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Chapter 11


The time came to get up from the bathroom and wonder down to the dungeons for detention. As I walked in and threw my books on the desk I saw him raise an eyebrow.
"I would of thought Miss Y/L/N that considering you're behind on some of your classes you'd of thought to attend them?" I couldn't be dealing with his sarcasm today
"Well you thought wrong. Now what am I doing?" I sighed and a look of amusement crossed his face before returning to that Same blank expression.
"You'll be brewing a potion for me. Amortenia. The method is on your desk." This wasn't so bad. I loved potions. I enjoyed it and I knew I was good at it. I set to work quickly, glancing over the sheet until I came to one point that stood out in particular in Snapes loopy handwriting. I'd finished putting in the Pearl dust when I couldn't help but wonder why lacewing flies were on the list. If I put these in it would blow us through the dungeon. I pondered it over in my head. Had he made a mistake? No of course not, he was the potions master. I didn't dare risk it. Raising my hand slowly. I could tell he knew I wanted him but wouldn't acknowledge me.
"Excuse me sir-
"I'm busy."
"There's a mistake."
A small grin threatened to break through and he raised an eye, walking over to me slowly.
"I highly doubt there is any mistake in this method seeing as I wrote it myself." His silky smooth voice ringing in my ears.
"Then why have you added lacewing flies? I'd be dead." I said it bluntly. Sick of his superior energy he seemed to radiate as he reached my desk.
"Indeed. You are correct. Continue. " For less than a second, surprise flashed in his eyes before turning and sitting back at his desk. Finally, I added the rose petals and it was finished. Filling my nose with the smell of parchment, leather and the smell in the air after its just rained on a spring day. But who smelt like this? This isn't what my love potion used to smell of? Was it possible it could of changed?
"Excuse me Professor? Is it possible for the smell of your amortenia to change?" He looked at me. His dark eyes filling my brown ones. He looked intrigued.
"I believe so. Mine having recently changed myself. " he sauntered over to me, eyes not leaving my face. As he approached my table he took a deep breath as he stood next to me. Almost too close.
"Indeed. It has changed. Now Miss Y/L/N. What do you smell?" I felt self conscious, not wanting to share with him what I could smell. What attracted me. But there was no use arguing. He'd delve into my head anyway if I didn't.
"Parchment. And leather. And the smell of the rain on a spring day..." I almost whispered the last part. Infatuated with the potion. Before it could go any further he slammed the lid of my cauldron, drawing my attention back to him.
"Interesting...." muttered under his breath I could barely here.
"Sir? What does yours smell of?"
"None. Of. Your. Business Miss Y/L/N. Now get out. Detention is over." Yet another sting. Why did he have to end every intimate moment by dismissing me. I was conflicted. I really wanted him to like me but all i seemed to be doing was pushing him away.

Snapes POV

It was interesting that her amortenia had changed. Mine doing so only a couple of months ago. And it scared me. Mine only smelt of vanilla and spiced apple and there was only one person I knew that smelt like that. It couldn't be. It was entirely inappropriate. Did she know? Did she know who her potion smelt of? I did. It couldn't be. It was impossible. Or was it?


The next morning in potions he ignored me. It hurt more and more. My feelings once again becoming too strong and painful to deal with. At least we had the afternoon off to go to Hogsmead. I sat in a carriage with Anna and Draco and wandered around the village on my own, telling them both that I'd meet them back at the castle. I slipped into a bar and ordered a fizzing wingbat. That should help numb the pain a little. I sat there for a while. Chatting to the elves and helping take my mind off everything that had happened in the last few months.

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