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There were many more incidents like that of the dining room table as the summer weeks progressed. I had become entirely consumed by Severus Snape and nothing else in the world mattered. Not Bella, not my Dad, not Hogwarts. It was us against the world. And I was happy. So, truly happy that I didn't recognise the girl from months ago who had sat in a girls bathroom in the middle of the night butchering her wrists. Life was good. Life was Severus.

Not even the thought of returning to school could dampen my spirits as I stood in that very dining room, cauldrons surrounding me, completely entranced in brewing a concoction of potions that I had adapted from their original recipes into something more personal. More individual to my own needs. And Severus had sat and watched me. He hadn't commented on my Potion making. It seemed he didn't need to anymore, for whatever tips he tried to suggest, I had an answer as to why that would not work. Or why it would and the reason behind why I was not doing it. I could see the smirk he hid every time I made some retort in answer to his questioning, or the way his eyes lingered on me as he tested each mixture I'd put together.
So for the first time in a long time, I didn't dread the start of school. I didn't dread the start of my final year at Hogwarts and what that would mean for our relationship. We'd find a way. I knew he'd leave for me. If there was no other way I knew he'd follow me wherever I needed to go.


Classes had begun again as they usually did. Long and tedious. The only respite was my Potions class. There had been no need for me even to attend the lesson had it not been a compulsory part of my timetable and for the fact that it lit something inside me that had been buried for many more months that I'd cared to remember, lost in the broken part of my heart.

It was in this class that that broken part of me began to flourish. And began to heal. There had been nothing of Bellatrix, nor my father. The Order had yet to report any goings on, Dumbledore unusually had heard nothing and thankfully, the dreams had stopped ripping through my unconscious mind. Everything was okay. And perhaps it was the sense or routine or the lack of danger and fear that I would lose everything around me that allowed me to flourish in those first few months of my Seventh year. I had still very much kept myself to myself, save for the lingering after a certain class or my disappearances from my common room in the evening but I was happy.

My relationship was perfect. The knowing looks in the hallways, the cheeky winks across the Great Hall. And above everything else, the complete and unrelenting love that I was surrounded with. I had stopped feeling broken and instead felt completely valid and perfect to him in every way. Nothing could be more perfect.

Severus' POV

She grew over those autumn months as they slid into a crisp November. Not only in height but in every sense of the word. Her spirit, her love, her complete energy for life that I had seen in her earlier years in this school yet I had thought to be long extinguished after the absence of her family. She made me feel whole again. And every so often I found her infectious laugh, and room winning smile had occasionally found itself onto my own lips as I spoke with both staff and students. She had saved me just as she believed I had saved her.

I would never be able to describe my love for the girl. The way just her being there brought a comfort to me that had never been present. Not even as a child. She wandered across my mind at every spare moment and my eyes lingered on the way she seemed to dance across the classroom in her lessons, finishing Potions and writing immaculate theory essays before her peers had even figured out how to pronounce the name of the brew they would be creating.

The girl brought a happiness to me that cleansed my soul and opened my eyes to the beauty and wonder of this world rather than the darkness and shadows I had been confined to. And I would leave for her. I would follow her across every land, every inch of this world if she wanted it. There was nothing I wouldn't do for the girl.

Which is why I agreed.

As I stepped round that Bronzed Griffin and sank to my knees in the unlit corridor, I cursed myself and whatever god there was. It would break me. It would break her. But I had promised to do anything for her. And if this was the only way, if this could be the only way to save her, then I would do it.

-I'm sorry it's a little short, but prepare yourselves x

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