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Self Harm
Eating disorders
Anxiety & Depression

*All Harry Potter characters belong to J. k. Rowling. *


It had been a tough few months for the 5th years at Hogwarts. Yet another defence against the dark arts teacher had to leave and most had failed their Christmas exams. As they packed themselves back into the great hall after the Christmas Holidays, excited to start afresh in January, one face seemed duller than the rest.

It may of been tough for the whole year group, but for Evelyn it had only gotten worse. The day she was due to travel back on the Hogwarts Express to spend Christmas at home was the day her family had been killed in a magic display gone terribly wrong. Of course, those involved had earned themselves a one way ticket to Azkaban and the ministry had imposed a ban on unauthorised Magic displays but it didn't help the grieving. Those two weeks that Evelyn had to spend at Hogwarts over Christmas were the loneliest of her life. She didn't write to her friends, she didn't get up to eat, in fact, she didn't get up at all. Only lay there alone in her dormitory, wishing for the pain to stop.

Evelyn POV

I watched everyone arrive in their robes and the pile into the hall for the start of term announcements. My friends chattered away about how much fun they had over Christmas but I couldn't speak. I sat and listened but I could barely curl the corner of my lips into a tiny smile. As Dumbledore did his usual announcements and the feast appeared in front of us, I got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" A shout came from Draco but I couldn't face this tonight.

"I'm not hungry, i must be coming down with something I'm going to go and lie down" I called across to him and all of my friends turned back to their conversations.

I hurried down the hall and slid into Moaning Myrtles bathroom. As I hid in one of the cubicles I sighed deeply. What was I still doing here? What was the purpose of me even being alive? My whole family taken from me and the only thing I have is catching up on failed exams. I did the only thing I knew how to relieve the pain. I took the small razor blade I had tucked into the pocket of my robes and drew red lines across my already littered arms. I went numb and cleaned myself up before going back to my dormitory.

Snapes POV

I watched them all filter in like little mice. I hadn't missed the noise and the mayhem that came with the start of term and I certainly wasn't looking forward to teaching both potions and covering DADA until a new professor was appointed. Slytherin house sat before us, filled with laughter and excitement but I couldn't help noticing one face.
Miss Y/L/N.
How unfortunate that her family had been killed but I'd never been fond of them. Too outgoing and too loud for my liking. Still, my eyes were drawn to her and she looked different. The smile that many used to say would light up a room had vanished. The sparkle in her eyes was gone and her hair that sat so glossy and bouncy on her shoulders had become dull and like rats tails. She looked awful.
However, she had exams to retake, she couldn't dwell on what had happened, it's weak. There would be no special treatment in my behalf

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