Thirty-Eight • "Hello, dear."

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"We don't have an anniversary or a song

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"We don't have an anniversary or a song."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Sirius watched Wanda adjust the headpiece of her costume, her mouth moving, but blood ran in his ears, unable to hear what she was saying.

It was hard to pull focus from the pure happiness in her eyes, the joy she seemed to emit from the moment. Sirius loved this side of her, it was a side he never got to really see.

Suddenly she's right besides him, having moved from the mirror, startling him. Wanda smiles, amused, she knew he didn't hear a word she said. "Come on, the others are waiting, and I want to show you off." Wanda teases

Sirius smiles, gently taking her hand. "Let them wait, I want to enjoy our time together, just the two of us." Sirius says

Wanda flushes as Sirius pulls her against his chest, just holding her in his arms.

Wanda closes her eyes and she burrows her face into his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.


Main Hall.

Music played loudly, almost deafening.

Remus mingled with James and Lily, talking and laughing, only to scoff when James began to flirt with Lily.

Remus can tell that something changed between the two, Lily wasn't rolling her eyes as much. And James was less obnoxious around the dorm, it was refreshing.

"Did we all just decide to go as a comic character?" Peter asks, walking up to them, his red painted lips stretching into a wide grin.

The three turn and they find Peter dressed as the Joker, he looked really good. "Ahh my old nemesis we meet again." James replied in a deep voice.

Peter chuckles, shaking his head. "Ahh Man Bat, how I've missed your delectable chiseled chin." Peter jokes

James looks unimpressed. "Really Man Bat? I'm Batman come on!!" James exclaims, offended.

Peter and the others laugh. "What?! It's something he would say! He's the Joker, James. He makes jokes." Peter says in a duh voice. James narrows his eyes at the green haired teen.

"He has you there." Lily teases

Remus laughs, shaking his head, only for something to catch his eye, more like someone.

Remus can feel his breath catch in his throat. Wanda stood at the door of the entrance. She looked beautiful. Perfect even.

Remus has never wanted something so bad in his life. Remus goes to tell her, to tell her how he felt for her. But before he can make that first step towards her, Sirius Black takes her hand, pulling her into his chest, laughing at something she says.

Remus's heart plummets to the ground.

"Awww they look so cute." Peter gushes jokingly, playfully nudging Lily who rolls her eyes. "I don't sound like that." Lily scoffs

Peter smirks, bouncing in his spot.

"What the hell is going on with Pads face." James asks, horrified.

"It was a last minute change, we didn't have a lot to work with." Remus mumbles

Wanda and Sirius walk over towards the four of them. "Wow you guys look amazing." Wanda exclaims "obviously." James boosts

For Wanda it was easier to stare at Piet-James face without being reminded of her brother every five seconds.

"Okay this is crazy the three of you are Marvel characters and the three of us are DC characters." Lily points out

"That's kind've cool, but really we're all just a bunch of nerds." Sirius teases

Wanda smiles, shaking her head. Wanda then turns to Remus. "What kind'v face paint did you use for Sirius's face? It's absolutely hideous and it needs to be destroyed." Wanda asks

Remus smirks. "I did do a good job. I used an especially pigmented paint, so it'll be a little hard to get off." Remus says, as an example, Remus takes off his gloves.

Sirius felt the blood drain from his face. Remus's hands were stained red.

Before anyone knew what was happening, Sirius let's out a battle cry and be lunges for Remus, making him exclaim in shock.

Soon the two teens are rolling around on the ground. "James do something!" Lily demands

Wanda watches in amusement. Peter had a smile on his face, coming to stand besides the red head. James smirks and before Lily can apprehend him, he joins in the fight.

This goes on for twenty five minutes.

Wanda was impressed at their stamina and commitment to the fight. But now they on the ground panting, lips bruised and eyes glossed over.

Lily huffs out a noise, grabbing Wandas wrist. "Let's get something to drink." Lily asks

Wanda smiles.


Besides the punch table. "Sooo....did you kiss him?" Lily asks, serving Wanda a glass.

Wanda lifts an eyebrow, slowly taking the drink. "You know?" Wanda asks

"Your missing the lipstick I put on you, and Sirius's lips are faded, so I connected the dots, lucky for you, Remus isn't so bright when it comes to relations between a girl and boy." Lily says

Wanda flushes. "Why is Remus a factor with kissing Sirius?" Wanda asks

Lily lifts an eyebrow. "Wow your a little oblivious, he's into you Wanda." Lily offers, she knew Wanda was into Remus and their attraction was obvious.

"Okay I knew telling you about my crush on Remus was a mistake, but please stop making things up to make me feel better." Wanda pleads

Lily smiles sadly. "I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't tell you the truth." Lily says



I'll be uploading Pretty In Red every Monday and Thursday.



Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now