Thirty-Six • "I have nothing to prove to you."

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"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut

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"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut."
~ Nick Fury

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Wanda made her way towards her dorm, watching as girls ran around giggling at one another, gossiping about their dates, having fun, only to leave Wanda watching them with envy as she makes her way towards her singular dorm.

"Ms. Maximoff." A voice calls out. Wanda looks up and she finds Dumbledore standing just outside the Slytherin entrance. "Headmaster?" Wanda says confused.

"It's been a while since we've talked face to face." Dumbledore says "it has been....was there something you needed?" Wanda asks, shifting nervously.

Dumbledore smiles. "No child, nothing from you, I was just waiting for the head of your house, but I have noticed that you figured out your little problem with Bellatrix." Dumbledore says "yeah well we've came to a agreement." Wanda says sickly sweet.

It was amusing, watching the fear in the witch's eyes. "That's good." Dumbledore says with a hint of amusement.

Wanda hums, something was off with the man. Her magic pulsed, wanting to reach out and rip into his mind. The need was powerful but she hasn't entered someone's mind in months.

"Have you found a way home yet?" Dumbledore asks, "I believe I have, but I'm not getting my hopes up." Wanda says

Something in Dumbledore's eyes darken, concern marred his features for a split second, before his usual twinkle returned.

"Well I do hope that you find what your looking for, I wish you the best." Dumbledore offers

Wanda smile felt force as she nodded and continued her path to her common room.

Wanda turns one last time to peek at the Headmaster only to find him walking off with his hands behind his back, his cloak moving gracefully behind him, almost like he spelled it to move a certain way.

Wanda lifts a eyebrow, amused by the sight.

Wanda hums softly, a gentle Sokovian tune, only when she turns she bumps into a solid chest, making her stumble. Wanda quickly catches herself, her ankle twisting itself, causing her to grimace at the twinge of pain.

Wanda feels her throat clench at the painful throb that came afterwards. Wanda holds herself straight and she comes face to face with a unfamiliar male, who looks just as surprised to see her.

"Oh sorry." Wanda says, regretting on wearing the small heeled boots

The teen smiles, "it's fine, we both bumped into another.... I'm Scott by the way." Scott offers

Wanda eyes him for a second, something was off about him, it was just a feeling. A very familiar and worrying feeling. "I'm Wanda." Wanda answers "I know." Scott replies quickly, only to flush in embarrassment.

Wanda would've been a little creeped out but they lived in the same house, based off on his robes. And not to mention the fact that she was introduced to the student body when she first arrived.

Before Scott can say anything else, someone calls out for Wanda. "Wanda!" Lily calls out "sorry I have to go, it's nice meeting you." Wanda says

Wanda made her way towards Lily as quick as possible, her heart jumping when she can feel the males gaze on her. Wanda smiles at Lily.

"Hey." Wanda breaths

Lily smiles. "So what are you doing about getting dressed, because me, Dorcas and the girls are getting ready together. We are going to do each other's hair and makeup. And I was hoping you would join us." Lily asks

Wandas face lights up.

"Yeah I would love that, let me grab my costume and I will meet you at your dorm." Wanda says

Lily smile softens as she watches the excitement in her friends eyes, it also saddened her a bit. Was Wanda lonely?


Landon Liboiron as Scott ?
Slytherin? Wizard? Student?

Landon Liboiron as Scott ? Slytherin? Wizard? Student?

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