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Chapter 19


We'd been going at it for hours. Severus penetrating my mind and me attempting to block it. It was useless, nothing I did could get him out of my head. My body hurt, my head pounding and drained. The clock chimed 3am as I prepared for him to enter my mind once more.....

Snapes POV

It was disappointing. I believed she would of got it straight away. She was a clever girl but it seemed she couldn't for the life of her block me. Sweat was beading on her forehead, she was exhausted, we wouldn't get anywhere with her in this state.
"Enough now. You need to go to sleep and we will try again tomorrow."
"Do you not get it? I'm not going to sleep until I can do this Severus! It's more than a bad dream! They hurt me whilst I'm sleeping, how do you expect me to sleep when they invade my mind and use the crusciatus curse on me? Explain that!" Her frustration was getting the better of her. I needed something stronger, something to trigger her mind into stopping me. Something that she hadn't let me see yet.
"Legilimens." I dug deeper past the memories I'd already seen. Past her memories of the forests with her parents, past the news of her parents death, past the encounters with Draco. I pushed deeper, it was tiring her but she needed to fight back. Needed a reason to fight back. I got there. To her most vulnerable state: her cutting her arms in the bathroom, her contemplating jumping from the astronomy tower, Potter calling her a mudblood. It was working. These painful memories triggering something in her brain. I felt her begin to push me out, not strong enough but gaining ground. Just a little further and I'd get there. It came. A death eater, holding her down in a wooded area, attempting to do things to her body.
"Protego!" It pushed me out. She'd done it.
"That's private! How dare you!" Despite how upset she was I felt a smirk creeping into the corners of my lips. She'd done it, she'd blocked me.
"Legilimens." She was quicker this time, i was inside her mind for less than a minute before she blocked me.
"Not. Good. Enough." I taunted her, it was the only way to provoke a strong enough reaction. She took the bait, blocking my next invasion, blocking me from seeing anything inside her head. She sank to the floor and placed her head in her hands, obviously exhausted from the hours we had been awake. As I handed her a glass of water her dark eyes caught my own.
"Please. Just hold me." They were full of sadness and a pain I couldn't describe. I lifted her off the floor and pulled her towards me.
"It's okay, I won't let them hurt you." I murmured gently into her hair as she sighed against my chest.
"They know I'm here. What if they come for me?"
"That's why you are here. They can't attack the castle, even they aren't stupid enough to do that." It unnerved me to see her so worried and I wished there was anything I could do to take her mind off the situation....


I breathed in as I stood with my head in his chest. His scent brought some comfort to my troubled mind, it seemed he was the only thing that could. I looked up to see his black eyes staring into my own. He was so perfect it hurt. I reached up, planting a small kiss on his lips.
"Please, be with me-" I breathed as he kissed me back.  Even for him it was enough, he pulled me closer, kissing me harder. The kiss was soft, loving before getting more desperate. He pushed me back, until my back was against the wall, lifting me higher when I couldn't go back anymore, his lips not leaving mine for a second.
"You're mine." His growl only made me more desperate for him, pulling at his shirt, ripping a button in the process. A hand shot up and grabbed my wrist where it was.
"Ah ah, so impatient little one." He pulled away from me and the disappointment was clearly evident on my face. He scanned me up and down, holding me where I was as I tried to get to him.
"When you're a good girl and do what I say, then, you will get what you want." He licked his lips and my knees went weak. As he dropped my wrist I flew towards him, only to be met with a hand around my throat. Despite how intimidating he was, I had to admit he was turning me on.
"What did I just say? Behave yourself, and I might think about rewarding you." I couldn't bring myself to look at him, scared I wouldn't be able to control myself and I'd be left waiting even longer for some release. He dropped the hand from my throat, a smirk on his face and sauntered away, leaving my hair rustled and me indeed very frustrated. He was such a tease but my god did it make me want him more.
"Here." Severus' hand thrusted a cup of tea into my own, drawing me back into reality as he led me to bed. As I sipped my tea, he sat watching me, a puzzled expression on his face.  As I went to speak, he raised a hand, cutting me off.
"Just because you can now block your mind doesn't mean you are safe. You need to exercise caution. You do not leave the walls of this castle. You are in this room by 5pm every night and you never go anywhere alone. I must stress to you the seriousness of this situation Y/N. They've entered your mind, seen where you are. They may manipulate you to leave the confines of these walls but you must resist. Do not go outside." There was nothing I could say at this point. I knew exactly how dangerous it was and I had no intention of going outside. My eyes became heavy and my head started to swim. Had he put something in my tea? I went to speak but I couldn't hear myself, the room melting calmly. Before my eyes gave in I saw Severus take the teacup from my hands and drape the covers over me before the darkness closed in.

***Sorry for the short chapter 🤦🏼‍♀️ I've hit a little bit of a wall with this story so may need a little bit of time to make sure it's perfect before posting so please bear with me 💖 ***

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