Baton Rouge 2.1

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Two Days After the Funeral
We went back to her house since she decided to go to school instead of focusing on music right now. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked helping her to the couch

She shook her head no "No thank you" she said

I sat down next to her and she laid her head on me. I rubbed the outside of her thigh with my thumb "Hungry?"

She shook her head no again "You have to eat baby"

"I just want to lay down" she pulled her legs up to her chest "Can we just lay down till I go back to school?"

"You go back in two weeks." I said

"Seee look, perfect timing to do nothing but lay down" she joked softly

I chuckled a little and gave her head a kiss "When do you have to go back to LA?"

I signed "I told coach Imma need a few, but he wants me back soon"

"Selfish ass" she told me making me laugh.

"You know how happy she got when you told her you would get her court side tickets to the game?" she asked me. I smiled thinking about that FaceTime call I had with Jordan. I told her to get 13 rebounds and I'll get her court side tickets. She ended up getting 15 rebounds that game. No matter what if you gave her a number, she did more. And that's what I loved about her work ethic. Always did more than what she could.

I wiped my eyes thinking about it "She couldn't wait to call me after that game" I sniffled feeling myself about to cry.

I tried to regain myself "So do you think you will transfer?" I asked

She shrugged her shoulders "It was a good idea when we thought we were gonna take Jordan home. Now, it just seems kinda worthless" she said

"Well just know the option is always up" I told her

She nodded her head "Okay"

She hasn't been the same. Which is understandable, she just lost another sibling, her little sister. She was so close to helping her out and then she lost her. Mackenzie hasn't been eating or sleeping much. Always trapped in her mind about this whole thing. I try my best to help her but it's hard when I'm sad as well. I always catch myself crying when I think about Jordan and I feel bad because Mackenzie needs someone right now. So I try not to cry around her, but sometimes it gets the best of me.

"How about a movie?"

I grabbed the remote "Can we watch WandaVision? I heard it's good" she said

"Marvel, of course you would pick that" I chuckled

She laughed a little. I put it on, hopefully she can feel better after watching this.

We binged the whole show. She didn't yell at the tv like she usually does, but she showed emotion. "I shoulda know she was going to have twins" she giggled. It was good to hear her giggle and actually mean it

"And how she gonna recast my baby Pietro?" she asked. I looked at her "Chill on that baby shit" I told her

"Only nigga you need to be calling baby is me" I scoffed and threw some popcorn at her.

She threw some popcorn at me and I rolled my eyes picking it up and eating it "And if the kids are actually hers then who's the dad cause Vison is dead" she added

"Plus, why didn't she bring her brother back to life when she did the same for Vison. Like damn" she sassed

"Hell if it was me I woulda brought back both-" She cut herself off reminding herself of what's going on in her life. It was like she was in a world she didn't know about her siblings but once she mentioned them, she went back to reality.

I held her hand "It's okay" I told her

She did what she did when we got here. Quiet. She wrapped her arms around me and laid down on me. "I really miss her Melo" she said about to cry.

I gave her head a kiss "I know you do. I miss her too" I said

I tried to comforter while she cried some more. She calmed down and started to hum the Jennifer song softly. When she fell asleep, I picked her up and took her to her room. I laid her down on the bed and grabbed a folded blanket on her bed putting it over her.

I walked back downstairs to clean up the living room and the popcorn on the coach. I looked outside seeing its about to storm. I know for sure there is going to be thunder.

I tried to clean up quickly. Once I finished I heard a thunder. I went to head upstairs already seeing Mackenzie at the top of the stairs. "I'm comin, I'm comin" I said making her laugh a little

I got the the top and walked with her to her room. We both laid down on the bed and she laid her head on my chest and I put my hand on her back "My big babeyyy" I told her hugging her

"Chill nigga" she laughed

I laughed more and grabbed the remote to put a movie on.

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