Twenty-Eight • "We're in the endgame now."

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"You ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends!"- Loki

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"You ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends!"
- Loki

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Weekend, a few days before Halloween.

Wanda was nervous, she didn't have anything to wear for Halloween and she had no one to shop with.

She hated doing these things alone. Wanda huffs as she sits at the Slytherins table alone, resting her chin on her hand, pushing around her food. She would asking Fabian and Gideon but they already had their costumes.

They were going as scarecrows, their older sister Molly made it for them.

"Hey." A voice says

Wanda looks up and she finds Lily Evans standing in front of her, she had a kind smile on her face. Wanda sits up straight and she sends a awkward one back.

Lily chuckles. "Sorry if this is sudden but me and Dorcas were wondering if you had a costume already, because we were planning on going shopping so we were hoping you didn't." Lily says

Wanda feels her hope perk up. "Uh no, I don't have one." Wanda says honestly, "good because we want you to come with us. Because clearly you did something right if the boys took a liking to a Slytherin, now I want you to change out of your school robes and meet us at the Compound out front." Lily demands

Wanda smiles.


After changing.

Wanda wore her hair down, brushing it throughly, detangling every curl. After she got to every piece, she inspects the rest of her outfit, humming in thought.

The brunette wore cute little wedge heels and thigh high socks, which cut off just above her knees. She wore a nice black flowy skirt. She also wore a nice burgundy shirt and a black cardigan which was buttoned up.

Wanda felt confident in her choice of outfit, smiling as she stared at herself through the mirror.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, why wouldn't I want to show you off." Loki whispers, brushing Wandas hair off her shoulder, applying feather light kisses to her bare shoulder.

Wanda reaches up and she rubs her shoulder, a spike of pain hitting her gut before she pushes it alway, taking a deep breath.



Lily greets Wanda with a wide smile, greeting her like a old friend, grabbing her hand and tugging her along.

Wanda smiles as she finds Dorcas not that far from them. She was genuinely excited to go out for once.



The three girls make their way through the village, window shopping more then actually shopping, until they find a cute little store.

Lily smiles excitedly, pulling Wanda and Dorcas along. Wanda laughs, letting herself be manhandled.


While going through the racks of clothes.

"You know after their little visit to the Slytherin common room, Sirius came back looking especially happy. Do you know anything about that Wanda?" Lily asks, teasingly.

Wanda smiles, toying at a shirt. "It's not anything dirty, so get that out of your head....I really don't know how to say it without sounding like a lovesick girl, which I'm not." Wanda reminds

Lily and Dorcas share a look. Wanda looks just as smitten as Sirius. "God it sounds weird even to me, but we had some very innocent fun, and I tricked him just enough that I ended up tickling him." Wanda admits

Dorcas begins giggling. "You tickled him. Sirius Black!!" Lily exclaims, only to be shushed by Dorcas. "Awww that's so cute Wanda, Merlin I ship you guys so bad!" Dorcas exclaims

Wanda flushes. "It's nothing guys, I promise." Wanda says

"That's a bag of shit." Dorcas exclaims "Uh Dorcas it's a load of shit not a bag of shit." Lily corrects

Dorcas makes a Ohh, nodding, turning back to Wanda who lifts an eyebrow in question. "That's a load of shit Wanda, there is clearly something between you too." Dorcas says

Wanda chuckles as she corrects herself.

"Okay maybe, but I can't go there, as much as I like him I have to acknowledge the fat crush I have on Remus." Wanda admits, it was easy to admit, too easy, who doesn't have a crush on the gorgeous male.

Remus was every girls wet dream, rugged, hot, fit, intelligent, and the facial scar was a cherry on top. Not that she likes the fact that he was hurt, it just made him even more hot.

She would never make a move on Remus or Sirius, it felt wrong to choose. And there's so much chemistry.

Sirius was drool worthy, with long black hair, silver grey eyes, a dreamy smile and a amazing personality. He was absolutely perfect and she wanted to kiss the hell out of him. She knows she pushed the boy away, but after their shared kiss, she grew a hug crush for him, it was hot and powerful, there was so much heat between them.

And Remus, oh sweet gorgeous Remus, he was smart, and very easy to get along with, and he knew how to make her feel better, it was so hard not to want him after that dance. It cooled her nerves down.

It was freaking Sophie's choice.

"Okay yeah, that's definitely a halt to Sirius smooching." Lily admits "Sirius smooching." Wanda asks with a small laugh.

The girls giggle.

"I mean you have to choose Wanda, don't you want the loving." Dorcas coos, shaking her hips. Wanda smiles, shaking her head. "It's not just that guys, while I know Sirius has a crush on me, Remus definitely doesn't. And I don't know if I am ready for and I quote 'the loving?'" Wanda says, making air quotes with her fingers.

"What do you mean?" Lily asks "I already had one great love in my life and he's gone. And I can barely tolerate the thought." Wanda strains

Dorcas reaches over and she grabs Wandas hand. "It's okay to love him, but that doesn't mean you have to halt your life just for one guy." Dorcas says

Wanda knows, but he wasn't her only reason for hesitating. One day she's going home and it would be just cruel, to herself and to Sirius.

"It's okay Wanda, to be hurt, but if he truly loved you, then he would want you to let him go." Lily says

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now