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Chapter 7
Snapes POV

I wandered the corridors after dinner. Hoping to catch students out after hours.
"Stop. Right there Mr. Potter. " I caught him laughing with some Gryffindor girls. They ran, as I went to catch up with them I heard a sound. Like something heavy hitting the floor. A dull thud. Coming from the girls bathroom. Then a noise. So quiet it was barely there. I was intrigued. I pulled my wand out, hoping to find students out of bed again. But nothing. The bathroom was empty. A giggle filled the room and Moaning Myrtle appeared in front of me.
"She's in there. It's awfully grim." Her voice bouncing off every wall. I turned, one cubicle door was locked. As I attempted to push it open it was evident there was something heavy against it.
"Alohamora." I exclaimed, opening the door.
There she was.
The sight that greeted my eyes was too horrific to comprehend. A razor blade in one hand and there she lay, in a pool of blood, barely gripping to life. I dragged her quickly from the cubicle, moving her into the open bathroom so I could try to stop the bleeding. It is a great betrayal of our kind to attempt to take their own life. I couldn't stop the bleeding. This was beyond my control. This required old magic. A magic so advanced and beyond my years that there was only one that could help her. I picked her up, tears stinging my eyes. I couldn't lose her now. The reality hit me. I cared for her...... I ran with her, down the sweeping corridors.
"Sir....." a small murder escaped her lips before her eyes rolled back into her head once more.
"I've got you." I whispered back, running frantically to the headmasters office.
"ALBUS!" I screamed as I stormed into his office. He fled down towards us and lay her on the floor.
As he muttered enchantments and spells way beyond anything I'd ever heard before her arm slowly began to heal. Dumbledore looked at me, worry filled his eyes as I stroked her beautiful brown hair. Eventually it was done.
"She will sleep for hours. Take her. No one must know what she did tonight. I'm afraid it may finish her if they do. She cannot go to Madam Pomfrey Severus. Take her with you. Don't let anyone see her. Once she has recovered, bring her to me. "
I understood. I quickly carried her into my quarters and lay her on my bed. She was as white as a ghost and cold as ice. Using my wand, I changed her into something comfy and piled the blankets on top of her.
"Incendio." I flicked my wand to the fireplace and it roared alive. Licking the walls with its shadows. I sighed. Why did it hurt me so much to see her like this? Had I grown to have feelings for the girl?
I sat in my armchair and watched her, scared that if I left it would be too late........


I woke up in a strange room. I'd not been here before. Last nights events flooded my mind and I felt instant regret. Why did I do that? Who found me? Where am I? My head was pounding. I felt weak and it was not a good feeling. I looked down, I was wearing a Slytherin sweater and black leggings. These weren't what I was wearing last night. I sat on the edge of the bed and a wave of coughs hit me, taking my breath away.

Snapes POV

Her coughing disturbed me from my grading. I flew to the bedroom door quickly from my classroom. She sat on the edge of the bed, as pale as snow and she looked awful.

"You should be asleep." I spoke to her. Her head snapped round and I could tell it hurt her.
"You found me?" I nodded and walked towards her. She was shaking, uncontrollably, clearly in shock. She turned round and leant against the headboard. I pulled the blankets up around her and her dark brown eyes gazed into my own.
"Thankyou. I didn't mean to do that last night. It was a mistake. " a single tear dropped from her eye and I wiped it away.
"Shhh. Drink this. " I handed her a potion to help with the shock but the shaking continued, she was cold. I relit the fire and grabbed another blanket for her.
"I don't feel well." She spoke gently, clearly upset with herself.
"I'm not. Surprised. You have lost a lot of blood and the magic used to save you will have affected you greatly. You're lucky that Dumbledore wasn't travelling else you wouldn't of been so lucky Miss Y/L/N. " I was angry with her, angry for putting me through this.
"Dumbledore saved me? Then why am I here? With you?" She was confused and I could see it was only upsetting her more.
"Shhh. We'll explain later. You need to rest. You're here so nobody else finds out what you did. Go to sleep. We can talk more later."
"Please stay with me Professor. I don't want to be on my own." Her dark eyes filled with tears, scared of what her own mind was doing to her. I looked down, she'd gripped my wrist but pulled away quickly when she realised.
"It's okay. I'll be right here." I assured her, sitting down on the couch next to the bed, settling in to grade the first years assignments.

She woke a few hours later. Still pale but the shaking had stopped.
"How do you feel?" I asked tentatively, not wanting to startle her.
"Not good." She whispered. I left the room to get the blood replenishing potion I'd been brewing all night. As I came back in she'd tried to stand up, ending up in a heap of the floor. She started crying.
"You're okay." I said as I picked her up and helped her back into the bed propping the pillows up around her. Merlins beard she was skinny. She was light as a feather.
"You need to drink this, it will make you feel better." She took it and swallowed.
"Now. You need to come with me to see the headmaster. " her head dropped but she didn't argue.


I felt dreadful. My head hurt, I had no energy and the last thing I wanted to do was to see Dumbledore. As we walked down the corridor in a flurry of cloaks, Snape walked close to me, letting me lean on him for support. No would would notice, our cloaks masked how close we were and no one would be able to see his hand supporting my back beneath my cloak. We sat in Dumbledores office awaiting his arrival. The shaking started again. Snape noticed and placed a hand on my forehead.
"You're burning up." He muttered, undoing my cloak and helping me take it off.
"Ahhh Severus. Y/N." Dumbledore said kindly. I couldn't look at him. I was too ashamed.
"Now Y/N. I don't believe I need to lecture you about your actions. I can see you know it was a mistake. I nodded. However, you won't be fit enough to be out of bed until Tuesday.
"But sir today's Saturday. Will I not be fine tomorrow? I have classes to attend." He raised a hand and I shut up.
"No. The magic used to heal you was very strong, very old magic, you will be weak for a while, and the blood you lost was greatly traumatic for your body. I will speak to your teachers but for now, you will be staying in Serverus' quarters. He can keep an eye on you and you'll be away from prying eyes." My eyes widened.
"Not only this, once you are recovered you will take a night class at 8.30 every evening with Professor Snape. You're very far behind in the dark arts and you need to pass your O.W.Ls at the end of the year. Severus can help you and keep an eye on you. Now, you must promise me to never ever do such a thing again. You won't be so lucky next time." His eyes were burning a hole right through me. I nodded.
Before I could even blink, Snape had draped my cloak over my shoulders and helped me to my feet. I was wobbly. He took my arm and we went back down to the dungeons.
I couldn't stand anymore and I slid into the nearest chair, resting my pounding head on the desk.
"Come, you need to lie down." As I tried to stand up my vision went blurry and I fell into him.
"I've got you." He sighed at me, scooping me up and placing me back into the bed, propping me up with pillows.
"Right. Before we do anything we need to talk."
I gulped, scared of what was coming next.
He handed me a cup of tea which I took gratefully. What came next wasn't so well received. Toast appeared in front of me. I looked up, into his eyes and could tell he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Snapes POV

I could see the internal conflict as she looked at me. She wanted to eat. I could see it. But something was telling her no.
"It's okay. It will make you feel better. " her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head.
"For goodness sake Y/N!" I shouted at her, grabbing her attention. Why did this stupid girl have to be so difficult? "You're going to kill yourself. Is that what you want! You're a silly silly girl! Now just EAT!"
"STOP IT!" She screamed back at me. Taking me by surprise
"BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!" I shouted at her. "Because I want you to be okay. You make me feel something I haven't felt in a long time." Why did I say that. Why did I tell her that.
Her eyes softened. Realisation spreading across her face.
"I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Her voice was barely audible. Tears streamed down her cheeks and I wiped them away. She continued to cry, heavier tears. I pulled her close to me, she hugged me tight. Like she would never let go.
"Come on. You deserve to eat sweetheart. " I could feel my walls falling and it scared me. She took the toast and ate small pieces, not taking her eyes off me.
"Now go to sleep, you've got a lot of resting to do."
"Please don't leave me."
"I'm right here."

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