Sixty-Four • "First light."

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Merry Christmas!!!!! Enjoy the next two chapters!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!! Enjoy the next two chapters!!!

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"To new beginnings."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Hospital Wing.

Wanda sat on one of the beds, waiting for Madam Pomfrey.

The brunette woman walks back into the room and towards the red head, shaking her head softly in amusement, making Wanda cringe. "I know I'm sorry, it's so embarrassing and we should've been more careful, but we're teens Madam." Wanda says

Pomfrey chuckles, handing Wanda a pill bottle. "And that's why I have these on hand, take one every six hours today and tomorrow and you won't have to worry about a teen pregnancy. I spelled them myself, it's diluted so it doesn't harm your body but it's a process. And it's 100% effective." Pomfrey says

Wanda smiles and she takes the bottle. "And the bite, I mean I'm not worried but Remus is, which is cute. But as injuries go....It's minor isn't it?" Wanda asks

Pomfrey smiles. "Tell Mr. Lupin that it's perfectly fine, he didn't break any skin and there's no infection. Your all good. Also take this." Pomfrey offers, handing Wanda a pack of condoms, making her flush.

Oh my god that's humiliating.


Pietro knocks on Wandas dorm door, making Wanda look up. She smiles. She was freshly showered and ready for the first night.

They were lighting the menorah.


Out in the compound.

Erik and Peter were waiting for them. Peter looked awkward, hands in pockets. "I'm not exactly Jewish guys." Peter says

"I know Peter, but if I were to raise you, you would've been raised Jewish. I'm not going to force our religion on you, but your still my son, I want you here." Erik says

Peter smiles. "What does it even mean to believe in Judaism?" Peter asks "that there is one god, and we communicate with him through prayer and rituals, it's not easily defined. But it's something you feel in your heart." Wanda says

Erik smiles at her. "Perfectly said." Erik says


Erik grabs a menorah from his bag and he gently places it to the center of the table.

Erik looks to his kids. "I know I haven't been the greatest father of the century, but I'm glad I have you all now. And I am happy to be finally doing this with you three. I know recently we don't have much to be grateful for, but just know we can count on each other." Erik says

Wanda looks down, her hands in her coat. She feels a soft nudge on her shoulder and she looks up, meeting her brothers gaze. He looks at her reassuring. Wanda swallows harshly.

"I haven't found it in me to be faithful to a god who would take my brother, to let him die. I mean there's Thor, a god. I know I should be grateful that he's here now, but I did that, I saved him. I want to be grateful but I just can't. I am here today for my family and to renew my faith, to honor my traditions." Wanda says

"That's all we can ask of you, we understand Wanda." Erik says

Peter sends her a smile.

"There was no warm light, there was nothing. I have been faithful to our god for a long time, and it hurts to know I wasn't worthy of being saved. But in the end I'm faithful to my sister, she saved me and I will follow her to the end. I'm here for her." Pietro says

"Thank you Pietro." Wanda says softly.

It's been hard on all of them, they needed this.

"We'll I'm just here because Erik pulled me out of my dorm." Peter says with a small shrug.

The three chuckle.

Erik takes a deep breath and he lights a match. "I truly appreciate you all, to new beginnings." Erik says



I wanted to point out that I'm not Jewish so I had to do some research. I hope I got it right. The only thing I honestly don't know is when to light the menorah. But I'm just creating the date and placing it on the day of the new moon.

I wanted to be true to the character, because in the comics Wanda is Jewish and I know that they need more representation. I won't be going into more detail with the religion, because it's not my belief and I don't have a 100% knowledge in Judaism.

And if your Jewish, I hope I didn't offend anyone.

I wanted to also point out that I am Christian, it was how I was raised, but I have a very open mind. And if I were in Wandas place, I would not have any faith because of the amount of shit she went through. It's a sad fact but it happens to a lot of people and I don't blame them.

So a reminder to you all, no hate on this account, you will be blocked and your comments will be deleted. This is a safe space for readers and for your individual beliefs.

I love you all.


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