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"Here lies Dobby, a free elf

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"Here lies Dobby, a free elf."
-J.K. Rowling

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda looks over her shoulder again and sees Thanos approaching unopposed. She swings her left hand around to fend him off with a stream of scarlet energy, and pushes him back despite his blue-purple energy shield, but then he starts to make slow headway.

No. No. No. No. No. 

Wanda all but pleads in her head, begging for something. Someone.

Please Loki. 

Tears continued to fall past her flushed cheeks, soft whimpers escaping her pale and cracked lips. Vision gently tightens his hand around her wrist, catching her attention.

"It's all right. It's all right. Your my family Wanda, remember that. I love you." Vision whispers

At those words, the yellow Mind Stone finally starts to crack. Wanda's lips part in a silent plead but Vision's face is overcome by an expression of joyful peace, and as the crystal fragments completely, a pulse of pure yellow energy explodes from him, shuddering the trees for many meters around his epicenter.

Wanda's and Thanos's energy subsides. Wanda falls to her knees, her shoulder shaking. Thanos walks closer to Wanda. "I understand, my child. Better than anyone." Thanos says "You could never." Wanda sneers.

He killed Loki and now Vision.

Thanos reaches down to presume to stroke her hair, as if in comfort "Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. no time at all." Thanos says

He reaches forward, clenching the gauntlet, emerald filigree surrounding his wrist, making a gesture very similar to that Doctor Strange made when activating the Eye of Agamotto.

In response, a bead of yellow light starts gathering in on itself as time is reversed and growing in size, solidifying into an intact and conscious Vision.

"No!" Wanda yells. she lunges for Vision but is swatted away. Her head cut open.

Thanos picks up Vision by the throat, lifting him to eye-level. Vision thrashes in his hold. Thanos clicks his tongue and he digs the fingers of his right hand into Vision's forehead, brutally digging out the Mind Stone.

He pulls it loose, and Vision goes limp and colorless; he tosses the lifeless android aside like trash.

Vision lands onto the ground, his body settling on his side. His head grotesque and macabre. 

Wanda watches in horror, struggling to hold herself up. Wanda silently cries as Vision lifeless eyes stare into hers.

"Why have you done." Wanda whimpers, Wanda tilts her head down, closing her eyes. The tears were never ending. This was it, the end. And she was powerless to fight it. It was almost relieving.

Bringing his gauntleted hand up, Thanos slowly moves the Mind Stone over the last empty setting, and drops it in.

The energy surge is much more than any previous - his torso is wreathed with iridescent static and he bellows from the sensations.

As Thanos studies the completed gauntlet, a massive bolt of lighting strikes him, digging him into the ground and grinding him back for meters.

Thor has arrived, eyes glowing with power, stooping down from the sky like a bird of prey.

The God of Thunder pauses his attack, reverses his position, raises Stormbreaker above his head and hurls it -- Thanos fires the whole might of the gauntlet against it, but it only creates a rainbow-like bowshock, not slowing the axe as it slams right into Thanos' chest.

Thor lands in front of Thanos, who is down on one knee; hatefully. "I told you. You'd die for that!" Thor says

He takes hold of the back of Thanos's head and forces Stormbreaker deeper into his chest, staring angrily into his eyes while Thanos cries out in pain.

"You should have... You..." Thanos says

Suddenly stronger. "You should have gone for the head!" Thanos says

He raises his gauntlet and snaps his fingers. "NO!" Thor and Wanda yell

Wanda lunges but the scene whites out.


It cuts sharply to a view of Thanos his hand on his chest, no wounds visible. Thanos now seems to be inside the Soul Stone, where he sees a young Gamora and the pavilion from the home world of the Zen-Whoberi.

"Daughter?" Thanos ask "Did you do it?" Gamora ask "Yes." Thanos says "What did it cost?" Gamora ask "Everything." Thanos says, solemnly.


Now out of the Soul World.

Thanos is snapped back to normal reality, and notices the damage inflicted on the gauntlet - the metal scorched and distorted from heat, the stones no longer glowing.

"What'd you do?" Thor asks, angrily. "WHAT'D YOU DO?!" Thor yells

Thanos nearly seems to not notice Thor before he uses the Space Stone and teleports away, leaving Stormbreaker behind on Wakandan ground. Steve stumbles into the clearing, holding his left side.

"Where'd he go? Thor... where'd he go?" Steve ask "Steve, Wanda?" Bucky asks, his voice shaking as makes his way to a sobbing Wanda, wanting to hold her. He needed to.

Wanda lifts her head and she watches as Bucky suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes, much to Steve and Wanda's shock.

Steve walks over and touches the ground where Bucky's ashes evaporated unbelievingly.

Wanda stares in silent horror.

Wanda is mourning over Vision and Bucky. She looks up as she feels a weird tingle, she closes her eyes ready to go, but her magic reacts and she glows a soft red, suddenly she turns into ashes.


Back on Wakanda.

The remaining team members, Captain America, Thor, War Machine, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, and Rocket are left mourning near Vision's dead body.

Captain America turns over Vision's bleached corpse as Nat runs up to the other survivors, clutching to her stomach, feeling a sudden loss.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodes ask "Oh, God." Steve says, his head turning to Natasha. "Steve." Nat breaths


Meanwhile, in a different place, in a rustic house on a terraced slope with a scarecrow made of discarded armor, Thanos sits down and watches the Sun rise.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now