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Chapter 6

I woke up late. Groggy and not with it at all. My friends were gone already. If I could call them my friends. I hadn't spoken to them in over a fortnight. I'd have to skip breakfast if I was going to make it to charms on time. I passed McGonagall in the corridor.
"Miss Y/L/N, where are your robes?" She scanned me up and down. I couldn't think. They must still be covered in blood in the potions classroom.
"It is..... my fault Professor" a deep voice behind me.
"Miss Y/L/N here spilt a nasty incinerating potion on her robes during my class and I insisted I would undo the damage. " Snape walked me past McGonagall, I breathed a sigh of relief. I went to turn into the Charms classroom but Snape pushed me forward, keeping me walking before pulling me into a broom cupboard.
"Sleeves." Just one word but we both knew what was expected. I lifted my arms up but didn't roll up the sleeves on my sweater. Snape sighed, gently rolling the sleeves up over my bandages. As he carefully undid them a wave of panic washed over me. I pulled my arms back and pushed myself far back against the wall to get away, the panic kept coming and I could feel myself struggling to breathe between the panicky gulps I was swallowing.
"It's okay I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered to me, overly aware that we were in a broom cupboard and could be discovered at any point. As he took a step towards me I whimpered, the panic overwhelming me once again. He froze where he was and offered a hand forwards.
"Come. It's okay, give me your hand." I couldn't breathe by this point, hiccupy sobs consumed me as I pushed myself further back into the wall. He took my hand away from my chest slowly and carefully pulled me towards him. Before I could blink he'd pulled me close, into his chest and held me tight. It shocked me enough to stop crying for a minute before I collapsed against him into a blubbering wreck.
"It's okay, you're safe. Now breathe. In and out." He whispered with a hand gently stroking my hair. This was nice. It calmed me. I stood back from him and he took my wrist again, undoing the bandage and applying the same ointment as he had last night.
"I'm sorry sir." I muttered. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to, just squeezed my upper arm and left me. Alone once more.

Snapes POV

I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have hugged her. At the time her panic attack and pure fear in her eyes consumed me and I couldn't think of anything else to keep her calm. The girl worried me and it scared me. I'd developed some sort of feeling for her and I didn't know what it was. Was it a protective feeling? Was it lust? Was it more? No. Stop it. She's a student and a struggling one at that.
I didn't know how to help her. I would need to have a talk with her but it was too soon at the minute, she was too vulnerable and it was too fresh for her, the realisation that someone else knew her secret. As I sat in my chamber I sent an owl to Flitwick, explaining Y/N reason for being late and an excuse about her robes. I would need to get that sorted before she got into anymore trouble.


I sat on my own at lunch. My friends were laughing at the other end of the table and I knew they didn't want to talk to me. I couldn't blame them. I'd ignored them for weeks. A cool breeze tickled my neck and I turned to see Snape had walked past me, dropping my robes onto the bench beside me as he passed. I picked them up and smelt the fresh scent fill my nostrils. He'd meant what he said to McGonagall. He had sorted it. I swallowed my pumpkin juice and got up to leave, catching eyes with him as I walked out, I smiled and he tilted his head in acknowledgment. I had the rest of the day free so decided to sleep. God knows I needed it and it consumed me within minutes.

I woke up hours later, it was past dinner and everyone was back in their dorms. I wandered out of the common room, needing some fresh air and strolled down the winding corridors.

"Who have we got here? You filthy mudblood" it was Potter. And that wasn't a term that was used lightly. Before I could speak, a group of Gryffindor girls had pounced on me. Making me hit my head hard on the floor as they laughed and taunted.
"Why don't you go running to mummy and daddy? Oh you can't. They're dead!" One of the girls sneered and they walked off. Leaving me alone and in pain on the floor in the dark.

I couldn't do this anymore. I'd had enough. I slipped into moaning Myrtle bathroom and decided then and there that I wanted it to end. Myrtle wouldn't say anything. She never did. It was Friday night so I knew I wouldn't be missed until Monday And by then it would be too late......

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