Forty-Five • "Don't be what they made you."

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"My emotions make me strong

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"My emotions make me strong."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Scott guides Wanda to sit down besides one of the tall men, the other continued to stare, with something in his eyes that she couldn't quite point out. But his face was eerily familiar, but nothing was clicking. The one besides her stares at her with warmth and reassurance, his back pressed against the wall, his legs crossed.

The male besides her smiles at her, his fingers tapping against his glass of butterbeer. "Wanda, the stories are true, you are truly radiant." The man offers

"Thanks." Wanda says, hesitant, shifting in her place, the staring from the mysterious man and Scott was making her uncomfortable. Noticing, the kind man speaks up. "Sorry how rude of us, we haven't told you our names. I'm Charles, Charles Xavier." Charles introduces, a kind smile softening his features even more. That name was also familiar to her, like she heard it once before.

Wanda meets Scott's gaze briefly. Charles smiles. "And obliviously you know my lovely student here, Scott please introduce yourself properly." Charles asks

Scott smirks, leaning back. "My name is Scott Summers, but I go under the name of Cyclopes. I'm pretty famous back home. You might've heard of me." Scott says smugly.

Wanda stares at him blankly, his name was not ringing a bell. Charles chuckles. "He's one of my students, a mutant, like myself." Charles says

Wanda hums. Scott scoffs. "Really you haven't heard of me? Come on I'm like a hero! I helped saved the world from the apocalypse." Scott asks

"Wow you are really a smug bastard aren't you?" Wanda asks amused. Scott only shakes his head in disbelief.

The other two smirk. Wanda then looks to the last man she has yet to learn the name of. His eyes seemed to have lighten, almost expectant.

"And finally, this is my close friend-" but Charles is cut off.

"Erik, Erik Lehnsherr." Eric introduces, leaning forward, his eyes now completely guarded.

Wanda feels her heart drop to her feet. No. The air is knocked out of her chest. A wave of nausea hits her like a hot bag of shit. Shocking and unexpected.

Wanda breaths the words she has not spoken in years, words she was dreading to say.

This was the man who helped create and destroy her. The man she should love unconditionally.

The man who help shape her and her brother. She is the woman she is now because of this man.

Because of Erik Lehnsherr.


All the hurt and pain filling her heart. All the lonely nights without him, wondering if he was alive, if he was coming back.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now