Thirty-Two • "We are in uncharted waters."

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"We are an unusual couple, you know?" -Wanda

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"We are an unusual couple, you know?"

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Same day.

Wanda grimaces as Remus practically throws up his liver. It sounded painful. "Yeah that one sounded like it hurt, are you sure you don't want to go to Madame Pomfrey and get her pretty tasty potions?" Wanda asks

She was lying, her potions were disgusting, everyone in the bathroom knew that, no one more then Remus. "Hell no." Remus retches

Wanda sighs. "How did you get this bad? What did you eat?" Wanda asks, softly running her fingers through his hair.

Throwing up was part of the deal when it came to being a werewolf, it was rare but extremely painful and stressing to Remus's body. He was hoping in having a sleeping in kind of day. Definitely not this.

"I don't know." Remus whines

Wanda really wishes she can relieve Remus some of his pain, even just a little, but she can't use her powers under Sirius, James and Peters watchful gaze. She can hide it from Remus but not them.

"Okay drink some water, it will help cool down your throat and hydrate your body. You need it after the amount of liquids you lost." Wanda says, grabbing the water bottle Peter offered.

Remus pulls himself away from the toilet. The poor teen was pale and sweaty, with dark circles under his eyes, not to mention his hair was a mess, but that was the least of Remus's concerns.

Wanda uncaps the bottle and she gently tips the bottle to Remus's lips.

Sirius watched with envious eyes.

Wow, Sirius realized, he was really jealous of Remus right now.


Finally. Remus was in bed asleep, his fever broke and he no longer felt the unstoppable need to throw up. Wanda was seated at the end of the bed, her legs crossed as she silently reads. The rest of the Marauders were on Sirius's bed, painting Peters nails black. The four of them stayed incase Remus needed the help.

Wanda feels a small hum at the base of her powers. Wanda lifts her head, confused.

"Wanda." a voice breaths, it was male, warm, familiar.

Sirius looks up from Peter's hands, he finds Wanda with her head tilted and a far off confused look on her face. He smiles. Peter clears his throat, trying to catch his attention. Sirius hums, struggling in looking away from Wanda's face.


Wanda closes her eyes and she inhales through her nose, the voice in her head increases in volume. "I can feel your pain, I can help you." The voice coos, almost like a soft whisper against her temple, like a mother wishing it's child goodnight.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now