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🚨NSFW 😉🚨


The last week of term was flying by me at a pace I could barely keep up with. Severus kept a closer eye on me after my performance in the Great Hall and I was glad of it. I felt wanted, and safe and not at all like I was a bird with a broken wing.

Nobody had mentioned anything to me regarding the Bellatrix situation, despite the increased staff meetings throughout that last week and the late nights that Severus had been attending in Dumbledores office. I didn't mind. If they didn't think I needed to know anything yet then I was content to ride it out. They'd believed everything I'd had to say on the matter and it made me feel less alone than I'd been since I'd lost everybody close to me.
But again, the panic rose in my chest as my final class of the day came to an end and the students wrestled through the doorway to get to the train first. To take them home. Not somewhere I had, nor wanted to be. I'd been given the choice of course, of where I wanted to be over summer. To remain at Hogwarts or return to Severus' private residence for the coming months.
I'd chosen the latter, utterly sick of the sight of stone walls and damp corridors.

My stomach flipped as we apparated into the dining room of Severus' house, the woody scent filling my nose along with the smell of somewhere unlived in. I wondered when the last time anybody had sat to eat with him at this dining table. Or if they ever had. My fingers found the edge of the table cloth and pulled, a cloud of dust coating me but revealing the rich colour of the oak beneath it. Why did men feel the need to cover up such beautiful woodwork for the sake of a tablecloth? The cotton didn't even match the paint in here.
I couldn't help myself as I ran my fingers along the wood, vowing to sit and eat at this masterpiece every evening I was here. Even if it were dark in here and the curtains entirely the wrong shade of beige for such an elegant room, I'd make an effort. This was his house and it would be loved. As I would love him.

"If only you cared so much for your potions desk as you obviously do my dining table." His voice drawled through the air with a note of amusement. I hadn't forgotten the lines and burns that had scourged themselves into my desk when an experiment went wrong and my cauldron rebuked the concoction inside. I arched a brow, meeting his eyes with my own as I thought quickly to come back to his remark.

"I didn't hear you complaining when I bent over to reach the cauldron from the floor from which it fell from said desk." Fire flashed in his eyes. Gone a second later. Dangerous. I was treading on thin ice. How far could I push him? Who was going to be the one in control? I knew exactly what that memory would do to him and tried to hide my smirk when I saw him shift from one foot to the other. Got you.
"I'd of thought you'd have a little more respect in my classroom than to act so inappropriately during a lesson." Keep going, a little more and I'd have him right where I wanted him.
"Inappropriate? You don't know the half of it."
"Oh I'm sure you can enlighten me?"
"I wasn't wearing any knickers that day." Got him. That bulge had grown as I'd spoken, my hands now flat on the table, staring at him from across the other end of the oak.
"Such a wicked mouth." The smirk he so obviously wanted to release had been hidden under that cool mask as he stalked toward me, finally reaching me at the bottom end of the table. I turned my body to face him and his hands slammed down either side of me, flat against the table and pinning me in. I didn't dare breath as I met those eyes.
I'd been in his trap all along. I hadn't been anywhere close to winning this game of cat and mouse. He had me all along. Egging me on to speak whatever had come to the forefront of my mind.
"Why don't we see what else that mouth of yours can do?"

It wasn't a request. I dropped to my knees instantly, my breath hitching in my throat and sending a tingle of warmth between my legs. His trousers had become undone before my knees had hit the floor and I took him in my hand, stroking him softly as I pressed my lips to the tip. His groan sent a wave of electricity again down to the space between my legs as I pulled him into my mouth. No sooner had I started sucking had his hands wrapped themselves around my hair and pulled me even closer. I gagged as I felt his cock press against the back of my throat but I wouldn't give in. Not now. He pulled my head away before slamming back into it. Fucking my mouth harder as I tried to adjust to the lack of oxygen. My hands steadied themselves on his hips as he pounded into my face, tears spilling down my cheeks as my body fought for air. 
Just as I thought I may pass out, he pulled my head away, staring into what I imagined was a tear soaked mess.
"Good girl."

God the things he did to me. He lifted me from the floor then, sitting me atop the oak and stripped my skirt and knickers away before I had even realised my buttocks had been forced onto the wood.  His fingers ran lazily up my thighs as I took in a shaky breath. I wanted to curse myself for how aroused he'd made me. And how he would know as soon as his fingers slid just half an inch further up my thighs.
"Tch tch. All flustered are we?"
His fingers had found the spot a few inches below me. Where my own arousal had ran down the inside of my thighs. His voice went through me, sending what only I could imagine was another wave of my juices that way as his fingers found my clit. Rubbing small, delicate circles, pressing harder each time I moaned.
A finger slid inside me and I took everything I had not to fall apart right there. But it was soon joined by another finger that moved in and out as his thumb kept up its assault on the bundle above.
Just as I felt the knot in my stomach become ever tighter, almost to the point of release , he removed his hand, moving those same fingers towards my face as he traced the outline of my jaw, bringing them up to my lips and forcing them inside. I tasted myself and marvelled at how wet his fingers were.
"Oh you might regret removing that table cloth darling. Now that  you're at risk of staining the wood."

And with that I found myself being pushed backwards, my shoulder blades meeting the solid oak as he positioned himself in between my legs. I shuddered as he pushed into me, adjusting to the almighty size of him as if this were the first time.
"Now be a good girl and keep quiet."

God the way he spoke to me. It was useless. The warning was falling on deaf ears as he pounded into me, my hands gripping the oak either side of me as he fucked me harder than he ever had. I moaned his name, begging him to fuck me even harder still. The things that he could do to me. I couldn't take it much longer, that knot in my stomach had formed again and was ready to be released.
"Sev-" I panted and the smirk that crossed his features only made it worse. His thumb found my clit again then. Swirling in tight little circles as he fucked me harder against the oak.

I screamed his name. And I didn't care if the whole world had heard it as he too finished inside me and I lay there. Sweaty and flustered as his eyes rose to meet mine. He pulled away from me, not looking at the damage we had caused to the table and took the time to bend down and whisper in my ear.
"Happy birthday Y/N."

And with that he left the room. I lay there, shaking and exhausted but utterly content.

Im blushing just writing it 🥵
As an apology for my awful lack of updates, have this one 😏

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