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Chapter 24


A loud bang startled me awake, my body jumping where I'd fallen asleep in the chair in Lupins office, my knees tucked up into my chest and my head heavy on top of them. The bang had been the door slamming against the wall as it was flung open, nearly off its hinges. I looked up, seeing Severus in the doorway. I watched him stalk across the room, grabbing Lupin by his sweater and shoving him up against the wall.
"What have you done to her." His anger was evident as he spat through his teeth at Lupin.
"Nothing Severus. I was simply caring for her."
"You lie. It is six o clock in the morning why on earth is she with you." I was panicking now, it looked as if Severus would hit Lupin or even worse, curse him.
"I found her about to leave the castle, she's sick Severus, I brought her here to relax." Severus face twisted in anger as he gripped Lupins sweater harder, his wand coming up under his chin.
"Severus stop I'm okay honestly. Please don't hurt him." Both Professors turned to face me as I sat back in the chair, my whole body aching with the effort of fighting my sickness and sleeping hunched over for the past three hours. Severus walked towards me, pulling me up by both of my arms.
"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing! Leaving my quarters! About to give yourself up were you? How stupid can you be girl!" He was scaring me as he shouted in my face, tears pricked my eyes, threatening to tumble down my cheeks. I felt dreadful and the last thing I wanted was for Severus to be angry with me.
"Leave her Severus. She's sick and she needs to rest." Although I was grateful for Lupin's interference it was short lived as I saw a deathly look in Severus' eyes. He dropped my arms, once again storming over to Lupin. As he raised a hand to what I can only assume hit him with I ran forward, pushing myself in between the men.
"Stop it, stop fighting please!" The tears had dropped from my face as I pressed myself against Lupin, shielding him from the punch Severus was about to throw.
"Get. Out.  of the way." I was pushed sideways, hitting the wall hard and falling to my knees, the wind knocked out of me.
"Look what you've done!" I felt Lupins hands under my arms, pulling me up gently, Severus' eyes were almost black as he watched the Professor help me up off the floor.
"I'm okay." I whispered to Lupin, my fever still raging and my legs protesting about having to carry the weight of my body. Without so much of a word, Severus had grabbed my wrist and fled the room, pulling me quickly down the stairs towards the dungeon. My body, exhausted, fought to keep up with him as we reached the door to his classroom and followed on through to his quarters. He pushed me hard through the door and again, I found myself on the floor. If looks could kill I'd of been 20 feet under.
"What the HELL do you think you're doing with that beast!" I'd never seen him so angry before, my body trembling where I sat hunched on the floor.
"It was nothing I-"
"Shut up. I don't even want to look at you! You go wandering out there, about to give yourself over to the other side and then take comfort in the arms of that weasel!"
"I didn't Severus! He stopped me going and I felt poorly and he just offered me a drink, I didn't mean to st-"
"Silence! Get up, don't leave your room. I'm teaching all day, if I find out you've so much as stepped a single foot out of this door I swear Y/N I will not be responsible for what happens next." I had never in all my 6 years at Hogwarts seen somebody look as angry as he did. It scared me, I could barely lift my eyes to look at him as I dragged myself up off the floor and into bed. It was a welcome treat for my aching muscles and I collapsed into a dreamless sleep as my body fought to get rid of the fever I'd inflicted on myself.

Snapes POV

I could barely contain myself whilst teaching the dunderheads all day. I was seething with her. How could she do that to me? Leave me in the middle of the night and walk to certain death. And then to find her tucked up in Lupins hole was far more of a betrayal than my dearest Lily getting with that insufferable Potter. The students felt the wrath of my fury all day, earning over 12 detentions and 300 points taken from their houses. I was relieved when my last class was finally dismissed, sitting at the head table, eating slowly, watching them go about their daily activities. I knew I had been hard on Y/N but I couldn't bring myself to suddenly be kind to her. She had been stupid and selfish and it was not something I would get over lightly. I snaked my way back down to the dungeons in the dark and into my chambers, glad to see her bedroom door still closed.
"Y/N. Get here. Dinner." There was no answer so I banged loudly on the door.
"Y/N!" Still nothing. I swung the door open, the curtains still drawn and it stifling hot in here for the time of year. With a flick of my wand the curtains opened, the moonlight streaming in and mixing with the warm colours of the fire which was roaring in the corner. Her pale skin was lit up against the dark bedsheets and her hair stuck to her face. She lay still, breathing heavy and in a deep sleep, not answering me. I walked over, placing a hand on her bare shoulder to wake her. Her skin was burning hot, a thin sweat glistening on her where she lay under the duvet and her blankets.
"Y/N." Still nothing, I placed a hand on her forehead, astonished at how hot her skin was. I pulled the blankets and duvet off her to reveal her body, gently shivering under the sheets.
"Y/N. You need to wake up." A moan escaped her lips as I saw her look at me through squinting eyes, an arm lifting up to cover her face from the light.
"Y/N come on, you're too hot." She didn't respond, her head flopping to the other side of the pillow as her body lay shivering despite the heat in the room. Her fever had developed and she was now too sick to even acknowledge me. I reached over, pulling her up and propping her up with more pillows, she was hot to touch, the sweat sticking her clothes to her. I held her face, asking her to open her eyes but she could do nothing other than a couple of slow blinks and a murmur before closing her eyes and sinking back against the pillows. Merlin I'd been so careless. So stuck in my own problems I hadn't noticed how sick she'd become. I rustled through my drawers in my office, finding a pepperup potion and a cooling solution. I poured both into her dry lips, noticing how quickly she swallowed, clearly dehydrated and thirsty. Collecting a glass of water and propping her against me, I gently poured the contents into her mouth. Her eyes fluttering slowly, taking in her surroundings. A single tear dribbled slowly down her face as she sat there, breathing heavily with the effort of being sat up.
"You're alright." I murmured into her ear as she continued to sip the water she'd now managed to hold in her own hands.
"I want to feel better." Her voice was barely audible as her body trembled gently against me.  A large bang made me jump up, what on earth was going on? Again. Followed by more. What on earth was happening? I motioned for Y/N to stay put as I wandered into the corridor and up out of the dungeons. A feeling of dread washed over me as more heads appeared in the hallway, realising what was going on. They'd come for her.

***Hey! How's everyone doing? How are you enjoying the story so far? Sorry this chapter is a little short, I'm hopefully getting to some good stuff! (Or so I hope it is at least🥴) ***

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