn't say anything but look at me. "Alright I will just call Mackenzie" I said pulling out my phone.

I called Mackenzie and she answered "Don't hate me"

I signed "What?" I asked

"The present was actually in her car" she said

I groaned "I'm sorry" she said

"It's cool, I'm on my way then" I said

"Okay, we will be waiting" she said and hanged up.

I signed and put my phone down "I gotta head home" I said walking past her. 

I got to the front door trying to leave here quickly because I got a feeling she is up to something. "Melo" she shouted

I looked at her coming down the stairs "You forgot your phone" she said

She came up to me and I grabbed it "Thank you" I said

She pulled me to her smashing her lips on mine. I placed my hands on her shoulder pushing her away softly so that she doesn't some up with some crazy idea saying I hurt her.

"No" I told her

"I-I'm sorry" she said looking down

I signed. Fuck.. Fuck... FUCK.

"I gotta go" I said

I walked to my car trying to get whatever just happened out of my head. When I got to my car I got in and started to drive back home. How do I tell Mackenzie about this? I don't want to stress her out about this, but we aren't even together, but she does know I want to be with her.

a/n: deadass though should he tell her?

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