Twenty-Six • "It's alright, you could never hurt me. I just feel you."

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"Do You Know How It Felt? It Felt Like That

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"Do You Know How It Felt? It Felt Like That."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV


The twins sit Wanda down back onto the tree house, crossing their arms, waiting for the brunettes answer. Wanda sighs through her nose, grumbling under her breath.

"My name is Wanda Maximoff, obviously, I am seventeen, and I've been seventeen for like six months-" Wanda is cut off "okay don't start bullshitting us, we know all of this already." Gideon says

Wanda groans. "Okay okay, this is a little hard to confess, but I will at my own will sound insane, but remember your both wizards and it isn't impossible. But I've been sent back in time in possibly a different alternate reality, where I don't know shit from, and I came from a worldwide war and we lost. I'm trying to find my way home, but I haven't found the answers I'm looking for. And all of this bullshit has to do something with the whole war thing and my magic." Wanda says

Both the twins were quiet, taking this all in. "I don't have a better way of explaining things without blowing your minds completely, I might be in the same reality, but because wizards know shit about muggles, I am stuck here until I am out of Hogwarts. And I have a feeling Dumbledore is avoiding me and my answers, so yeah." Wanda breaths

"Are you an alien?"


A few seconds later.

Fabian was crippled onto the ground, cradling his nose. While Gideon silently shuffles away from Wanda. Wanda grimaces as she flexes her fist. The ginger had a huge ass nose, damn.

"Okay you clearly weren't listening, I'll repeat myself once. I. Am. From. Earth." Wanda annunciates, baring her teeth with every word.

"Okay okay, not alien." Fabian moans from the floor. "I'm either in a different reality or timeline, and I have magic, obviously, but different from yours." Wanda says, her hands flaring up in example.

Gideon's eyes widen and he stares dumbstruck, yeah he saw it before, but it was brief, he was more worried about his dumbass twin almost dying. "That's amazing Wanda." Gideon says

Wandas face softens, her hands powering down, she looks down at her hands. "Maybe in another life." Wanda admits, but her 'gift' gave her the power to take lives, maybe not on purpose but they were still dead.

Fabian sits up, rubbing his nose once and a while, but he sits there and he takes in Wanda. All he sees is a broken girl.

"It does sound impossible, even to wizards like us who can actually do the impossible. But to us it seems like the universe gave you the opportunity for a second chance." Fabian says

"If I were a different person, maybe I'll take it, but I don't deserve a second chance, I had way to many of those." Wanda says

All the peoples lives she ruined because of her abilities were too long of a list, she knew all of their names by heart;

Tony Stark, CEO.

Aba Marlene, a health care worker, she had two daughters, Amara and Nala.

Nia Alidine, 30, a successful lawyer, she had the rest ahead of her.

Victoria Johnson, 17, daughter.

Micheal Miller, 18, intern from Starks industry.

That was a few from when she was working with Ultron, there was more from after she turned, the lives that were lost after her home was destroyed and left in ruins.

And then there was Lagos, the twenty-six lives lost in the explosion caused by her, 11 were relief aid workers from Wakanda, innocent people.

Wanda was given so many chances, ones she didn't deserve.

"Hey here's some advice I once heard from a very wise person: get your head out of your ass." Gideon says

Wanda couldn't help but smirk in amusement, that was definitely a first. "Live your life Wanda, you don't know when you'll go back, and I hope you don't, because if you came from a war you lost, I can't imagine what your going back to. So live your damn life to the fullest." Gideon says

"Those are mighty fine words, I've got to admit. I've never heard my brother spout out some wise as shit like that." Fabian admits, making Gideon burst out laughing.

Wanda smiles. "I know I sound depressing but I had a family guys, I was finally happy, and that was rare, for anyone like me. I was in love, I had a brother, a best friend and a father." Wanda says, eyes filled with tears, both from the memories of the people she loved-the good ones and the bad-and from the pain of losing them.

Loki, Bucky, Natasha and Tony. The Avengers were her family, even if it was a little screwed up. It was her family and Wanda was proud of them.

The twins look at each other. They don't understand how it feels to feel that kind of loss, not yet. They had each other.

Wanda stares out of the treehouse and into the woods, her hands fisting her dress. She wants what they have, she wants her big brother back, her twin, her person.

Pietro was always her protector.... and the one time he needed it, she wasn't there, she wasn't his.



Okay I know that the twins weren't the ones you wanted her to confess to, but all good things come in time, I'm so sorry.

Also I am sorry about the slow updates y'all, it takes me a awhile to actually write the chapters and I don't want to run out before I'm able to write another.

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