Atlanta 2.3

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We finally arrived. Mackenzie kept trying to go to her parents house now but I had to remind her several times we had to wait. "She said at the game" I told her

We were at the hotel room now "Melo I'm not risking her getting hurt more. I'm going to get her now" she explained

"Jen- Mackenzie you have to listen to her. Your parents could pull something and your dad could actually hurt her then" I explained

"I can't just sit here knowing she is in pain without my help" she yelled

"I understand, but for this to work we have to wait till later" I told her

She started to breathe heavy "Melo she is my little sister. I'm scared" she said

I pulled her to me "I know, I'm scared too, but we have to play this right" I explained

She cried a little and I tried to comfort her. Soon enough she fell asleep. I couldn't really sleep much. This whole thing is fucking with me right now.

We woke up and it was a few hours before the game. I called Jordan to see if Jordan was okay. "Momma I told you it's Melo" she said letting me know she is with her parents

"Hey hey heyyy superstar" I played

"Wassup Melo" she groaned

"So I got a surprise for you" I tried to seem excited

"You got me some Jordan's?" she joked

I laughed "No, I'm in your city to watch your game today" I explained

"Oh that's dope, but I told you I can't play" she said

"Oh yeahhhh" I groaned

"But I'm still able to go and support the team. I just can't play" she said

"I'll save you a spot next to me" she added

"Ight deal. See you then" I said

"Aight bye" she said and hanged up.

Mackenzie signed "So far so good" she said

She has been a mess with this whole thing. I grabbed her hand and kissed it "It will work out" I told her

"I hope so" she said

I was at the game and I caught Jordan sitting down in a chair. I went over to her and sat next to her. She had a hoodie and sweats on. "Is Mack with you?" she asked still watching her team

"She didn't know if your parents were here or not" I explained

"Valid point" she shrugged

I looked at her and saw a bruise on her hand. "Can you walk?" I asked

"How do you think I got here?" she chuckled

"I'm just really tired. More like exhausted" she said. She still looked like she was breathing heavy "Are you okay though?"

She nodded her head "Yeah, I just have no energy left in me" she explained. That kinda worried me "But it's only a few till I see Mack, so I'll be okay soon" she smiled

"Why didn't your parents come?"

She waved her hand "They don't care" she said

"As long as I hide the bruises they don't care about me" she said

She groaned "Man, I'm so tired"

"When's the last time you slept?"

"A few days ago. Daddy wouldn't stop yelling." she explained

I threw my arm over her softly "Don't worry, we'll get you out of there" I said

Once the game was over her couch came up to us "Get that hip checked out. We miss you out on the floor" he said to her

"Yes sir" she smiled at him.

He headed out and I stood up with her following me. She almost fell but I caught her "You good?" I asked trying to gain contact.

She nodded her head "Just got a little light headed." she said blinking a lot

"Do you need o go to the hospital?" I asked. She shook her head no "I just got a little lightheaded. I'm fine"

I helped her walk out to the car and once we go there Mackenzie got out running to her. Jordan tried to run but groaned. Once they hugged each other they both cried their eyes out. "I've missed you so much Jordan" Mackenzie told her crying. She tried to not hug her so tight

"I've missed you more Mack" Jordan breathed out.

She pulled back and wiped her eyes "It's all good now. We are gonna go and get things straighten out so you can live with me" she smiled at her while wiping her eyes

Jordan cried hearing that. "It's gonna be alright" Mackenzie pulled Jordan to her and held her a little. "I'm gonna take care of you and we are gonna have a blast together" she laughed a little

"You're gonna travel with me, going to come with me to LA to see Melo. Everything is going o be just fine" she told her

We all walked to the car and Mackenzie was going to drive. They talked a few on our way to wherever. Mackenzie was so happy to finally get her sister back. Jordan was so tired she was about to fall asleep. She was slurring her words and everything trying to keep her eyes open.

Soon we pulled up to the police station. Mackenzie put the car in park and turned around to Jordan "Mack-"

"I know you're scared" she said

Jordan looked at her. You could tell she was scared. "Trust me I was in the same position as you are in" she said

She held her hand out and Jordan took it "But I want what's best for you. All you need to do it go in there and tell the truth. I'm right by your side. Not behind you, but beside you" she said

Jordan nodded her head "I love you more than life itself Jordan. I'm willing to take a bullet for you. I just want you to be safe and happy" she explained

Jordan nodded her head and took a deep breath "Okay" she said

Mackenzie turned the car off and we all got out. While we were walking Jordan couldn't stop stumbling. "Jordan are you okay?" I asked

"Mack.." she breathed out

We both stopped walking and looked at her "I don't feel good" she said

Mackenzie looked at her seeing her eyes flutter "What's wrong?" she asked

"I feel.. drained" she said

Soon Jordan fell backwards and I caught her "Jordan!" Mackenzie yelled

We kept saying her name over and over trying to wake her up. Some police officers came out to help and they called an ambulance. "Jordan, sissy please wake up" Mackenzie cried

"Hey kid, come on wake up" I told her

This can't be happening. I felt my heart racing and my eyes welling up. "Jordan come on." Mackenzie kept trying to talks to her

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