Thirteen • "Avengers assemble!"

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"She knows

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"She knows."
-Wanda Maximoff

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda pins her hair up, getting ready for the day. Her eyes felt heavy, her magic running in circles around her, exhausting her.

After this morning, Bellatrix had sent out a hex at her, but luckily her magic protected her, in her fury, Bellatrix kept sending hexes after hexes.


Great Hall.

Wanda makes her way through the tables and towards her usual spot when suddenly a hand grips her wrist and pulls her to sit down.

Wandas eyebrows lift in surprise, her face meeting Piet- no! James gazes. James smiles brightly.

"Hey sit with us!" James exclaims

Wanda stiffens, glancing behind him to Bellatrix who was glaring holes into her skull.

In spite of her, Wanda turns back to James and she smiles. "I'd love to James." Wanda says overly cheerful.

Sirius eyes her curiously, the smile on her face felt a little forced. But he relaxes when she turns her gaze on him.

"Who's this James?" Marlene asks, leaning forward, eyeing Wanda.

Wanda tilts her head and she focuses on the teen before her, Wanda was very tempted to see what was behind those pretty brown eyes.

She hasn't entered someone's mind in months.

"This is Wanda, she's a exchange student from America." Remus says, beaming with joy. He finally had all his friends together.

"Well I'm Marlene, it's a pleasure to meet you." Marlene introduces, reaching out towards the teen, holding out a hand.

Wandas eyes move to the offered hand and she smiles, reaching over and gripping her hand firmly, shaking it.

Marlene chuckles and she pulls her hand back. "You have a firm grip." Marlene says

"Uh thanks I guess?" Wanda says a little confused. "So your obviously new, and a Slytherin who isn't evil,
since these doofuses took you under their wing." Mary says

"Hey." The four whine

Wanda smiles. "I started this year, and as for not being evil, well that has yet to be determined." Wanda teases

"Wanda is a angel, she has never done any wrong." Remus says

Wanda lifts an eyebrow. "Oh really." Wanda smirks, pulling her wand from her robe, only for belt to poke his head out.

Wanda winks at him and she whispers a small engorgio.

As Belt slithers over to the Slytherin table, he slowly grows. "What are you doing." Dorcas asks

Wanda just smirks.

Suddenly there was a scream.

Bellatrix falls back from the table. Belt was giant as he exits from the table.

"Maximoff." McGonagall apprehendes

Wanda turns and she faces her guardian, who looked disappointed. Wanda bites her lip, lowering her gaze.

The others were laughing.

Bellatrix was red faced and pissed off. "Return Belt to his normal size." McGonagall demands

Wanda sighs and she does as the professor says, allowing the snake to rest on her neck, slithering through her hair.

Sirius smiles, admiring her and the green snake. "And for the disruption, that will be twenty points taken from your house." McGonagall says

The Slytherins yell in a uproar, making Wanda smirk, screw those assholes, they've done nothing for her except shame her.

"I'm in love with you." James jokes

"I'd think that honour would be for Ms. Evans." Wanda says offhandedly, eyes staring down Bellatrix as she stabs harshly into her food, glaring down at her.

"So you know all about the Jily smut." Alice asks with a smirk.

James flushes. "What there is no smut and don't call us that, don't combine our names." Lily exclaims, blushing brightly.

Wanda smiles and she turns to the others. Sometimes she obtains certain information without knowing due to her magic, but she plays it off easily. "I've heard the rumours, the gossip." Wanda says

"What kind of rumours." James coughs, leaning forward, secretly intrigued.

Wanda smiles. "Nothing new, just that your madly in love with the pretty red head." Wanda says

James flushes even more. "Okay that's a bit of a stretch." James says, scratching his neck nervously.

Lily snorts.

"Whatever you say Potter." Wanda says amused.

Suddenly everyone turns serious. "Maximoff." Bellatrix grits out

Wanda rolls her eyes. Wanda turns, facing the Black. "Yes." Wanda asks "come with me for a bit, there is something I'd like to show you." Bellatrix says

"She doesn't have to go with you anywhere Bellatrix." Sirius says

Bellatrixs eyes narrow, forcing Sirius to turn away. Wanda notices and she feels fury bloom in her chest.

Wanda stands, but Remus reaches out for her wrist. Wanda shakes his hand away and she turns to Bellatrix.

Wanda forces a smile on her lips. "Very well." Wanda says

Bellatrix grabs her arms, and guides her out of the hall.

The others watch in worry.


Down the hall. Bellatrix roughly grabs Wandas wrist and she pushes her against the wall.

Wandas head slams hard against the wood making her gasp in pain.

"I've warned you Maximoff, I warned you not to test me." Bellatrix hisses

Wanda feels her blood pressure rise as she stares down at the floor, anger and hate burning her chest.

Wandas eyes slowly glow red, she tilts her head as she stares back up at Bellatrix.

"And I warned you." Wanda purrs, her sokovian accent slipping past her lips.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now