LA 4.1

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One Month Later (July)
"Lafrance, if you do not get off me, I am going to kill you" Mackenzie threatened

I signed and got off her. She had a sign of relief "It's one thing to have a one person on my bladder, it's another to have two people" she said standing up

"What I can't love my son?" she mugged me "Bitch it's a girl" I mugged her back because the only name she calls me out of mine is 'nigga' so her calling me bitch made me feel some type of way.

"I got yo bitch in my trunk" she laughed and walked to the bathroom. "We both know I could still whoop yo ass still pregnant" she yelled

I paused the movie since she didn't want to miss anything because she has been wanting to watch it for a while.

I heard her come back in "Belly headass" I whispered

She sat down and hit me with a pillow "You know how I am about that" she groaned

I wrapped my arms around her "I'm sorry, I was just tryna joke with you" I said "Well joking about about my appearance while being pregnant is off the table" she pushed me off.

Her hormones are literally all over the place. I have no idea how to respond to her when she yells, cries, laughs at me. Like her calling me out my name. It's like a every minute thing now. And her ass know how much I hate being called out my name. But I can't do or say anything because of her damn hormones. "Okay deal" I said not wanting to ignite the fire

She grabbed the remote and pressed play "I'm hungry" she said

I looked at her "You just ate my whole fridge" I said not literally meaning it. She squinted her eyes at me "You calling me fat?"

I see how I set myself up for that one. "no.." I replied hoping she doesn't punch my arm. Last time when she thought I was calling her fat, she punched me in my arm so hard I got a big ass purple bruise. Guarantee that the next one is gonna be at my eye. We all know how that went.

"Okay" she said

"Can you order some chick-fil-a?"

"I swear, you and this chick-fil-a" I said picking up my phone to make the order.

She smiled at me "Thank youuu"

After I placed her order I put my phone down and sat back on the couch. "How did your family react to the baby news?"

I shrugged my shoulders while laughing a little "Zo was pumped because Zoey was gonna have someone around her age. Gelo wouldn't stop making jokes" I rolled my eyes. I placed my hand on her stomach to rub it. She smiled a little

"Parents?" she asked

"I mean, like I said, they also thought it was early in my life to have a baby. They just kinda hoped I waited a little bit longer. Other than that they are happy for us" I smiled

She smiled. My parents love her. They don't care what she does or about her music or any of that. They just love her for her. She loves them too. She is really close to my parents more than my brothers. I mean, she still hangs out my brothers and all, but she really enjoys talking to my parents a lot. Especially dad, because they always wanna flame my ass.

"Mom wants to know when the baby shower is though" I said while watching the movie

She gasped "I didn't even think about that"

She grabbed her phone "Oh my god I gotta call Kylie." I looked at her. "I thought you guys weren't cool"

"I'm not cool with Kendall. Kylie and I are just fine. If her sister can get back with her baby daddy after making out with her bestie then she isn't gonna really care about me" she shrugged

"Granted though all of her sisters beside Kourtney hate my guts know, because I caused Kendall to get jaw surgery"

My eyes widened "Jaw surgery?" I asked

She nodded her head "Come at my siblings, all bets off. And watch, if someone say some shit about my baby, they gonna be clinging to life" she said

She stood up "You cannot complain to me not giving you belly rubs when all you do is literally get up and leave when I do" I told her

She pulled her phone to her ear and flipped me off "Your child is always on my bladder you fuck" she said.

"You got one more time to call me out my name Mackenzie. One more time. Because these hormones doing a number on you" I said

She shoved my head and walked out the room. I threw the pillow next to me at her and she kept walking away flipping me off.

a/n: just a quick one before i go to bed. enjoyyyy

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