Fifty-Three • "No one hurts my family and lives. No one."

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"I Just Have To Say It Once

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"I Just Have To Say It Once. You Just Need To Hear It. I Love You, Elena."
-Damon Salvatore

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV


Pietro stood besides Wandas bed, reaching out and gently squeezing her hand, worried for his twin. Peter stood at the door, waiting. "Uhh dad said we have to go." Peter interrupts

Pietro sighs and he turns around and he makes his way out the room, ignoring the burning need to be besides his sister. It feels wrong to do this without her.


Great Hall.

All four houses were loudly enjoying their breakfast, chatting over their filled dishes, laughing as they told jokes, sneering at the other houses. It was a great morning, for everyone but Remus and Sirius. Both worried for different things.

Sirius was constantly worried about the disappearance on one red head, while Lupin was worried about the graphic fantasy he had last night. Remus was worried for Wanda, but he knows she can handle herself, he's seen it.

Lucius hadn't said anything since the encounter, he seemed perkier, nicer even, which was odd.

Sirius on the other hand noticed the dull look on Vickies face, she was obviously different but the same at the same time. It was weird.

Suddenly the hall settles down as Dumbledore makes his way to the stand. The older wizard clears his throat, smiling kindly. "Thank you, now I under this is unprecedented, but just recently we have gained a few more students and professors here at Hogwarts. You might've noticed the unfamiliar faces among you all. I'd like the newer residences to please stand as I introduce you." Dumbledore asks

Soon two forms stand, one broad and the other scrawny. The Marauders eyes widen in shock as they take in the almost identical male. "Bloody hell." Peter breaths

James mouth was open wide in shock, his face whitening. Sirius stared blankly at the side of the males head. What the hell. The twin of his best mate stood a few feet away from him. It was horrific and a little traumatizing.

"I'd like to introduce you all to Pietro and Peter Maximoff. Siblings to our lovely witch Wanda Maximoff." Dumbledore announces

Suddenly the whole room is filled with whispers, teens gossiping and gasping in shock. Sirius gapes quietly while James looks like he's ready to pass out from shock. Remus covers his mouth, holding back the gasp that was threatening to escape.

Dumbledore smiles, waiting for everyone to settle down. James turns to Lily, only to find her giggling to Mary, her cheeks red. James feels his face heat up in jealousy. He was really jealous over his double. James shakes his head, no he's not about to get jealous over his supposed twin. James glares.

Pietro winks at Lily, making her giggle and hide her face in her hair. James grits his teeth.

Peter rolls his eyes and he pushes Pietro to sit down. "I thought her brother was a yoga instructor." Peter whispers, pushing back his sandy blond hair back.

"Yeah I was wondering that too." Remus mumbles, still looking for Wanda. "Unfortunately, Wanda isn't here to welcome her brothers, she's been pulled away at the moment, but please give the Maximoff boys a great big Hogwarts welcome." Dumbledore announces

Everyone stands and clap, welcoming the two males. McGonagall motions for everyone to silence as Dumbledore goes to speak. "I'd also like to welcome two new professors." Dumbledore says, motioning to two men. Erik was the only one to stand, putting a hand onto the back of Charles wheel chair.

"Erik Lehnsherr will be taking the position of our very own Charms Professor, the former sadly resigned after twenty years working in our service. While Charles Xavier will be the new Potions Professor. So please welcome them to our family." Dumbledore announces

Pietro leans over to Peter, eyes on the glaring brunette, "why does that dude look like me?" Pietro whispers, yeah he's never shaving, "I have no fucking idea." Peter whispers, just as weirded out. Peter grimaces.



Pietro sits near the front, having been forced to by Erik just before the beginning of class. Pietro looked annoyed, his knee bouncing up and down, unable to sit still.

Peter was the same, but it was harder to control his speed.

"Welcome everybody, it's a great honor to be here today. I understand that it must've came to a surprise when your former professor left, but I am here to help guide you and mold you into powerful witches and wizards. For now, I'll be assigning a essay, you'll be going into detail on how time travel works and you'll be working in silence." Erik announces

Pietro rolls his eyes, of course he goes the easy way.

Remus looked confused. No one has ever really cared about time travel. It's never been brought up, especially in charms. The only other person he knows cares about time travel was Wanda.

At the thought of her, Remus glances at Pietro, who was practically radiating in his seat, feet bouncing up and down. He kept tapping his wand onto the table.

Why hadn't Wanda told him about her brothers, yeah she mentioned a brother before, but she said he was in America, implying he had graduated from school.

And why does the name Pietro sound so familiar?

"It's so eerie, I mean he looks exactly like James." Peter says intrigued, leaning over towards Remus. Remus hums in agreement, it was freaky but none of them wouldn't noticed if they hadn't lived with James all of Hogwarts. The silver hair and beard was a throw off, but his eyes and face shape was all James.

Peter on the other hand, shared some similarities with Pietro, his jawline, his eyes and his hair color. It was a little weird, his Peter and this Maximoff who was also named Peter.

It gets a little jumbled in his head, he's just going to call his  Peter, Wormtail. He doesn't know the other guy enough to give him a nickname.

Why didn't Wanda tell him. I mean before he told her how he felt, they were close, best friends even. How could she keep this from him.

Luckily Sirius was off god knows where, he couldn't deal with his commentary right now. Now that he think about it, where the hell is James.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now