Bora Bora 1.5

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I woke up to hear some music. I looked over seeing Jennifer nodding her head on her phone listening to music with her mask on. I laid there for a second watching her trying to do something... figure out lyrics? Yeah, she was typing here and there so she might be writing a song. I pulled the pillow from beneath my head and threw it at her. It hit her head making her fall on the couch having me laugh my ass off. Even though I was laughing hard, it made my abdomen hurt because when she kicked me last night.

I sat up and my vision seemed a little blurry. I saw her get up and throw the pillow back at me. When she saw my face she brought her hands to cover her mask with a gasp and her eyes widen "Is it that bad?" I asked

She pulled her hands down "I am. So. Sorry" she laughed

I stood up and walked to the bedroom then to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My eye was kinda swollen and it was red all around. "Damn Jennifer"

She walked in and I faced her "I'm so sorry." She came up to me and cupped my face "Were you wearing rings or something?"

She let out a small chuckle. She let my face go "Damn you all bruised up" she said and ran her hand against my stomach

I looked down seeing a little bruise. "Everyone gonna think I got beat up"

"Hey tell them Jennifer whooped your ass" She shrugged

I gave her a look and she held her hands up "Okay"

"What were you even doing in there?" I asked looking in the mirror


"Got anything so far?"

"A little sum sum" she laughed doing a dance

I laughed and leaned against the counter "You ready to face the wrath of Kylie and Kendall?" I joked

She rolled her eyes "Mane, I came here to have fun. If Kendall gonna be a bitch because you dumped her then I'm gonna fly my ass back home" she laughed

"I didn't dump her. I just ended things" I shrugged crossing my arms

"Same meaning, different wording" she sassed

"Okay Miss. College Girl" I laughed

Jennifer leaned against the counter too "But I did enjoy last night. It was fun"

I smiled "It was. I'm glad the storm over. Ion think I can handle you screaming anymore" I rubbed my ear teasingly and she laughed

"Oh stop it, you enjoy my presence"

"How long are you staying here?" I asked

"For a week. You?"

"Week, then I head back to New Orleans to go to Jordan's game" I explained

She nodded her head "Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out a little bit before we head out"

She shrugged her shoulders "I'm down. But you gonna be the one to deal with Kendall. Cause who finna hear her mouth?"

I laughed "Not I" she shook her head

"Just say you are going out" I shrugged

She looked at me "Always works with my brothers"

She chuckled a little "Okay. Well when?"

"Later on tonight." I said

"All of us are going to dinner, join us"

I could tell she was smiling "Deal" she said

She signed "Well I better go get ready then." She walked out

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