Seventeen • "I can't control your fear, I can only control mine."

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"Every family has a legacy, and this is mine

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"Every family has a legacy, and this is mine. I intend to fight for always and forever, even if it destroys me."
-Hope Mikaelson

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

"Slag." A girl coughs into her fist as Wanda passes her at the Slytherin table, girls around her giggle to each other.

Wanda rolls her eyes as she continues walking towards her seat. "So much for woman empowerment." Wanda grumbles

Suddenly a Slytherin asshole grabs Wandas ass making her gasp and twirl around, the asshole smirks and sends a crude smirk.

Wanda was ready to knock the crooked teeth out of him. But someone beats her to it.


Sirius Black grabs the front of the Slytherin assholes shirt and snarls in his face, before knocking his fist straight across the guys face.

Everyone gasps and the hall falls into silence.

Wanda watches in shocked silence as Sirius beats his fist across the assholes face. Girls cried out in fear as they watch the violent beating.

Before Sirius can land another punch,
A tired looking Remus catches his wrist, his eyes dark and filled with hate. "As much as this asshole deserves it, you can't go around beating people." Remus sneers

Sirius pants in anger and hate, straining against Remus's strong grip.

Peter lightly touches Wandas wrist hesitantly, gently checking up on her.

James was cracking his knuckles intimidating behind Remus and Sirius, glaring down at the whimpering sod.

Soon they hear hurried footsteps and McGonagall rushes up to them. "What is the meaning of this!" McGonagall demands, looking between the bleeding teen and Sirius.

Sirius clears his throat and he straightens up. "Sorry professor but I was teaching this asshole lesson. As we all know, it is against the rules to sexually harass another student, as a rule breaker myself, I would never touch a unsuspecting female without their explicit consent." Sirius says politely, surprising everyone by his polite behavior.

McGonagall notices the pointed stare and she turns to her young ward, who held her head up high defiantly.

McGonagall feels her throat close up in anger, but she clears it up anyways.

McGonagall turns to a fuming Severus. "Snape please take Mr. Linx to the infirmary at once, and that will be a hundred points from house Slytherin for Linx's disrespectful behavior towards Ms. Maximoff, and we will discuss further punishment after Linx is healed. As for you Black, I appreciate the gallantry but that is fifty points from Gryffindor and a weeks detention, you may return to your dorm and think about your actions." McGonagall says

While Sirius and the others smile proudly, Severus and a few Slytherins exclaim in rage.

Regulus rolls his eyes, annoyed with his sexist house, he crosses his arms.

McGonagall turns to Wanda. "Come with me dear, we will have some tea and biscuits." McGonagall announces

Wanda smiles, her chest blooming with something warm and familiar.

'Poor dear.' McGonagall coos in her head. How she wanted to smoother the small teen in affection.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now