Fifty-One • "I Was Feeling Epic."

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"It's Okay

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"It's Okay. We Met, And We Talked, And It Was Epic, But ... Then The Sun Came Up And Reality Set In."
-Elena Gilbert

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV

Sirius slowly pushes open Wanda's bedroom door, closing his eyes briefly when the delicious smell of her room hits his nose. He's only ever been in her room once, it was one his fondest memories.

Sirius walks further into the room, dragging his finger along the walls, taking in every painting and every picture. Sirius pauses at one of the paintings. It was of a male, he had silver hair and bright blue eyes. But his features struck him, it was almost identical to James. Sirius shakes his head, he's over thinking it.

Sirius lifts a finger and gently hovers it above the painting, intending to touch it. Before his finger can touch the paint, a red like force stings him, pushing him. Sirius exclaims, bringing his stung finger into his mouth. Sirius glares at the painting, confused. Sirius only rolls his eyes, he's not about to get jealous of a painting.

Sirius turns only to slam into a nightstand. Sirius groans, clutching to his stomach, before steadying himself. "Fucking hell." Sirius groans

Sirius looks down at the dresser and notices a picture, of him.

Sirius reaches over and he picks it up. He was asleep on the Gryffindor couch, with his arms crossed and his hair covering his face. He looked peaceful.

Sirius smiles, his heart jumping at the thought of Wanda keeping this. Sirius turns the picture around and he notices the text, 'It's been a while since I met you and I've realized that I have not given you a welcome to Hogwarts gift. Enjoy.'

The note was signed by one Peter Pettigrew, besides his name was a winky face. Sirius doesn't know if he should be disturbed or not. Sirius sets it down, before pulling open one of the drawers, on top was a emerald dagger, it was long and elegant. Sirius's heart jumps. Sirius reaches down and he grabs the handle, turning the blade in his hand, trailing a finger down the design.

He places it to the side and he touches the papers inside the drawer, pushing them aside, only to come across a drawing and a photo. The drawing was of a werewolf, making Sirius's fingers tremble. Did she know? The werewolf wasn't towering and terrifying like portrayed in the books. It's eyes were gentle and wide, in it's hands was a flower, which glowed red, vibrant against the black and white background.

Sirius swallows harshly and he moves the drawing behind the photo. In the photo was a man, his eyes were a vibrant green, intimidating. His face was cold and regal, with high cheek bones and thin pink lips. He was gorgeous. The image was a bit distressed, a few tears that were tapped up in the back, there were wrinkles across the paper.

Sirius turns the photo around, there was nothing. Sirius sighs and he places the image down. He really needs to stop snooping.

Sirius makes his way to Wandas perfectly made bed and he sits down, smoothing his hands through Wandas bedding. The sheets were a ruby red, gorgeous and soft. Sirius smiles, he likes the color red. Another thing they have in common. He loathes that she's in Slytherin but he can't say anything, he doesn't want to cause anymore problems.

He's seen her mad and he has felt her punch, he was not about to mess with her.


Remus sat alone in the library alone, bored, for once a book wasn't doing it for him. His mind ran with constant thoughts, worried for Wanda.

Remus leans against his chair, closing his eyes.


Wanda watched Remus, his head tilted back, his neck arched. His lips parted, his dark sandy hair a mess, fallen strands curled just above his eyebrows. Wanda makes her way around the table.

Wanda drags a hand up his arm and shoulder. Remus only sighs, leaning his head into her. Wanda hums softly. Wanda finally drags her hand to his neck, softly massaging his Adam's apple. Remus groans. Wanda grins, leaning her head down. Whispering. "Remus."

Remus only moans, bringing a hand up and griping her thin one. Remus pulls her around and has her sit onto his lap, lifting his head and opening his eyes.

Wandas green eyes stare into his darkened amber ones. Wanda completely straddles him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Wanda leans forward and she completely kisses him, moaning softly into his mouth.

Remus groans, clutching to her waist, his hands huge on her. Their lips move against each other's sweetly, their lips parting and their tongues meeting.

Remus can hear a pair of footsteps walk towards their table but he can care less, tightening his hold on Wanda, groaning into her.

Wanda doesn't react as a foreign hand touches her neck, moving her hair to the side. Wanda only whimpers as a second pair of lips touch her neck. Remus pulls back, only for his eyes to meet black ones. His face was completely stoic. Remus swallows harshly.

Sirius slowly leans forward and grazes his lips against Remus's. Wanda only grins wider.


Remus gasps awake, his eyes wide and filled with shock.

"What the fuck." Remus curses, wiping away his drool. What the hell was that!

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now