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When I woke it was 5am. I looked across my dormitory to see Anna and Jenny asleep. Good. There wouldn't be any questions to answer. I got up and put my robes on. I wondered down the corridors, happy to have some time on my own to think. It really is beautiful here. Through the darkness I spotted a shadow.
"Nox" it was too late, I'd been spotted.

Snapes POV


I heard the wand extinguishing charm before I'd turned the corner.
"And what do you think you're doing out of bed at this time Miss Y/L/N? You know the dangers of wondering the corridors in the dark" I scowled down at her.
"I'm sorry p professor. I couldn't sleep, I'll be heading back now" she muttered looking down at the floor. I grabbed her wrist as she went to push past me. She gasped slightly and pulled her arm back.
"Not so fast. I will escort you back to your common room Miss Y/L/N" she looked up at me and I just caught a tear glistening in her eyes as the moonlight bounced off her face. I let her arm go and she clutched it at her chest. Strange.


Why did it have to be Snape? Out of everyone to catch me up at this time it had to be him. I just wanted to run away as quickly as I could but he grabbed my wrist. Pain shot up my arm as he gripped me a little too tight, opening some cuts up from the night before. Tears threatened to fall as they pricked my eyes. He let me go and walked ahead of me to my common room.

"I'll see you at 8 for Potions. Don't be late" he snarled at me as I slinked back into the Slytherin common room.

As the clock struck 7 I wondered down to breakfast with Anna and Jenny. They were full of life this morning, excited to get back to lessons after the shambles we had before Christmas.
"Aren't you excited to learn Dark Arts with Snape y/n?" Anna exclaimed as we entered the great hall and sat down.
"It should be okay, potions are more my area" I muttered. I saw Anna look at Jenny and exchange a worried glance.
"Look Y/N I know you're upset but you're going to make yourself ill if you keep up this moping. I'm sorry to be so brash about it but come on, give us a smile at least". I shrugged her hand off my shoulder and took a sip of pumpkin juice. Jenny put some toast in front of me and I sighed as I looked at them both.
"I'm sorry ok? I just need some time." I offered a weak smile and they carried on eating.

Snape POV

I watched her as she walked in for breakfast. The dark circles under her eyes singling her out amongst the many green and black robes of slytherin students.
I watched her closely. She sipped her pumpkin juice but just played with the plate of food in front of her, not taking a single bite. Her friends looked at each other but didn't appear to say anything. I could see she was going to be difficult in both potions and the dark arts today. I could lay off her in potions, she's top of my class, a very talented witch for her age, it pleased me to teach someone with talent and who was interested in the class. The dark arts however was not her forte. She had struggled previously and after failing her exam at Christmas she has a lot of catching up to do. It would be a challenge today.

*** 2 Hours Later***
Snapes POV continued

I needed a break before my next class. I went into my quarters and took a deep breath. That last class had been exceptionally challenging. 7th years. Overly confident and needed bringing down a peg or two. They would get what was coming to them, next lesson I would not be lenient as today. I walked back out to my classroom and slammed the door shut behind me, commanding silence.
"Today we will be brewing anti- paralysis potion. Turn to page 245 and follow it carefully." I looked over at my students. Miss Y/L/N was here. She sat at the back of the room by herself. She began the potion carefully but with the speed only a practiced hand could master, glancing occasionally at the instructions. It was intriguing watching her. Her eyes lit up whilst she worked and a look of concentration crept across her face. I felt myself almost smirking. It was nice to teach a talented witch.
She finished her potion with a small grin and raised her hand. I swooped down between the desks and examined her work. It was perfect.
"10 points to slytherin for Miss Y/L/N managing to brew a satisfactory potion. Class dismissed" 
I watched her tidy up her equipment and leave quickly, a hint of sadness lingering behind her

*** Hi guys! I'm really enjoying writing and hope you guys do as well! Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see/ ideas and as always, I love to hear what you think and any feedback you may have***

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