Seventy • "Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow."

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"To me, the very definition of the word 'broken' suggests that something can be fixed

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"To me, the very definition of the word 'broken' suggests that something can be fixed."
- Elijah Mikaelson

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Sirius sits awkward at the kitchen table of his charms Professors kitchen. He didn't think he would be lead here, he thought of Wanda and James, he thought he would be pulled in either direction. Not here.

Charles smiles, watching him, hearing his thoughts. "She's just outside, but before you leave to see her. Are you okay?" Charles asks, worried.

Sirius looks up, confused. Charles knows exactly what happened, but he needed the teen to open up to him. He couldn't help but fix what is broken. "What do you mean?" Sirius asks

"Well you did end up in my rose bush, thankfully Wanda casted a small spell that would stop it from pricking the skin." Charles says

Sirius sighs, still tired. He nods, not really processing what he was saying, He wasn't even letting what happened sink in, not yet. And he couldn't, he couldn't cry or mourn the loss of his deatheater family. Of Regulus.

"I'm just tired and I wanted to see her, she makes me feel better." Sirius says

Charles smiles, Wanda was his Raven. Charles can see himself in the boy. "Lucky for you, the garden is very private, and her brothers aren't here." Charles says

Charles was giving the green light for Sirius to be alone with Wanda, he was trusting him. Sirius smiles, he goes to stand up but he had one last question. "Professor, why are you and Wanda living in the same house?" Sirius asks

Charles chuckles. "She's my goddaughter." Charles says

Wanda was getting more and more mysterious. Sirius was coming to realize he barely even knew her. He wanted to fix that.


Sirius makes his way back, slowly opening the door. His eyes blink rapidly, adjusting to the sunlight. Sirius makes his way through the grassy field.

The teen slows down when he sees a very dirty Wanda. Dirt was smeared across her cheek and her hair was crazed. She looked beautiful. "You look cute." Sirius blurts out unexpectedly.



Wanda and Sirius lay on the dirty ground, holding onto each other. Wandas head was resting on Sirius's chest, her eyes droopy and tired. She had a satisfied smile on her lips. Sirius had a dopy grin on his lips, his chest rising and falling.

"That was better then anything I can imagine. It was perfect Wanda." Sirius breaths

Wanda hums, cuddling closer to Sirius.. "you smell good." Wanda hums, he smelt like roses and something else, something just him. Sirius smiles. "You too." Sirius whispers, kissing the top of her head.

Sirius feels his heart warm when he feels her play with his fingers, he brings both of their hands up and he kisses at the back of her hand, smirking when she giggles. "You know you have freakishly small hands." Sirius hums

Wanda makes a offended noise, staring up at Sirius who grins down at her. "Says the fucking giant." Wanda exclaims

Sirius smirks, leaning down and kissing her pouty lips.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now