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Chapter 17


The days seemed to crawl by at a steady rate. Severus had begun to teach me some potions for 6th year and I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I was thinking of the method for a potion he'd taught me earlier on in the week when he appeared in the doorway of the living room.
"Are you going to get dressed?" I looked down at what I was wearing. What was wrong with a tracksuit? My eyes clearly gave away my confusion.
"It's lazy. Get up."
"Make. Me." An amused eyebrow raised on his face before turning into that stone cold bat we'd all known so well.
"Get up. And get dressed. You're coming with me." Now I was intrigued? Where were we going? I hadn't been allowed outside since we left for summer.
"Where are we going?" I bounced beside him as we walked down the drive from his front door.
"You are like a Labrador. Now shut up." What was a Labrador? He took my arm and we apparated . Funnily enough, appearing in Diagon Alley. The stimulation was too much for my eyes that had only seen piano keys and books for weeks. I wasn't allowed to wander off, he dragged me through shops, collecting potions ingredients and other items that I didn't acknowledge him collecting.
"Do you have a dress. For the ball?" His voice cut through me and I spun round to face him, nearly head butting him in the process.
"Will you watch what you're doing! I've brought you along to give you something to see now behave yourself."
Back to treating my like a student but I didn't mind. I was out in the open and the mention of the ball, knowing I'd be going as his date excited me.
"Well yes of course I have a dress. Have you seen my closet?" Id made sure to pack a few dresses in my bag when I'd returned home, just in case I couldn't go back.
"And what colour might it be?"
"Green, I'm a Slytherin after all." My grin simply made him roll his eyes as he led me into another shop and grabbed a green tie from the shelf.
"If I may, you're more looking for this shade of green." I picked up a tie that must of been identical to the colour of my dress and he snatched it from me. Paying for it before apparating back home.

Snapes POV

Merlins beard could she possibly take any longer? I'd been waiting for over an hour for her to get ready. I was nervous about the ball. Dumbledore had asked me to protect her for a reason which meant there was a possibility something could happen. I'd kept her shielded all summer but now I was going to take her out into a ball full of people. My thoughts were interrupted as she descended the stairs in my hallway. She looked beautiful. Her emerald green dress, hugging her petite frame before flowing out at her knees, gold heels wrapped around her feet and her hair was pinned beautifully back, strand by strand. Her red lips stood out from her porcelain face and her dark eyes sparkled. She was captivating. Never had I seen somebody look so beautiful.
"You look..... good." I didn't know what to say to her as she had truly taken my breath away. The giggle that escaped her lips implied she knew exactly how good she looked. As I took her arm, we apparated to the Manor which was holding tonight's dance. The lights twinkled and many people could be seen coming in and out of the oak doors. I felt her shiver beside me as I placed a hand on her back.
"It's okay, I'm here."
"I know it's just. I've never been to these without my parents." I couldn't say anything to her that would make her feel better so I didn't. Instead, linking her arm and walking through the doors. It was busy. Many wizarding families had turned up including staff and students of Hogwarts. Y/N turned, her arm still in mine to speak to Lupin whilst Mr Malfoy captured my attention.
"Good evening Severus. Now what do we have here? Not only have you turned up with a girl but a young one at that. My my, how things do change." I felt my cheeks flash red and I wanted to make some retort back. Before I could, Y/N had turned back around to face me.
"And how some things don't. Good evening Mr Malfoy." Sarcasm dripping from her lips I was shocked at how combative she was being.
"Ahh Miss Y/L/N. Looking very elegant. Now that dress surely must of cost three, four thousand galleons?"
"Five and a half to be exact." I could of spat out the drink I'd just taken off the waiter. I knew her family was wealthy but for a 16 year old girl to turn up to a ball in a dress worth five and a half thousand galleons was ridiculous. Her arm tensed in mine as she eyed Malfoy.
"Indeed. Then I guess I'll have to steal a dance from you later."
"I'd be honoured. But you wouldn't want to go dancing with a non pure blood like myself and ruin your reputation now would you? Enjoy your evening Lucius." And with that she scooped a glass from the waiter beside her and swept us off. I could barely contain the smirk that was threatening to cross my face. Since when had she become so confident?
"What's gotten into you?"
"About three of whatever's in this glass and I've been attending these balls long enough to know the only reason he's bothered to come and speak to me is because he knows my parents were rich." A grin crossed her face and I studied her face. She was happy here, amongst these people. It seemed the second she put on an expensive outfit she became herself.
The music began to play and I took her waist. Her footwork was spotless. She was perfect. She danced incredibly well, putting many people around her to shame. As we danced, many pairs of eyes were fixated on us. She blushed and I saw the question of why go through her head.
"It seems to me my dear, that you may be the star of the show." A small smile crossed her face as I whispered in her ear. How had I gotten so lucky? To be attending this ball with a girl after my heart had been shattered by Lily. How had I managed to get a girl of just 16 to show up to this ball and dance flawlessly with me? As the music ended she turned to clap the band. Her face lit up and eyes shining bright against her skin.

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