Five • "I Can Do This All Day."

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"Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out

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"Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out."
-J.K. Rowling

。.✦ ☾

Nobodies POV


Wanda quietly twirls her wand between her fingers, staring off, not focusing on one particular thing. McGonagall continues her rant about transfiguring a mug into a squirrel. Wanda knew she should be fascinated by the sight of it, but she quite literally shoots mist from her fingers. Well mist is a understatement, but she has no idea what else to call it. Wiggly-woos?

Wanda earlier spelled her quill to jot down her notes for her, keeping her left hand around the thin piece of wood, creating the small illusion that she was the one writing. If you looked any closer you would notice how flawless her wrist was. No bruise in sight, leaving no memory of Vision ever gripping her. But it doesn't stop her from feeling the pang of loss.

Suddenly someone sneezes loudly right besides her, making her head snap to the side. Startled.

A mousy boy sat besides her, his face purple from the amount of blood filling his cheeks. He looked embarrassed.

Wanda never found blushing attractive, but despite that, Peter was an attractive male. His eyes naturally wide and filled with wonderment and a constant fear. His hair a sandy blond, slicked to the side, styled perfectly. His nose full but narrow, it wasn't too big for his face. His lips were thin and pulled to a permeant frown, they were a pale pink, a color many girls envy.

"I'm so sorry." Peter rushes, if anymore blood filled his cheeks, he might've popped a vessel.

Wanda hums, her voice a little breathy from the miss use. "It's fine." Wanda says bluntly, she could care less. The brunette allowed her hand to move from her quill while putting down her wand. She reaches into her bag, grabbing a pack of tissues, holding them out to Peter. Peter's eyebrows raise towards his hairline, slowly reaching out for the fragile pack. Grateful.

Wanda gives him a small strained smile, looking down towards her notes, letting her hair fall and cover her pale face. Wanda grabs the quill with her right hand and begins writing her notes herself, finally paying attention to the lesson. Peter suddenly speaks up; "W-what's your name, I've sat besides you for a few months now and I haven't caught your name." Peter say

Wanda looks up again and she meets Peters curious gaze. "I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff." Wanda introduces, reaching out and offering her hand. Her father raised her to be respectful. Peter lips pull up towards a smile, grasping her hand, softly shaking it.

"Wanda? That's an exotic name, I-it's pretty. I'm Peter Pettigrew by the way." Peter says, pulling his hand back. 

"Nice to meet you Peter." Wanda says, a lump forming in her throat.

Pretty In Red • (Sirius Black/Remus L.) • Marvel Universe/Harry Potter UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now