Thirty-Seven • "Slipping through my fingers."

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Since I love you guys. And since Halloween is so close. Here's the next chapter!!!! Enjoy!

 Here's the next chapter!!!! Enjoy!

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"We are Groot."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda stood at the door way with her costume and makeup in her grasp, watching all the girls laugh and gossip.

She felt so out of place. All of this was new to her. Hanging out with girls her age, it was a welcome adjustment to her life.

Dorcas spots Wanda and she brightens, making her way towards her. Dorcas grabs Wandas hand, "your here! Come on, me and Lily are doing each other's makeup, but once we are done, we'll do yours." Dorcas says

Wanda can feel her eyes soften significantly.

Wanda sits right besides Lily who bumps her shoulder against hers playfully, giving her a wink.


Hours later.

Wanda sat in front of the mirror, amazed by her appearance. "You look amazing Wanda." Marlene breaths, gently fixing the head piece on Wandas head.

Wanda smiles, touched. This meant a lot to her. She was in touch with her roots, it felt amazing.

"I'm really happy that you let us strip the brown from your hair, your nature red is gorgeous." Dorcas says "I know!!! I'm so jealous, mine is too red!! Yours is so light and peach!" Lily whines

Wanda laughs.

"Your red is beautiful Lily, it reminds me of an old friend." Wanda says reminiscing, her heart at her throat at the thought of Nat.

Lily smiles. "Why did you hide it? It's perfect." Mary asks "I didn't want to stand out, I'm not really great under the spot light." Wanda says

"Well tonight all eyes will be on you." Dorcas says

Wanda laughs nervously.


Wanda and Lily stood side by side waiting for their dates. "I can't believe your going as cat woman, James is going to be tripping over himself." Wanda says with a small laugh.

Lily chuckles, shaking her head. "I can't believe I am actually entertaining the idea of going with him. But I made it very clear that we are just going as friends." Lily says


Wanda smirks amused. "Of course." Wanda says

Lily suddenly spots someone behind Wanda. Her eyebrows lift up to her hairline. "Wow that is definitely not what I expected him to go as." Lily says

Confused. Wanda turns and she feels the air get suck out of her chest.

Wanda can feel her eyes blur with tears and shock. But it all clears up when Sirius Black takes his first step towards her.

Lily smiles and she makes her way out, leaving the two alone.

Sirius walks over towards Wanda with a smirk. "How do I look?" Sirius asks

Wandas eyes soften. "Amazing." Wanda breaths

Sirius can feel his heart jump at the admission. Sirius clears his throat and he looks down at himself. "I was planning on going as my mother. I mean that's terrifying enough on its own." Sirius says with a laugh, making Wanda smile and laugh with him.

"W-why the sudden change." Wanda asks

Sirius flushes, but under all the makeup you wouldn't be able to tell. "Well we're going as dates, so I wanted us to match." Sirius says almost bashfully:

Wanda can feel her cheeks heat up. "Y-you didn't need to do that, your mother would've been fine." Wanda says

Sirius chuckles. "Trust me, you do not want to go on a date with my mother." Sirius says

"So you came as Vision." Wanda asks "we'll Remus helped me. I'm comic accurate and everything." Sirius says playfully.

Wanda smiles. "It's cute, but technically we have no actual connection here. I'm a Sokovian fortune teller, Vision has no relationship with my character." Wanda says, amused.

"Yeah I brought that up, but Remus said that they dated or something?" Sirius asks

Wanda chuckles, shaking her head. "He's messing with you, he probably just wanted to see your face covered in that hideous face paint." Wanda says

Sirius's face falls. Wanda giggles, making her way over, gently reaching over with her hand, grasping Sirius's. Sirius looks down at their entwined hands, his fingers flexing over hers, letting her pull him closer.

The proximity raised Sirius's blood temperature.

"It's really cute, your trying. But trust me, I barely started reading those comics. And if it makes you feel any better I'll just say I'm Wanda Maximoff." Wanda teases

The corner of Sirius's mouth lifts up. "Yeah I can come to terms with that." Sirius says

"Well Wanda Maximoff it is." Wanda says, trailing a finger up Sirius's wrist, making his eyes move down, what is she doing. She has never been this touchy and close.

Most of their moments were initiated by him. Wanda leans forward and she finally presses her lips against his. Sirius's eyes automatically fall shut, reaching up with one hand and gently grabbing the back of Wandas neck, his fingers tangling into her red hair.

Wandas lips part, letting Sirius's tongue find his way in, gently caressing hers. Before Sirius can deepen the kiss, Wanda pulls away.

"Have I told you how much I love the red hair." Sirius whispers

Wandas eyes were on Sirius's lips, filled with longing. "It hasn't yet come up." Wanda whispers

Sirius smiles. "Well you look perfect." Sirius admit, his eyes admiring her face only to softly laugh at the way her lips turned out, covered in red face paint from his own lips.

With his thumb, he gently runs the red from her lips, making Wanda smile.

Sirius slows down at the look on her face, eyes soft and filled with desire. So much affection towards this female ran in his body.

It was almost scary.

Sirius was many things, player, disappointment, rebel, reckless, prankster and Marauder. And he knows that he will do something to ruin this, and he's scared shitless.

He doesn't want to ruin whatever he has with Wanda.

The teen knew that Wanda was far from his, that he had a lot of obstacles to fight through, but he does know that he kissed Wanda a total of three times, and that's more then those assholes can say.

He just hopes that Wanda wants him just as much as he wants her. Because if she felt even a fraction of affection for anyone else, he knew he would lose.

Because to him, there will always be a better man then him.

For example, Remus.

He wasn't blind and he wasn't stupid. And Sirius wasn't jealous over nothing. Wanda spent most of her time with the werewolf, she lit up like a Christmas tree when she was with him. There may be just platonic emotions but he knew Remus liked her.

He was most likely screwed when it came to Wanda and Remus.


Sirius had gorgeous eyes, nothing can take that away, not the hideous face paint, or those stupid contacts. It was the way they lit up whenever he was happy or mad.

They were perfect.

It hurt that this was the last kiss she'll share with him, but she was going home. Finally.

So this was a perfect goodbye.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now