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Chapter 28

Snapes POV

"That when this is over. When the fight is won. I cannot, as your professor allow this to continue. If needed, you will be obliviated to forget you ever felt a way towards me."
Even as the words left my lips I knew I'd made a mistake and the look on the girls face confirmed my thoughts. Had I not learnt my lesson with my dearest Lily? Pushing away the ones who are close only brings a lifetime of suffering, yet here I was, destroying the very thing I held so dear. As I watched her bend double over my desk, taking in the harsh reality of what I had said it dawned on me that I could never let her go. It hurt to love her but my god it hurt more to not. Taking out my wand, I removed the last minute from her memory. Erasing the cruel, heartless words I had just spoken. I watched her dark eyes glaze over before turning to look at me, confused as to how she'd got from the other side of the room in her mind to standing in front of me.


I couldn't understand how my legs had carried me across the room to be stood only inches away from his face but I didn't need to. His gaze captured my own eyes and my feelings were so incredibly clear in my head. I wanted him. Despite the awkwardness between us Over the past couple of weeks I now couldn't begin to imagine my life without him in it.
"Then don't."
Always inside my bloody head. But it didn't matter. No sooner had the words left his tongue, were his lips upon mine. My heart leapt as he pushed me against the desk, his lips not leaving mine for a second. Gasping slightly as his hands pushed me up to sit on his desk, my own hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The kiss deepened quickly, a longing and lust so desperate it hurt. Before I'd even taken a breath, my knitted jumper lay torn on the floor beside me, exposing my body to him. I watched his eyes flicker to the scars on my chest before returning to look at my face. Pushing me even further back, I felt the hard wood of his desk against my back as both began to tear at each others clothes, the classroom becoming littered with items of discarded clothing.
"Not in here." The growl in my ear made me shiver as he led me to the bedroom, his hands wandering down my sides as I sauntered into the back room. I couldn't believe my luck as he pushed me further and further backwards through his quarters and into the bedroom. Roughly, I felt myself being tossed backwards and landing amongst the sheets as he leant over the top of me, kissing down the side of my neck, my collarbones, my chest, my torso and finally down to my thighs. Oh god did he know what he was doing.
"Sev-" my voice was barely audible as his breath teased me in between my legs.
"Naughty." Just a single word but it did things to me that I hadn't thought possible. His long, slender fingers found their way inside the elastic of my underwear, making my gasp loudly as they moved in circles before finding their way inside me.
"Sev - please." The smirk on his face made me flush in embarrassment, causing me to hide my face in the pillows at the side of my head. An iron grip forced my head to move to its previous position, his eyes boring holes into my own.
"Look. At. Me." His need for eye contact was sexy. And it pushed me even further. His fingers picked up the pace, making me squirm beneath him. The knot in my stomach twisting tighter and tighter, begging for a release. Just as I was about to tumble over the edge he stopped.
"What are you-"
"Not yet darling." The way his voice sounded made me want to melt, so soft and comforting, almost as though if nothing else in the world mattered, his voice would bring me more comfort than anything else in this world.
I tugged at his clothes, my hands finding themselves into the waistband of his trousers. Before I knew what had happened, he was leaning over me, ready to take me. I could barely control my breathing whilst his eyes scanned my face.
"Is this okay?" I nodded quickly, just needing him and frustrated with how long it was taking to get to this point.
"Use your words." It was clear he didn't want to put me in a position that made me uncomfortable but the longer he kept me waiting the more frustrated I was becoming.
"Stop talking. Just do it."

I lay there is his arms, utterly content to just be here with him. The situation we were facing seemed as unimportant as ever as I lay in the arms of my Professor. A man who until a year ago had been nothing more than a nasty, rude piece of work who I couldn't stand to be in the same room as. I couldn't help but feel a longing for everything to be okay. For me and Severus to be able to be together without fear of being killed or those around me being taken away. It was true. I loved him.

***Sorry it's so short, I'm struggling to be creative with this story at the moment. I may need a little while to make sure the next part of this story is just right and that it's written properly before I post so I do apologise in case it's a little longer than normal before I update 💖***

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