Forty-Nine • "I'm Not Sorry That I Met You..."

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WE FINALLY REACHED 100K ON PRETTY IN RED!!!!! Thank you guys sooo much!!!! Now enjoy these next two chapters!!

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"Because When People See Good They Expect Good."
-Damon Salvatore

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Hours before.

Sirius wakes up groggily, eyes blurry and tired. He has no idea how he managed to actually wake up. Sirius groans as the hard light from the open windows hits his face, making his eye squint.

Sirius stretches his limbs and groans in relief as his muscles pop.

Sirius sits up in his bed and he takes in his surroundings, breathing out in relief when he realizes he's alone. He would've been really hypocritical if he had slept with anyone last night. Sirius sighs and he rests his head against his headboard.

"Hey." A voice whispers

Sirius looks up and his eyes meets Remus's. Remus looked just as bad as he felt, his eyes filled with guilt. Sirius only rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Yeah I'm not really in the mood for your half ass apology." Sirius sneers

Remus rolls his eyes. "Stop begin such a child, you and Wanda weren't exclusive and it was just one date." Remus says

Sirius's eyes darken. "Fuck you Remus, you knew I was into her. You knew how much I liked her and you still kissed her!" Sirius yells "so what, as if you haven't done the same to me in the past. Every girl I liked, or had any sort of feelings for, you either kiss them or fuck them! Wanda isn't any different! I like her! I like her a lot and you took that too!" Remus yells

"Fucking Merlin Remus!!" Sirius yells, moving to his feet, "you have never made it obvious you liked her! You said shit when I asked her out! Or when we asked you if you had feelings for her!!! You have a fucking problem, you self sabotage and somehow manage to blame it on someone else!!" Sirius exclaims

Remus doesn't flinch, but it seemed to only manage to make him even more pissed. "Yeah smooth Sirius, bring up my damn Lycanthropy!!! Like I asked to be a fucking werewolf!!!" Remus yells

Sirius rolls his eyes. "Oh get over yourself Remus, like I fucking care at this point!!! I never said shit about you being a fucking werewolf!! I'm so sick of you playing the victim!!! You broke my trust Remus!!! And you can't seem to get that over you thick skull!!!" Sirius hisses, pointing at Remus.

Remus's eyes darkens. "Oh that's rich coming from you, 5th year, Snape, does that ring a bell!!!" Remus yells

Sirius scoffs. "Get over it Remus, how many times do I have to apologize for that!!! I'm sorry I screwed up!!! So stop trying to turn this around!" Sirius sneers, he was two seconds away from throwing the first punch.

"Okay you two shut it!!" James yells, annoyed and pissed with the two squabbling.

Remus and Sirius whip their heads around. James comes up to them. "Remus you are in the wrong, so apologize like a normal human being, quite riling Sirius up. And Sirius, what you did in 5th year is still shitty and he has the right to be mad about it. Wanda doesn't belong to either of you so stop acting like a pigheaded asshole. Sirius you have never stuck with one girl to save your life. Remus you never made it obvious you had feelings for Wanda, so don't expect Sirius to hold off on your account. Grow some balls. Now both of you, apologize." James sneers

Sirius and Remus look like a bunch of disgruntled animals, glaring at one another.

"Apologize." James hisses

"Sorry." Sirius and Remus mumble.

James sighs, rolling his eyes. It was better then nothing.

"Now get dressed before I actually beat your asses. We have classes in five minutes." James says

"What?!" Sirius screeches, "but breakfast!" Sirius exclaims "oh my god you fucking fat ass, I left you a plate besides your nightstand. Like I'm going to let my paddy die of hunger." James coos

Sirius chuckles. "Aww, you do love me." Sirius teases

James rolls his eyes fondly. "I do, now give me a kiss." James jokes, puckering his lips, only to exclaim in surprise when he receives a peck on the lips. "Sirius!" James yells

Sirius chuckles, he thumps his chest and he broadens his shoulders, looking like a washed up jock and he exclaims, "No Homo." Before running off

Remus and James scoff, watching him completely devour his breakfast as he gets ready. "Isn't he Bisexual?" Remus asks "yeah." James sighs, shaking his head in amusement. "Where did he even get that." James asks

Remus shrugs.



Sorry for adding some Gen-Z humour with the No Homo, lol, it just suddenly popped up in my head. It is literally something he would do.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now