Sixty-One • "I want to touch you."

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"She has a part of my soul

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"She has a part of my soul."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda searched everywhere for her wand but she couldn't find it anywhere. She stops and thinks about the last place she saw it and she realized that Remus might've packed away her wand by accident.

Wanda only groans in realization, she's going to have to face him after the whole thing yesterday. Pietro obviously found it hilarious. But he's her brother, she doesn't know how Remus felt.

Wanda sighs and she pins her hair up, check herself out in the mirror. Humming in satisfaction in what she sees in return, she makes her way out of her dorm and towards the Gryffindor dormitory's.

Along the way, Wanda noticed the amount of Christmas decorations and she sighs, she's Jewish, she doesn't really celebrate Hanukkah but it still has meaning to her.

Christmas wasn't really a big deal to her, but it was still something she celebrated with the Avengers, they even placed a Menorah for her, it always warmed her heart.

She will light the first candle on the new moon, it was her families tradition. The new moon symbolized a new beginning. It was something she could never let go. She wasn't very religious, but her family was.

Tonight was the New Moon.


Wanda finds her way into the Gryffindor Common room, avoiding her siblings completely. She wasn't blind, she saw the way her brother made it his mission to get in the way of Sirius and Remus. She didn't say anything because he was her brother and she doesn't want to start a fight, not after getting him back.

Wanda silently peaks through the door of the Marauders dorm, finding it empty.

Swallowing harshly, the air was heady and warm, something was up.

Wanda hesitantly steps through the doorway, closing the door softly behind her. "R-Remus." Wanda calls out

There was a noise coming from one of the beds, making her gut jump. It was a deep rumbling, silent and intimidating. By the state of the beds surroundings, it was Remus's bed.

Softly dragging a hand on the wood, she gently pulls back the curtains surrounding the bed, finding a very sweaty brunette. His face was flushed and sweaty, his eyes closed, his mouth open and panting. His chest softly rumbling with every exhale.

Wandas eyes widen with worry. The last time she saw him this red and sweat, he was puking his guts. Wanda makes her way to his side and she gently places a hand onto his forehead. He was burning up. "God Remus, your burning hot." Wanda whispers

Remus moans, shifting in his bed, leaning closer to Wanda, pushing his head up into her hand, whimpering softly.

She sighs and she reluctantly pulls her hand away, standing. Remus's eyes open. The whiskey brown completely amber, startling the red head. "Wanda." Remus breaths, his voice deep and scratchy. "Hey." Wanda says, softly.

"What are you doing here?" Remus asks, completely forgetting that he took her wand. The fever through him off.

"I'm actually here to get my wand but I find you here, alone in bed, suffering. Who's taking care of you?" Wanda asks

Remus flushes further, shit her wand. But he chooses to ignore that for now, instead opting on answering her question. "No one, Sirius and James are off pranking Snivellus. Wormtail is off with his mysterious girlfriend. I choose not to say anything. I didn't want to ruin their days with my illness." Remus says

Wanda sighs, shaking her bed. "Okay that was very stupid of you, but I'll be right back. I'm getting you some tea, cold water and more blankets." Wanda says

Remus opens his mouth to argue with her but she shuts him up quickly, covering his head with his blanket, smirking.

Remus chuckles from under the sheets, pushing them down, licking his lips. Wanda looks at him straight in the eye, making something in him rustle in pleasure.

"I'll be right back, don't die." Wanda asks


Thirty minutes later.

Wanda comes tumbling into the room, sneezing wildly, her nose red and her cheeks flushed. Her hair was a mess and her face looked a little droopy with sleep. Remus attempts to sit up, growing worried.

"Sorry sorry, The elves we're extra attentive today and they wouldn't stop asking all these questions while attempting to feed me the tea, which I denied obviously. And I had to go to my dorm to get my blankets, which took forever, luckily I'm here and the tea is in one piece." Wanda says triumphantly, holding up an almost half empty cup.

Obviously some of it sloshed over.

Wanda makes her way over in a waddle and she dumps her blankets onto his bed and she makes her way to his side, placing the mug to the side for the moment, forcing him to sit up.

Remus eyes her in worry. "Wanda are you okay?" Remus asks, eyeing her flushed face. Wanda blinks owlishly at him. "Yeah why?" Wanda asks

Before he can speak, Wanda forces a water bottle into his burning hands, making him hiss at the sudden change of temperature.

"Where do you have this stuff?" Remus asks

Wanda brightens up and she pulls up her cardigan pockets, showing a bundle of bottles, some of water and others of medicine, inside was also snacks in case he gets hungry.

"Belt helped obviously." Wanda says jokingly. Remus smiles, heart speeding up.

Wanda suddenly wavers and she stumbles forward, Remus catches her in time, holding her up. With one hand he checks her temperature, hissing. "Wanda your burning up." Remus says

Wanda shakes her head, she felt fine earlier. "What no." Wanda grumbles

Remus tsks his tongue and he pulls her onto his bed, forcing her under the sheets. Wanda shifts and she presses herself against his side. Remus smiles and he covers them both with Wanda's blankets, inhaling her warm scent. "Seems like you caught whatever I had." Remus says

Wanda hums, finally caving and nosing her way to his neck. Remus closes his eyes and he hugs her close. This was nice, it wasn't what he expected to happen when he took her wand, but it was better then what he expected.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now