Twenty-Nine • "Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist."

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"Time-Keepers? The Sacred timeline? Who actually believes this bunkum?"- Loki

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"Time-Keepers? The Sacred timeline? Who actually believes this bunkum?"
- Loki

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Seconds later.

"Okay let's shake off this sadness, it's stuffy and we are powerful witches, we don't do emotions, got it." Dorcas announces

Wanda smiles along with Lily. The three girls begin shaking, only to fall into fits of laughters. "Okay okay, come on, Halloween is literally around the corner." Lily reminds

The three girls go back looking at the racks.


Something catches Wandas eye, a certain someone. Remus Lupin. Her eyes widen in sudden realization, only to groan.

She promised Remus that she was going to go costume shopping with him, she completely forgot. Remus smirks when he sees the realization on her face.

He mock groans and he makes his way into the shop, standing across the rack staring down at her, smiling. "It's fine Maximoff, Lily told me she was going to steal you away for the day." Remus says reassuringly.

Wanda smiles. "Still I am sorry, I'm such a bad friend." Wanda says "Wanda it's fine, shopping is more a girl thing anyways, though I am not trying to be sexist, it's literally what Lily said, I promise." Remus says

Wanda chuckles. "Well now that you are here, why don't we look for a costume together." Wanda asks

Remus smiles, nodding.


Remus hums pressing the fabric against his chest, looking down at himself. Wanda was looking through the costumes, confused and concern from some of them.

"Wanda how is this one?" Remus asks

Wanda looks up once, not really looking, only to do a double take, her breath halting in her throat.



Avengers tower.

Wanda was alone in her bed room, seated besides the open window, in her lap was her computer, her thin fingers typing away, while she listens to the low hum of the television, which played her favorite sitcom, 'Dick Van Dyke.'

"What are you doing." Came a sudden voice, causing Wanda to shriek and throw her hands out. Peter Parker exclaims as Wanda's magic throws him off the windows sill. Wanda gasps and she peers out the window, watching Peter fall floors after floors, plummeting to the ground, only for the teenage boy to throw out a hand and web the side of the building, catching himself before he can slam into the ground and become a bloody mess.

Wanda breaths out in relief, relaxing back on her pillow.

Peter grunts as he climbs back up to her window, grimacing at the glare sent his way. Wanda had her legs tucked under her, with her arms crossed as she glares heavily at the fifteen year old boy. "Okay yeah I deserved that." Peter says

"What the hell is your problem Parker, you don't just sneak up on a Avenger like that, your lucky that you fall out of buildings for a hobby." Wanda sneers

Peter laughs nervously, scratching at his chin. "It's not much of a hobby Wanda." Peter corrects, but it only pisses off the brunette. "Okay I am sorry, but your like the only Avenger who is close to my age and I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with me." Peter asks

"I can't I have a essay due." Wanda says, motioning to her open laptop. Peters eyes widen. "Y-you go to school?" Peter asks "Well technically no, but Stark wants me to get a full rounded education, so he teaches me while he works, and he assigns me these essays." Wanda says

"That's oddly nice of him." Peter says "he's not that bad." Wanda says, smiling.

Peter returns the gesture and he fully enters the room incase Wanda decides to throw him out of it again. He makes himself comfortable on Wanda's bed, grabbing one of her pillows and hug it to his chest. Wanda sighs and she grabs her computer.

"You have a nice room, really down to earth, not exactly what you expect for the badass Wanda Maximoff, the red witch." Peter says "I'm not a witch." Wanda mumbles

Peter smiles. Peter grabs one of Wanda's teddy bears, it was a little Captain America. Wanda watches him, peering over her computer. "What about you? How does the Amazing Spider Man decorate his room?" Wanda asks

"Definitely better then this." Peter jokes, only to exclaim when Wanda uses her magic to throw him out of the window again.



In Remus's hands was a red and blue suit, a Spider Man suit. Wanda hesitantly reaches over and she touches the scratchy fabric. She looks back up at Remus, who tilts his head, waiting. "W-what is it?" Wanda asks

Remus's eyes light up. "It's the suit of one of my favorite comic superhero, Spider Man." Remus says

Wanda freezes, what.

"Right I forgot, your a pureblood, you have no idea what a comic is." Remus says "I'll show you one day, but pretty much Spider Man is a action hero, with these cool powers, like webs coming out of his hands, but he isn't a wizard or anything, these powers aren't natural, he was bit by a radioactive spider." Remus rambles, his face lit up.

Remus just confirmed her different reality theory for her, but for some reason parts of the hero's from her reality came with her to this reality. Wanda realized she was quiet for to long, Remus will get worried. She's going to ask McGonagall to help her get these comics.

"Do you think it will fit?" Wanda asks

Remus smirks amused. "These are all one sizes Wanda, we are wizards and we have resizing charms." Remus reminds

Wanda forces a smile on her face. Is she ever going to be genuinely happy again? Is she ever going to let go of this hurt?

She feels pathetic.

"Hey." Remus says softly, gently lifting Wanda's chin. Wanda purses her lips. "Are you okay?" Remus asks

"Yeah, I'm just worried about what I'm going to wear, pureblood remember." Wanda says

Remus smiles, moving his hand away. "Lucky for you, you have me as your BFF." Remus teases

Wanda smiles, genuine this time.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now