Forty-Seven • "Luke I am your father."

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In honor of reaching 1K followers, please enjoy the next two updates. Thank you guys sooo much!!!!

"Would you like to hear my story, Bella? It doesn't have a happy ending – but which of ours does? If we had happy endings, we'd all be under gravestones now

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"Would you like to hear my story, Bella? It doesn't have a happy ending – but which of ours does? If we had happy endings, we'd all be under gravestones now."
-Rosalie Hale

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda makes her way through the long grey halls, her sneakers squeaking as she runs. Erik and Peter follow after her, in a slower speed. Xavier was close behind them, on his wheelchair, which was not as advanced as the one he had back at home.

Wanda comes to a stop in front of a white door. The room was numbered, 12. Until now, it didn't feel real, it still didn't.

Wanda pants softly, her blood rushing in her ears. Wanda slowly reaches over and without any hesitation she twists the door nob, pushing the door open. The room smelt clean, sterile. Something Pietro would've hated. No. He will hate. Wanda takes a deep breath and she makes her way in.

Wanda feels her heart jump.

Pietro laid still on the white bed sheets, his face pale, his chest rising and falling softly. He was asleep, peaceful. The blanket on top of him was thin and blue. Ugly.

Wanda couldn't hold back the sob that left her mouth, covering her mouth at the shock she felt. When she tried to bring him back, it was almost hopeless, a last ditch effort. But seeing him here.

"Pietro." Wanda whispers

"He's been on and off. The doctors are doing everything, but his bullet wounds are a mystery, they glow red, not blood red, your red Wanda." Erik says, he stood at the door. He hated seeing his first born in a such a vulnerable state.

Peter was already making his way into the room, sitting down on the chair besides Pietro's bed. Peter hasn't expressed how he felt on the whole situation, keeping everything bottled in, keeping his careless persona.

Wanda brings a hand up, smoothing it down his arm, feeling his ice cold skin. But it was not the temperature of the dead, it was just his reaction to the cold room. Wanda's crying was silent, listening to the beeping that indicated that he was alive, that he was here.

"It worked." Wanda whispers, something she did actually worked.

"Wanda what you did was dangerous." Xavier says, reading the crying teens mind, seeing exactly what she did, it played out so clearly, "get out of my head." Wanda says, shaking her head. She didn't need his meddling, not right now.

"It was dangerous but brilliant, you brought back the dead." Xavier breaths, moving besides her. "If you could do this, then you can find us a way home." Erik answers

"I don't care." Wanda whispers, sitting down on the chair behind her. She doesn't care about going anywhere anymore, all she cares about is sticking to her brothers side.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now