Thirty-Nine • "Wanda."

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"I don't know how any of this started

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"I don't know how any of this started."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda was absolutely adorable, laughing and talking with a first year Hufflepuff, genuinely enjoying their company.

Remus was completely enchanted with her, he stood there, watching her. He never felt so content, ignoring every anguished filled day where he was a monster. In this moment all he thought about was Wanda.


Wanda genuinely enjoyed the Hufflepuffs company. The younger teen was dressed as a bat, going into detail how they stitched every detail.

Wanda was amazed and asked question after question until the Hufflepuff went silent and lowered their eyes, his pupils darkening.

Confused, Wanda turns and she finds Lucius Malfoy standing right behind her, his blond hair slicked back and elegantly done. He obviously didn't get the memo of the party, dressed as a older Pureblood, not like the rest of the party.

Wanda recognized him, seeing him around the common room, he was tall and very blonde. And she has to admit, he was gorgeous.

"So the rumors are true, you are truly stunning." Lucius compliments, it was very unlike him. The Malfoy stood tall, with his hand fixated with his wand. He was never without it.

Wanda doesn't know what to make of the compliment, it was so out of the blue. Before Wanda can open her mouth, Lucius shoots a heavy glare to the teen besides her. The poor Hufflepuff runs off out of fear.

Now it was only Wanda and Lucius.

"High praise coming from you I believe." Wanda says "oh it is, especially for someone in your stature." Lucius sneers, eyes raking down her body.

Wow someone's bipolar. "Well thank you, I guess.....What do you want? If it isn't just to give me a backwards compliment." Wanda asks

"I came to warn you, about Lupin and the other...pests." Lucius says, tilting his head.

Wanda lifts an eyebrow. Before Wanda can say anything, Lucius continues to speak. "As a Pureblood, you don't want to associate yourself with their filth." Lucius sneers

Wandas eyes darken. "What the hell do you know about filth, especially when it comes to a family filled with inbreeding." Wanda hisses

Lucius's eyes lit up in fury, his fingers curling tighter around his wand. "As a occupant of your house and status, it is my duty to protect you from someone with Lupins affliction." Lucius implies

What?! Wanda was confused, and enraged. Her hands curling into a fist, her nails digging into her palms. She has been itching to punch someone. "W-what do you mean?" Wanda asks, heat rising up her chest and swelling in her cheeks, "ah....I see, your as blind and stupid like the rest of them. If I hadn't promised the headmaster I would keep quiet, I would've let the world know about Lupins curse. That he was a mongrel of the lowest level." Lucius says

Wanda had to turn away from him, her eyes lit up, red swirling in the depths of them. This time she didn't have Sirius to calm her. "Wanda." Remus asks, worried, coming up to them.

Remus turned his back for one second. Wanda lifts her head and she meets the worried gaze of Remus Lupin.

"Ahh the famous half-breed, we were just talking about you." Lucius says, Remus tenses, his gaze lowering towards Wanda, he noticed the hate in her gaze, worried that it was aimed towards him. He was worried that she knew.

"I was just warning Maximoff here to stay away from you. We don't want a beast like you tainting another Pureblood line, especially with your filthy breeding. But knowing how much of slag Maximoff is, I bet you've already filled your seed in her filthy cunt." Lucius snarls

Remus saw white, for once he was willing to let his wolf take control.

But before he can jump and rip Malfoy to shreds, Wanda whips around and with a red glows, sends a large stream of her power into Malfoys chest, yelling in anger.

Remus's eyes widen and he gasps in amazement and shock.

Wanda huffs in exertion, her chest rising and falling, her hair wild and untamed, like a wolf.

Lucius laid unconscious against a large pillar, head crippled.

"Wanda." Remus asks, worried.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now