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The darkness was deafening.
I was aware that I was coming round. To whatever reality was going to greet me I was not yet sure but it was quiet and it was dark. Peaceful almost. This had been going on for what felt like days. The darkness pooling my mind, my consciousness blending in and out of my own mind but I knew I was starting to regain some sort of ability to think again. I was glad that the potion had worked but I was panicking about what was going to greet me when I awoke. Did they make it? Did we win? I couldn't allow these thoughts to consume me, they were adding to the anxiety of laying here, paralysed and unable to communicate. I had yet to be able to regain any sort of sense but muffled noises were starting to make sense in my head. It was all coming back. Slowly.

****8 days later*****

A searing pain shot through my head and down to what I imagined were my toes. And eventually, my senses flooded back at once. I could feel my whole body, sore and aching, a splitting headache, a metal taste in my mouth, the smell of bleach and disinfectant. I was glad most of my sound returning, far away voices and a gentle humming sound. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my body began to respond to what I was asking it to do and my eyes fluttered gently open. The blinding white light was too much and my eyes squinted themselves shut again before slowly adjusting to the light. The pain in my head had caused me to find myself sitting bolt upright and my hands clasped around my skull.

"Miss Y/L/N." A female gasp caused my head to turn quickly, too quickly, for the pain that followed was great. I recognised where I was instantly. The hospital wing. The lady who had gasped at my dramatic awakening had rushed to be by my bedside, pushing my shoulders back so that I lay flat against the bed once more.
"You stupid, stupid girl! I'm here thinking you're a talented girl and you go and do something as silly as stop your heart for over a week. You only just began beating again only two days ago!"
Wow. When I'd asked Severus about that potion back at his own house last summer, he'd told me it would stop the drinkers heart for six hours yet I'd obviously been unconscious for over a week?
Oh it was too much. I couldn't think straight yet.
"Oh now you need to rest my dear. Everybody is alright, you need not worry. We won. You're safe but you need to rest, you had quite a trauma occur during that battle. Not only did you manage to stop your own heart, you got caught in the crossfire of the attack, you've lost a lot of blood. You're lucky. If it weren't for us finding the empty vile in your pocket, you'd be finding yourself waking up in the morgue right now."
As much as I was interested in how the events had unfolded and I was happy that we'd won, I just wanted to know about Severus. Was he alright? However, it seemed that Madam Pomfrey was right, I was exhausted. How I had managed to tire myself out in the few minutes I'd been awake was beyond me. Before my eyes could fall shut once more, the doors to the hospital wing were opened dramatically and Dumbledores silver beard was the thing that caught my eye first, closely followed by the concerning look on Mcgonagalls face behind him. I offered a weak smile which was returned to me by the two professors as they approached my bedside.
"You foolish girl." Mcgonagalls eyes drifted over me as she spoke but I could see her voice was full rather of care than that of anger.
"Indeed Miss Y/L/N it was reckless. But you have always possessed a talent for Potions. I have to acknowledge the skill and the nerve behind such an action. It was dangerous, but I cannot ignore the fact that you do deserve a Thankyou. We were obviously outnumbered and your actions, although careless, have succeeded in winning this war. They have been extinguished. There is no longer a threat in the form of the death eaters." Dumbledore was kind to me when he didn't need to be. He could of shouted, he could of expelled me even but his kindness was received gratefully for I was too tired to take in a criticism at this present moment. All I could do was nod in acknowledgment of his praise. I just wanted Severus. Out of everybody who had appeared before me since I'd awoken I had expected Severus to be beside me yet he was nowhere to be seen. The disappointment was clearly obvious across my face as Mcgonagall placed a hand on my shoulder.
"He needs some time. It came as a bit of a shock to him dear." So I had hurt him. The one thing I'd wanted to avoid had occurred and he had failed to show at my bedside.
Sleep consumed me once more as thoughts of Severus tugged at my newly conscious mind.

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