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The relief that had washed over me as Harry had asked me to sit with the Gryffindors at dinner was nothing compared to the relief that flooded me when I could finally stand up and leave.

Of course, I was grateful that Harry had allowed me to sit with him and his friends, it really was not on my priority list to sit alone at the Slytherin table where everyone would avoid me for being the freak that topped herself at the Hufflepuff party and consequently earned them all two weeks detention due to being out after curfew. My gratefulness however, was short lived. Harry and I had always hated each other. Perhaps it was the Slytherin versus Gryffindor fuel that sparked it but our relationship had been strained since day one. And how could I ever forget that shameful night in fifth year when he had bullied me so relentlessly I had taken refuge in Myrtles bathroom and almost bled myself dry if it hadn't of been for Severus.

Harry of course must have felt indebted to me for saving his life the night of the attack on the castle and definitely had been kinder since the incident. Or maybe it was that he felt sorry for me? He had been through exactly the same thing with You- Know -Who so maybe it was an unspoken understanding that had brought us to an agreement of tolerance and looking out for one another despite our obvious dislike for the other.

The familiar walk down to the dungeons gave me chance to clear my head and the coolness of the stone walls was for once inviting against the hot June night. I was way beyond knocking on the door to Severus' quarters these days, which was why I was so taken aback when the man that met my gaze looked stern and his wand had somehow found itself pointed inches over my heart.

My breath hitched in my throat as our eyes met in the space between us, the cool air of the room seemingly becoming warmer around the collar of my shirt whilst the words I tried to annunciate pressed themselves against my lips without making so much as a sound.
"Rewrite your potions essay. It's sub standard." If Severus' behaviour had been odd as I had entered the dark room, this was even stranger. He didn't so much as glance at the look of confusion on my face, instead turning with a flick of his cloak and floating across the room to collapse heavily in the leather chair at his desk.
"Excuse me?" Nothing. Surely I couldn't have done something to offend him so quickly in the time I had said goodbye before we left for dinner to me walking back down to the dungeons? The absence of his words riled an anger deep inside me that was becoming increasingly harder to keep a lid on as each second ticked by.
"Hello?" My sarcasm had dropped heavily from my tongue, finally eliciting a reaction, albeit such a slight one it had barely been worth making.
"You heard me. Do. It. Again."

How dare he. What had I done in a single hour to deserve being spoken to in this way? Usually such a calm and understanding person, I could feel a weird sensation growing uneasily in my stomach which could not only be anger but perhaps anxiety at what on earth could be coming next.
"You know full well that my essay was more than satisfactory. In fact, you know full well it was deserving of being published in text books of a far higher repute than the works of Libatius Borage."

I knew it was arrogant and big headed and cocky but I also knew it was true. I had written that essay to a standard of which was far better than that of Advanced Potion Making. And it had gotten a reaction.
"You think. That your silly little essay is worth more than that of an author who has ensured you know everything you do and has presented the students of this school with the knowledge more than adequate to get them through their N.E.W.Ts?" He spat his words at me, rising from his chair and leaning his weight heavily on the palms of his hands that had slammed flat onto the scourged wood of his desk.
"I know so. And so do you." My voice too, had become a deadly volume against the deafening silence of the stone walls and my eyes narrowed in anticipation, preparing for whatever battle was forming between us.
"Perhaps. If you spent more time focusing on your studies than hanging around with that insufferable swine Potter then you could back up your statements and produce something that may be sufficient to earn its way to N.E.W.T standard"
And there it was again. The consistent and suffocating jealousy that came with being close to Severus Snape. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I came to the understanding that no matter what I could say tonight would allow me to win this argument and that he was in no mood to discuss such things.
"Grow up Severus." I flounced past where he had managed to make his way in between me and the door to the classroom, not stopping to look at him until a sharp hand caught my wrist, spinning me to meet those penetrating eyes.
"Where do you think you're going?" It was barely a sentence but a growl that had escaped his lips as his fingers cut deeper into my skin.
"To speak to Lupin. Or is that no longer acceptable either?"
Snatching my wrist from his grip, I pulled against the classroom door. The bang at which I slammed it behind me was met with the thud of something heavy hitting it before shattering on the other side. Pathetic.

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