Thirty-Three • "I want us to fit in."

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"For the record, this really does feel like a killing-me kind of a room

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"For the record, this really does feel like a killing-me kind of a room."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Night. Hogwarts grounds.

Wanda steps into the dark compound, dressed in warm burgundy sweats, the top a flowy blouse, and thrown over it was a lace robe.

It was freezing but Wanda enjoyed the the cold, reminded her of Loki, she hopes it will snow, maybe on Christmas. Loki always promised to show her all the Christmas lights and the whitest snow he had ever seen, and she looked forward to it, she had only ever lived in the heat.

Wanda bends down and she touches a red flower, her fingers grazing the delicate petal. A smile finding its way to her lips. It was peaceful.

Suddenly she hears and feels a small puff of air against her ear, pushing her hair, making her stiffen significantly in fear, she turns her head slowly and she sees a giant wolf in front of her.

Wanda gasps almost violently and she stumbles back, trembling in fear, forgetting that she is the embodiment of power.

The wolf huffs straight in her face, saliva hitting her cheek. The werewolf turns to the flower she was just touching and he sniffs it, eyeing the gorgeous flower, admiring it before he delicately nips at the bud, showing gentleness no one knew an animal his size can possess.

The werewolf carefully turns his head and he offers it to Wanda. Wanda stares at him with wide eyes, visibly shaking.

The wolf stomps, impatient, huffing. Wanda squeaks and with a shakey hand she grabs the flower, cradling it in her palm. The wolf hums in triumph, nudging her.

With one of his thin hands, he grabs her wrist. Wanda muffles a whimper as the wolf pulls her into him. The wolf sniffs her hair before pulling away, yipping at her before running off.

Wanda with wide eyes stands with trembling limbs, the flower still in her grasp. What the hell was that.


Wandas dorm.

Wanda was still in shock as she sat at her desk, placing the flower onto the wooden table.

Belt slithers it's way onto the desk, startling Wanda. Wanda relaxes, yeah she's not going to be able to go to sleep tonight.


Next day.

Wanda drags a hand down her face, her skin completely pale, drained of any color.

She makes her way towards her vanity, the sun from the open window reflecting on her tired face, she grabs her hair brush and she runs it through her tangled hair, acknowledging the fact that the strands were slowly fading back to her natural red.

Wanda hums, grabbing a book from the side, opening it to a specific page. McGonagall gave her this spell book on beauty after she asked Wanda to change the pigment of her hair.

Wanda was still scared to point the wand to herself, she wasn't used to it, but she doesn't know how to do this without her wand, she doesn't know how long it will last. With the wand she knows the time span.

"Crinus Muto." Wanda announces confidently.

Her reddish brown hair bleeds back into a golden brown. Wanda sighs before lowering her wand and brushing through the rest of her hair.

"The hair color changing spell, why do you need that." A very tired voice asks, startling Wanda, who whirls around, Remus stood at the door of Wandas dorm, he looked worse then Wanda.

Remus drags his feet, making his way towards Wanda, he had fresh scratches on his face, which were larger gashes but Madam Pomfrey healed them.

"What are you doing here so early?" Wanda asks, worried about Remus's deteriorating state, the poor teen was swaying on his feet. Wanda stands, gently guiding Remus to her bed.

Remus sighs and he falls back, curling into a fetal position. "I don't know why I'm here." Remus moans, it was a honest answer, but it wasn't the full truth.

Moony was rattling around in his head, howling, it seemed to lessen when he neared the Slytherin dorms, so he spelled the doors open and made his way to the only Slytherin he liked.

Moony was quiet.

Wanda sighs. "Fine you can stay but your making up the bed." Wanda says, making her way into her bathroom to change.

"Why are you spelling your hair brown?" Remus asks, dragging Wandas blanket over his head, inhaling deeply, moaning softly at the amazing smell.

The blankets smelt like Wanda, she smelt warm, like honey and baked goods, he couldn't pin point what exactly he's smelling but it just smelt safe.

"Red is just too...." Wanda was trying to find a good excuse, but it was a little hard when she loved her natural hair color. "Bright." Wanda says

Remus snorts into the sheets. Wanda leaves the bathroom, only finding Remus clutching her blankets up to his face. Wanda smiles and she makes her way over, hitching up her skirt and sitting right besides Remus.

Remus doesn't move. Wanda softly runs her fingers through his hair, making Remus sigh and lean up into her touch.

"What happened to your face." Wanda asks, making Remus stiffen under her touch. "I don't want to talk about it." Remus mumbles

Wanda lifts an eyebrow and she shifts down her bed, lining up her body to Remus's, laying on her side. Remus's eyes were closed, but he struggled in keeping them shut, feeling Wandas gaze on him.

"If someone is hurting you? You can tell me." Wanda asks

Remus shakes his head. Wanda rolls her eyes, not believing him. Wanda drags herself closer, so their noses are touching and she narrows her eyes. Remus reluctantly opens his eyes, his face heating up from the proximity, only to bite back a smile when he notices her glaring.

"What?" Remus asks "I swear Remus, if your letting yourself be abused or bullied, you won't have them to worry about." Wanda warns

Remus smiles. "I know and you don't need to worry Wanda, I'm completely fine." Remus says "why don't I believe you?" Wanda asks, tugging at his hair, making Remus swat away her hand.

"Trust me, I can handle myself, now shut up and let me hog the bed, your mothering is ruining my nap." Remus teases

Wanda lifts an eyebrow, unamused, before rolling onto Remus, making him groan and laugh. "Careful." Remus whines, he was soar.

Wanda laughs, shoving her cold nose into his warm neck, making him exclaim in surprise.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now