Fifty-Two • "You know I'm twelve minutes older then you."

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"He's Your First Love

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"He's Your First Love. I Intend To Be Your Last, However Long It Takes."

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Currently, with Wanda.

Wanda watches as her brother ducks away from the sorting hat, eyes wide with fear as the hat yells at him. McGonagall rolls her eyes, meeting Wandas, who was watching all of this with tears in her eyes. She was happy. McGonagall finally smiles.

Peter only laughs as Pietro speeds behind Wanda, who only rolls her eyes, laughing.

"Pietro, you have to let the hat do its job." Wanda scolds, Pietro tightens his hold on Wandas shoulders, "fine, but I'm staying here, just get it over with." Pietro says

McGonagall sighs and she walks over. Pietro only whimpers and he closes his eyes. Wanda smirks, he's definitely not going to last once he sees Headless Nick.

The Sorting hat hums, it's voice deep and contemplating. "Definitely cowardly, obviously." The hat mocks jokingly.

Wanda rolls her eyes, her brother was far from cowardly, he was the bravest person she knew. "Determined, loyal, chivalrous, and I am sensing a great sense of courage. That only leaves me with one option.....GRYFFINDOR!!!" The sorting hat announces strongly.

Wandas lips spread into a wide grin, twirling around and jumping into her brothers arms. Pietro laughs and he holds his sister close. "I have no idea what that is." Pietro laughs

Wanda giggles. "It's okay, you'll learn." Wanda says

Wanda pulls away and she turns to Peter who looks awkward and out of place, swinging his hands back and forth. Wanda gulps softly, nervous. Pietro was the brother she grew up with, he was her twin. But Peter was also her brother, and she has time to care for him, she has room in her heart.

Wanda reaches out, offering her hand. Peters eyes move towards her pale hand, his lip twitching. Peter hesitantly grabs hold of her hand, smiling.

McGonagall purses her lips, struggling to hold back her smile. The older witch moves towards Peter. Peter swallows harshly and he lets the witch move the hat over his head.

"Mmm, you are a very curious one, with a mind as quick as the first one, but you, your thoughts are disorganized and a mess." The hat hums "it's called ADHD, the speed doesn't help, but I think I'm doing a great job managing it." Peter rambles

The hat chuckles. "Your outgoing, brave and adventurous, I know the exact house you belong in....GRYFFINDOR!!!" The hat announces

Without any hesitation, Wanda pulls Peter into a tight hug. Peter smiles and he returns the hug tenfold.

Erik walks into the room, only to slow down in his steps, finding Peter and Wanda hugging. Envy eats at him.

"Now for you Professor Lehnsherr." Dumbledore teases, entering the room, glee filling his eyes. Gaining two powerful superhumans brought joy to the man, not to mention the teens.

Erik is startled out of his thoughts, not used to the title. Xavier smirks in amusement.


Freshly sorted Erik and Charles, the Maximoff family surround Wanda. "Are you sure your able to do this dear? No one in all of wizarding history can possibly do what you are saying you can." McGonagall asks, worried.

"Trust me, if she said she can do it, she can do it." Pietro answers

It took McGonagall awhile to get used to Pietro's face, it was uncanny, eerie. But the silver hair and the facial hair, no one will be able to notice the similarities between James and Pietro, hopefully.

"It's simple really, I'm just going to be pulling the power core from within them, it's easier then doing it to a human. My siblings are mutants, so is my father, they already have a powerful source to draw from. As for Xavier, he's opted out of my probing since he can manipulate the mind and allow others to believe he is casting the spells. This won't take long." Wanda promise

In reality, she isn't completely sure if this is going to work out. This is the first time she's ever attempting a spell at this magnitude. It's dangerous, but she can't let the others know.

"I'm trusting you Wanda." McGonagall says, softly, face filled with worry.

Wanda smiles.

"This won't hurt." Wanda tells the others

Wanda turns to her father, he was first. Erik watches with fear as Wandas hands light up, the red illuminating her face as she raises her hands from her sides. "Maybe a little." Wanda whispers, sinisterly.

Wanda tilts her head, her eyes completely red.


Finally done, Wanda was panting, her chest rising and falling, sweat building at the base of her head.

Pietro takes a hesitant step towards her. "Wanda?" Pietro asks, worried.

Wanda forces a smile on her lips. "I'll be fine, but we do have to figure out a way to change your accent. But that's a problem for McGonagall because in a few seconds I'm going to faint and I really need someone to cushion my fall." Wanda answers

Everyone's eyes widen. Quickly as lightening, Pietro catches his sister. Wandas eyes roll to the back of her head, passing out.


After a check up.

Wanda was peacefully asleep on one of the med beds, her head rested on the white pillow, her scarlet locks a stark contrast.

Pietro and Peter were at her side as Madam Pomfrey writes something down. Finally looking up, she gives them all a comforting smile. "Wanda will be fine, she just over exerted herself, the spell she casted was dangerous and extremely reckless, but she's incredibly lucky that she has a predisposition for this type of power use." Pomfrey says

Pietro turns and he glares angrily at his sisters sleeping form, she knew this was a possibility. "When will she wake up?" Pietro asks

Pomfrey sighs, lowering the clip board in her grasp. "I honestly don't know, it's up to her. Her body needs to regain the energy she lost during the spell." Pomfrey says

Pietro sighs and he runs a hand through his already messy hair. He can't do this without her.

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