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Chapter 4

Snapes POV

It was insufferably hot inside the castle today. Some prank the weasley twins had played. Something to do with a heat charm. Due to the nature of it, we would have to wait for it to wear off. It wasn't something that could be undone. I swooped into the potions classroom, surprised that it was still so hot even down here in the dungeons. I removed my cloak and began to explain today's lesson. It was the last lesson of the day and I was glad of it.
"Today you will be brewing Draught of living death. "  They all moaned. They knew exactly how tricky this potion can be to make and even deadlier if they get it wrong.
"Do not get this on your clothes, if you happen to inhale it at any point you will be intoxicated by it" I warned them. They all began removing their cloaks and rolling up their sleeves. All for one.
"Miss Y/L/N it is terribly hot in here for a full set of robes?" I questioned her. She glanced up at me, engrossed in her potion, the sparkle left her eyes when she looked up.
"I'm okay Professor" she said quietly. I let her be. If she wanted to suffer she can.
The class came to an end after 2 hours and only Miss Y/L/N and one other student, a pure blood boy, related to the Malfoys I believe had managed the potion to its full efficacy.
"You may go" I dismissed them and they began to clear away and leave quickly. As I turned back around Miss Y/L/N stood up from her desk and grabbed the edge for support. I focused my gaze on her. As she took a step forwards I watched her eyes roll back into her head as she fell to the floor, hitting her head hard on the stone floor.
I rushed to her, the students who were last to leave gathered in the doorway.
"Leave now." I instructed them, they didn't dare argue.
"Y/LN" I said gently, propping her up in my arms.
"Y/F/N. Come on now." I said again, using her first name this time. I touched her forehead with the back of my hand, she had burnt up. She began to come round so I let her just sit, propped up against me.
"Sss sir?" She questioned, her voice groggy and confused.
"I told you to take this bloody cloak off" I said annoyed, undoing it from where it had slid round her throat.
"It's too hot in here, you've fainted" she didn't respond, just looked up at me. She tried to stand but wasn't steady enough. I grabbed her wrist and she yelped back to where she was on the floor. I hadn't gripped her that tightly?
"Sorry, I'm okay. Really" she whispered and took my outstretched hand to get back up. Her eyes went to roll back again and I grabbed her for support.
"You're not okay. You're sat in here with 3 layers on, you haven't bothered to even roll up your sleeves. Your burning hot. You fainting in my class is not you being okay" I spoke sternly to here and she averted my gaze.
"I'm not too hot. I'm fine. I must of fainted for some other reason."
"What? Like the fact I haven't seen you eat anything in the past 4 days? Perhaps that Miss Y/L/N". I could feel myself getting angry with her.
She didn't respond, just blinked at me. Shocked I'd noticed. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her in front of me, towards my quarters. I sat her down on the sofa in their and her eyes went wide, scared.
"Now, drink this" I handed her an energy potion, it she was refusing to eat at least she might not faint with this.
She took it from me and gagged after drinking it.
"Stop it. You are a smart girl and this behaviour is self destructive. Now. I expect to see a difference tomorrow morning." She didn't say anything. She was embarrassed. I let her go and sighed deeply. This behaviour was not what I expected from a girl this smart.


I couldn't believe I'd fainted. I bet he thinks I'm such an idiot. I went straight to bed, ignoring Jenny and Anna on the way up. I was too tired even to cry. At least I wouldn't have to see Snape tomorrow, I didn't have potions or dark arts tomorrow. I could wing my way through divination, care of magical creatures and spells with flitwick. It would be okay.

I wandered down to breakfast alone the next morning. Up earlier than the rest. Not that I wanted to eat anything. Just that I wanted to sit and watch people. I got a glass of pumpkin juice and put a plate of toast in front of me so I wouldn't draw attention to myself. I drank the juice and cut the toast into small pieces to make it look like I'd eaten. Between not eating and cutting myself, I was starting to cope, starting to be able to think clearly again. It was the only way the pain would go away and I could concentrate again.
I went to get up, leaving my plate on the table. Before I could, I felt someone move behind me, leaving the hall. It was Snape. As I went to get up again he pushed my shoulders back down to the table.
"No. You're going to sit here and eat that." 
Shit. He'd figured me out. There was only us and a few Hufflepuff students on the other side of the room. Not many people were up so early.
"I'm fine I already ate." I whispered back angrily trying to get up.
"Dont. Lie. To me. You're going to sit here and eat that. Don't think you can get away from me Y/L/N. Now stop it, you're causing a scene." He replied, clearly frustrated with me. He turned with a sweep of his cloak and went back to where he was sitting before, not taking his eyes off me. I slowly ate. My eyes filling with tears that threatened to fall with each mouthful. I had to admit I was happy I was eating, I just knew the pain would come back soon and I needed an escape.

My friends started walking into the hall to come over and as they did, Snape walked out back past me, he leaned down slightly as he walked past.
"Not so hard was it." He stated, placing his hand on my shoulder. I blushed but I was glad of it.

The next week or so went by quickly. My classes were fine, I was top of the class in potions and starting to understand the dark arts slowly. Snape eyed me at every meal, making sure I ate something, if only a piece of fruit. I was scared of fainting in front of him again and I was scared to find out what would happen if I didn't eat and he found out. My arms stung in the shower but I could cope with that. It was keeping me sane at least. Allowing me to get through my days without too much pain consuming my mind.

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