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Chapter 25


The banging jolted me into some sort of alertness. Severus hadn't come back and the banging was getting louder. I could hear shouting from out in the corridors and a sense of dread was slowly seeping into me. Mustering up some strength, I pulled myself out of bed and dragged myself over to the window, peering out I could see sparks flying and the sky had become alive with magic. Knowing instantly what was happening I knew I wouldn't be safe if I stayed in here. Running on adrenaline I pulled my dragons hide jacket over my vest and pulled my knee length boots onto my bare legs beneath my shorts. Picking up my wand and sliding it into the waistband of my jeans, I tied my hair up with a ribbon that lay in the bedside drawer. I had to run. I couldn't be safe here and if they found me they'd surely take over Hogwarts and kill everyone in it. My fever seemed to disappear as my adrenalin kicked in. I grabbed a fresh sheet of parchment and scribbled a note, hoping Severus would understand if he came back and I wasn't here, that I'd managed to get out and somewhere safe. Clearing my head I thought how less than 24 hours ago I'd been prepared to sacrifice myself but now the time was here I knew I had to run. That the rest of them would be in danger if I was caught. Leaving the letter in an obvious place, I cautiously stuck my head out of the classroom door, breathing a sigh of relief to see the corridor completely empty. My relief was short lived as shouts and screams came from the floor above me. My head down, I rushed quickly up the steps, hoping to make it out into the grounds and out into the forest if I had to. No one should follow me in there, I could handle whatever creatures lay in the dark forest better than I could an army of death eaters coming after me.

I hurried quickly through the corridors. Closer and closer to the front doors. Students were running aimlessly, making it difficult to make my way through the crowds. The death eaters were well and truly inside the castle and the chaos was overwhelming. As I turned a corner, bumping into a group of terrified first years, a vase smashed on the floor beside me. Looking up to see who's wand had done the damage, my eyes met those of a scrawny, dark haired man. Upon sighting me, he sent a flurry of spells my way, narrowly missing the first years who screamed in terror.
"Bombarda!" My wand blew up the suit of armour that was beside the death eater as he came towards me, knocking him backwards through the entrance he had just come. The first years cowered behind me, no where near ready in their first three months of being at Hogwarts to be fighting in a battle. The dual continued before I finally managed to knock him out. Running quickly, my body straining but my adrenalin pushing it on, I rushed through another corridor and was hit in the back with a nasty hex. Rolling over on the floor, I saw another death eater had spotted me and was responsible for the hex. Wincing as my bruised back sent sharp pains through my spine, I lifted my wand.
"Sectum sempra!" I hit them just as they had become within arms reach of me. Not looking back at the pool of blood running beneath them, I pulled my battered body off the floor and attempted to run again. My shoulder was pulled back by a hand and I panicked, ready to face my attacker before recognising the face.
"Jenny! You need to get out! You need to run!" My friends face was white with fear, not saying anything, she hugged me quickly, ducking as I shot a spell at another death eater over her shoulder. I could feel my body straining now, my head baffled but the fear pushing my legs onwards. I was so close to the exit but I didn't know how many more death eaters I'd have to face. I passed most of the staff as I ran through the corridors, each of them protecting a group of students and aiming to get everyone into the great hall safely. I trundled on past them and breathed a quick sigh of relief as I sprinted down a deserted hallway. The pain that rippled through my body as I heard the incantation for the cruciatus curse snarled was indescribable, slamming my body into the stone floor.
"Rictumsempra!" A male voice came from the other direction, ending my pain as the death eater was hit with the spell.
"I've got you." Two strong arms lifted me off the ground, my body screaming in pain as I recognised who it was. Potter. The very one who had called me a mud blood and had been my sworn enemy since school began. Breathing a quick thanks, I went to move on, to the safety of outside but it was too late. We were becoming surrounded. Dark cloaks and faces at every angle. I gulped, facing them as I felt Harrys back against mine.
"It's okay we can take them!" Not answering him but glad of his confidence I nodded. Readying my wand. It all happened too quickly for my eyes to register what was going on. The spells flying erratically around me. Many death eaters fell between Harrys and my curses but it wasn't without loss. Harry had been hexed and was bleeding badly from his shoulder. Gripping him tightly, between us we managed to disarm the last two death eaters standing and they fell to the ground. I hoisted Harry against me, putting his arm over my shoulders as I half carried him down the empty corridor. The screams and shouting from the rest of the castle still filling my ears, I hobbled down the corridor under the weight of Harrys body, him becoming more limp as his blood soaked my jacket, running down onto my bare legs. My body was at breaking point. My fever suddenly returning with a vengeance as the adrenalin struggled to keep me going.
"Y/N!" Lupins voice bounced off the walls as he ran down the hallway towards me. A death eater following him. With my last remaining strength, I let Harry sink to the ground, raising my arm to aim over Lupins shoulder as he ran towards us;
"Petrificus totales!" The remaining death eater fell and my body gave in as Lupin reached Harry and I. I felt my knees hit the floor as the darkness caved in around me.

Snapes POV

With the castle secured and the death eaters either dead or retreated my thoughts turned to Y/N. How had I been so stupid as to leave her alone all this time unprotected? Storming out from the great hall which was now playing host to all students, I set for the dungeons only to be met by Dumbledore.
"Where is she Albus?" My frustration at finding my quarters empty was coursing through me, fear sneaking into my heart like snakes.
"She's with the order." My heart skipped a beat. I hadn't heard those words in so long. It had been a full two years since Potter had defeated Voldemort, reminding us constantly of the tragedies that had taken place every time he took a step into my classroom. I had believed the Order would never need to meet again but it was evident we were in a circumstance that required a stronghold. I set myself to apparate before Dumbledore spoke again.
"She's not at Grimmauld place Severus. They're in a ministry safe house. It was the quickest place we could get them to, the ministry set it up ready for such an attack." I could feel myself getting more and more agitated with the man. Was she okay? Why on Earth had the order taken refuge at a ministry safe house? That defeated the point of the order. Apparating quickly to the address Dumbledore had given me, my stomach dropped at the sight of her laying on a couch, Lupin bent over her. Why was she always covered in blood?
"What happened to her!"
"It's not her blood Severus. She saved Potter. And a good deal of first years too! She's a talented witch." I'd had just about enough of Lupins happy go Larry tone and I set towards him, shoving him roughly away from her. The Weasleys were here, along with Sirius, Moody and of course Potter. Looking at the sight of her unconscious body, covered in Potters blood whilst he sat there, alive and seemingly well was enough for me to want to take her and hex the lot of them for subjecting her to such danger. Brushing the hair from her eyes, I scanned my eyes down her body. I was glad to see if wasn't her blood but dark, black bruises were appearing slowly on her white skin. She certainly had been through the wars and all I wanted to do in that moment was hold her. Scooping her into my arms gently, I followed Molly to an upstairs bedroom where I placed her gently on the bed. Assuring me she would tend to her injuries and wrap the broken rib that Y/N had managed to gain, I left her with Molly, Stalking down to the rest of the Order to discuss the inevitable attack that was coming.

***Sorry it's a little short! I've hit a little bit of a brick wall with where I want this to go. Or more how I want to write it if you get what I mean 😂 I hope it's not too bad and that at least some of you are enjoying it so far 💖***

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