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"Avada kedavra!"

I sat bolt upright. The stillness of the room bringing me back to some sense of calm as the dream drifted further away from my conscious thoughts. God they were becoming relentless and even more real as each evening passed me by.
My hands crept across the sheets to find the bed once again empty. Severus again, rising before dawn in what I imagined to be a perfected routine as not to wake me and I felt certain I could find him sat in his armchair reading the daily prophet out of all of the literature that made up his cluttered quarters.
But as a small smile crept into the corners of my lips at the recollection of memories of him sat in the armchair, his eyebrows furrowed and lips moving almost unseen as he followed the words on the page, his tall figure appeared through the doorway of the room.

" Good morning." He spoke with a softness that had been missing in the recent weeks. Maybe it was because he was dreading the ever looming task of marking the OWL and NEWT papers for this year or maybe his patience had worn thin as the end of the academic year was drawing to a close.
"What time is it?" Time had reentered my life since I had been required to attend my classes again, often slipping away from me, especially in the mornings when I needed to be in transfiguration but had not managed to pull myself from beneath the sheets of Severus' bed.
"Six o' clock." What he did next shocked me as it was so unusually un- Severus -Like. He had gracefully slipped back beneath the silk sheets to pull me close to his chest, the heat from him radiating through my cool skin.
"I need to get dressed."
"Hmmm. I don't think so yet." His voice was edged with, was that amusement as he cupped my chin and planted a delicate kiss on my lips?

"We don't have time." Despite the fact that the clock seemed to be a consistent burden to my plans, I couldn't deny how badly I wanted to stay here with him during his free period. If it weren't for me being on my last warning with McGonagall, I surely would of accommodated his intentions without him having to ask.
But before I could press my feet to the stone floor to escape the clutches of him and the bed itself, his lips had traced their way down my body until they had come to rest on the flesh of the inside of my right thigh.

"Enough-" I had barely breathed the word before his tongue had found the one place that would make me drop all of my classes for the day just to make him carry on.
"Sev-" it was simply useless for me to try and deny the waves of pleasure that were washing over me as he continued his assault on my clit so I gave in. Letting the pleasure build up and up inside me like a knot in the pit of my stomach.
"Severus I-"
The knot tightened and released as my legs shook and the pleasure engulfed me, racking my body hard as my hands pulled the dark hair that had become twisted in my fingers. His face reappeared above me, a smirk plastered on his lips as he positioned himself above me, waiting for me to say it was okay.
"We need to be quick." My breath came fast and shallow.
"Oh I'm sure that won't be a problem."


Our late night and early morning antics had left me thoroughly exhausted, emphasised by my drooping eyelids as I tried my best to listen to Lupin teach the class about Grindylows during my last class of the day. I enjoyed Defence Against the Dark Arts on the whole but I had much more interest in using defensive magic rather than learning about Magical Creatures. Surely this was up to Hagrid to teach us about Grindylows?

Lupin set a list of questions on the chalk board at the front of the room and set the class off on the task of reading through the text in front of us to correctly answer the questions on the board. Taking full advantage of my position in the back of the classroom and the sunlight streaming through the window behind me to leave the back of my head and neck basking in golden warmth, I closed my eyes and drifted into a light slumber, dreaming of Severus and Pygmy Puffs.

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