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Chapter 14

Snapes POV

I didn't see her all week. I could see her friends taking her meals from the hall but she never appeared. Not bothering to attend my classes. I did not pursue her. She was talented at potions and if needed I had six weeks to go over what she had missed. I wondered if she was okay as her dark arts exam loomed ever closer.

It has been nearly two weeks and no one had seen her. She'd been in her dormitory or the library, rarely doing much else. It was the day of the exams and I wondered, as I sat eating breakfast whether she would even bother to turn up.  I didn't have to wait long, nearly choking on my coffee as she entered the great hall. She was beautiful. Wearing black leather, skin tight trousers with a black top that clung to her like a second skin. She made a beeline for her friends, picking up an apple as she did so. I watched her. Fascinated. She bent down to her friends, whispering something in their ears. A second later a smirk crossed her lips, she took a single bite of her apple and placed it back down, turning on her heels. She looked just as mesmerising from behind. The back of her top was made up of two emerald snakes, crossing in the middle, showing only her shoulder blades. Her hair was wrapped neatly into the most intricate folds and fastened in place with a green and silver pin. As she strode out of the hall, I had to pick my jaw up from where it had fallen open as she gained numerous wolf whistles. Both Dumbledore and McGonagall looked at me, eyebrows raised. If this was a so called 'revenge outfit' she had well and truly succeeded. 

I sat nervously beside Lupin and the headmaster. It had been an excruciatingly long morning grading the Dark Arts exam. I become anxious as I waited for her to enter the room. Knowing how petrified she was of her boggart. She'd flown through the theory exam but if she couldn't hold her nerve here it would be for nothing. As the door knob turned and she entered the room with all the confidence in the world. Grinning at each and every one of us. The dual went well. She deflected Lupin with ease and her counter spells were neat and effective. Even Dumbledore seemed impressed. Lastly it was time to face the boggart. Her expression faltered if only for a split second, showing how false her confidence had been this whole time. Lupin opened the cupboard and it began to form. What formed in front of me was nothing I could of predicted. I recognised myself as it formed slowly. It was insulting her. Telling her how worthless she was. How I'd never want her. I felt the headmaster shift uneasily in his chair and the expression on Lupins face was of great discomfort. She was taking her time. An internal battle taking place in her mind. Was this real or was it a boggart.
"Riddikulus!" She'd done it. A heavy sigh of relief and she left the room quietly, brushing a single tear from her eyes.


I'd done it. I'd made it through the exam and looked beautiful whilst doing so. I would take no questions from him about my boggart and mentally prepared myself for what would be the longest 6 weeks of my life. I'd had to tell Anna and Jenny everything, gaining some relief from sharing my problems and internal conflict. Not about my hurting myself but the strange relationship with our potions master. It had been their idea to dress as I did today. As uniforms were not required on exam day I thought I'd show him what he was missing.

Walking down to the train station to say goodbye to my friends was hard. I'd never experience getting to come and go on the Hogwarts Express again now that my parents had gone. Despite both Dumbledore and Snape telling me I was in no danger I couldn't believe them. Why was I to be under Snapes protection all summer if there was no threat?
Speaking of the devil he appeared on the platform.
"We will be leaving within an hour to my house. Are you ready?" I sighed and turned, not expecting the answer to be yes but I'd try anyway.
"I'd like to go home for a couple of days on my own first. I've not been home since my parents died. I just want to be there, collect a few things you know." His dark eyes softened.
"Of course, I can take you."
"No. It's okay, I'd like to be by myself. Our house elf will apparate with me." He nodded. A grim smile on his lips but he understood my need for some closure and some time to myself. It had been a hell of a year.
All too quickly Prinby appeared.
"Mistress Y/N. I'm ready." I took his arm and we apparated.

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