Twenty-Three • "I'm gonna have to rain check that dance."

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"I'm a witch

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"I'm a witch."
-Bonnie Bennett

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

In the Kitchens.

Remus hands Sirius a ice pack, crossing his arms as he watches Sirius place the ice pack on his red nose.

Wanda twirls her wand between her fingers, annoyed.

"What the hell Sirius, what was that?" Remus asks

Sirius shrugs. "It was just a harmless prank, I didn't except Wanda to full out deck me!" Sirius exclaims, waving a hand over at Wanda.

Wanda quirks a half smile at him. "What did you expect? A kiss on the lips and a slap on the ass?" Wanda asks "uhhh yeah." Sirius answers

Wanda rolls her eyes. "Were not in some comedy show, this is real life with real life disasters, I'm not a idiot, I am not about to die because I ignored the possible threat coming to me. And you deserved that punch by the way." Wanda says

"Gordric, your feisty today." Sirius grumbles

"And your a asshole, but we all have our crosses to bare." Wanda sneers

Remus was really into her right now. Like the flush of desire running through him could light up s'mores. He needed that ice pack.


Next day.

Wanda was walking leisurely through the woods, her arms filled with books, watching every step she makes, worried she might fall over the roots sticking out from the ground.

Wanda hums softly under her breath. "You do know that it is called forbidden woods for a reason." A voice echos

Wandas head snaps up and a red head stands across from her. "And yet, here you are." Wanda quips back

The red head smirks.

"She's a feisty one." Another voice teases

Wanda whirls around and she finds a identical red head. "Okay, this is getting a little creepy." Wanda says, eyes narrowing.

"Sorry dear, didn't mean to startle you, we're not perverts or murders, promise." The slightly taller red head teases

Wanda scoffs, shaking her head. "That's what a murder says, before they kill their victims, so I apologize if I keep my distance." Wanda says

The shorter of the two chuckles deeply. "I'm Gideon Prewett, and that handsome lad over there is Fabian." The short twin introduces

Fabian waves.

Wandas eyebrows furrow. "Do you always tell your victims your names?" Wanda asks

"It varies, I usually introduce myself to the especially pretty ones." Gideon says

Wanda chuckles, rolling her eyes. "I'm flattered, but please, I'm not interested in dying tonight, so if you wouldn't mind, I have a date." Wanda says

Fabian gasps playfully. "Already unfaithful love, I am hurt. Who is this mysterious suiter?" Fabian asks

"You wouldn't know them, but this certain lady is especially fearful of men." Wanda says "Ohh I think I have a idea of who you are speaking of." Gideon says

Wanda smiles. "Well it's lovely meeting you Wanda, but we can't keep your date waiting." Fabian says

"I've never told you my name." Wanda says "no need, your pretty famous back at the castle, especially after the stunt Black pulled punching that Slytherin in your honour." Gideon says

Wanda strains a small smile. "That's just great, not at all embarrassing." Wanda says

"Please! It was bloody awesome!" Fabian says

Wandas smile softens. "You guys aren't bad company, surprisingly for perverts." Wanda says

"Oooh that burns love." Gideon teases

Fabian makes a wounded noises, placing a hand on his chest. Wanda let's out a small laugh, shaking her head.



Wanda finally makes it to a lake deep in the woods, pausing briefly, to admire the beauty of the woods.

Wanda sets down her books and she reaches into her bag, pulling out a small blanket and placing it down onto the ground.

The brunette turns when she hears branches break, her lips spreading into a grin as a gorgeous unicorn makes their way through the trees towards her.

When Remus told her about the unicorns living in the woods she had to see it for herself. As a little girl, she always dreamed about owning a unicorn for herself, but that was very unrealistic and she grew out of it.

But seeing the horned horse, her childhood dreams came true.

Wanda smooths a hand down the horses maim, smiling softly, her heart aching, only to feel something slip down her cheeks.


Ignoring them, Wanda continues to pet the unicorn, only to start crying fully, her eyes blurring with a overwhelming amount of tears.

The pain she tried to push down was threatening to break her, trying to relieve her, but she couldn't let it cripple her.

Remembering her past hurt, but she wasn't going to let it ruin her.

The horse nudges her softly.

Wandas hands glow red as she pauses her hands on the horses body.

Memories from the horse pour into her head and calms her down, her heart slowing to a silent thump, thump, thump.

The horses presences causes a soft glow to surround them both, both supernatural presences mingling and warming them with their company.

Wanda smiles briefly.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now